Table of Contents

Prisoner of War Policy in the Abwehran Star Empire

This policy bill was submitted to the House of Representatives in the Second Quarter of year 260 of the After Freedom Era. It outlines the laws and treatment of all Prisoners of War (POW) that are required of Abwehran Armed Forces personnel. It also defines what a Prisoner of War is under Abwehran Imperial Law.

This policy is followed and enforced by the Abwehran Star Empire.

Prisoner of War Policy

This section defines and states the laws and treatment of and regarding Prisoners of War within the Abwehran Star Empire.

Article I

Article One of the Abwehran Prisoner of War Policy statement defines what a Prisoner of War is.

I.) A Prisoner of War is any Person(s) who are taken into custody by Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel.

II.) A Prisoner of War is any Person(s) who surrenders to Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel in times of war as defined and directed by the Abwehran Government under the Imperial Constitution of the Abwehran Star Empire

III.) A Prisoner of War is NOT any foreign civilian found in combat, any Pirate (As defined under the Imperial Constitution of the Abwehran Star Empire) or any Spy, Agent, or Operative of a foreign nation within the Abwehran Star Empire's borders.

Article II

Article Two of the Abwehran Star Empire's Prisoner of War policy states under what conditions Prisoners of War may be taken.

I.) Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel may take any Person(s) who surrender to them into custody as Prisoners of War.

II.) Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel are to exercise their discretion when in times of war (as defined by the Abwehran Government under the Imperial Constitution of the Abwehran Star Empire) and within a combat zone. They do NOT have to take a Prisoner of War should it endanger them unacceptably as defined by Section Three of Article Two within the Abwehran Star Empire's Prisoner of War Policy.

III.) Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel do not have to take prisoners when:

Article III

Article Three of the Abwehran Star Empire's Prisoner of War Policy states how Prisoners of War must be treated.

I.) Prisoners of War must be adequately fed, watered, sheltered, and cared for so that their bodies may healthily operate.

II.) Prisoners of War cannot be held longer than the remaining duration of the war as defined by the Abwehran Government under the Imperial Constitution of the Abwehran Star Empire.

III.) Prisoners of War who volunteer to do manual labor during the time of their incarceration are to be worked no more than half of a standard day on Abwehr, and only so long as it does not endanger their health to continue working. They may also cease to work on days of worship.

IV.) Prisoners of War who are paroled must submit to being tracked, guarded, or followed at any and all times of day at the discretion of the senior commanding Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel.

V.) Prisoners of War who commit War Crimes are to be given fair trial at the end of the war as defined by the Abwehran Government under the Imperial Constitution of the Abwehran Star Empire. At no time is summary execution of a Prisoner of War allowed.

VI.) Any Prisoner of War committing a violent act, or attempting to escape may be shot. Abwehran Armed Forces Personnel may defend themselves and others, and may prevent the escape of/from Prisoners of War.

Article IV

Article Four states the allowable punishments when any law as listed in Article Three is broken.

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