ASE/CSEIA Trade Agreement

:!: Defunct :!:

In accordance with negotiations between the Abwehran Star Empire and the CSEIA, both parties have agreed to the following articles.

  1. To ensure the prosperity and safety of the CSEIA's territory and facilities, the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) hereby activates 0.1% of the Weltraumflotte Reserve to create a dedicated security force, CSEIA-Defense Division (CSEIA-DD). They will act as a temporary security force until a small modern taskforce can be assembled for the duty.
  2. In the effort to build up the ASE's technology and industrial base to more modern standards in the known universe, the CSEIA pledges to train a select group of educators and scientists in order to begin introducing specific subjects needed for understanding the more advanced knowledge found in the universe. The CSEIA also promises to give the ASE the technical knowledge necessary to upgrade the current infrastructure in the Jaspis system to meet the industrial needs of both the CSEIA and ASE in future building programs. In addition, the CSEIA and ASE will commit further negotiations towards the introduction of more modern technology into the ASE. The Agreement will be amended once technology negotiations end.
  3. To assist the CSEIA in its industrial need, the ASE promises 40% of its current resource reserves as well as 10% of each mining cycle to the Center. Further more, the manufacturing corporations of Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer, Abwehran Imperial Yards, and Northern Manufacturing Corporation will allow the renting of factory facilities owned by said corporation. Anything needing to be produced in these facilities must meet standard Abwehran Safety Regulations before rental can be approved.
  4. To further assist the CSEIA, the ASE allows the CSEIA to build up to one permanent orbital structure and two planetary facilities for research purposes. So long as all research done by the CSEIA in the Jaspis System is available to the ASE. In addition, all potentially harmful research is to conducted in Orbital Facilties only.

This Agreement is considered valid once the representatives of both CSEIA and ASE have signed the document. This Agreement lasts forever until both parties agree on nullifying it.

Representative of the Abwehran Star Empire

Academician Cephei Rasalgethi

Vice Provost for CSEIA University Affairs