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Empress Cult

A relatively minor religion in the Abwehran Star Empire, but growing in popularity.


During the rise of Elisa Rosenthal in AC 170, a small group of Abwehrans saw the Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrid as a divine will made manifest. In those trouble times, anyone willing to go against the Verdienstorden was seen as either insane or god-like in fortitude. With her incredible charisma and political savvy, it was easy for many Abwehrans to look up to the woman as a deity. Such thoughts began to spread as the young hybrid survived every attempt upon her life and strive towards the freedom of all Abwehran kind.

As the After Conflict Era drew to a close, the Empress Cult had grown into a great underground cult who viewed their new Empress as a deity in flesh. Icons and books praising her name began to spring up rather quickly, which also drew quite critical comments from more secular circles. At first, Elisa seemed hostile to these thoughts, but as the Cult grew in size the Empress had no choice but to allow its existence or hypocritically break the Constitution she helped draft.

Even after the Empress' death, the Empress Cult still grew in size. Her 'death' was merely seen as the flesh passing on so Her Majesty could return to the Immaterium and watch over them as she had long before. The Imperial Family was seen as a piece of Elisa's soul left to guide her chosen people on the path of righteousness. While the Imperial Family isn't worshiped like Empress Elisa was, they are still considered divine in the eyes of the Cult.


Dogma and practices of the Empress Cult.

Empress Elisa Rosenthal

The First Empress of the Abwehran Star Empire is worshiped by the Cult as a deity who came down to Abwehr to guide her chosen people to their freedom. Seen as a messianic figure, Empress Elisa often denied any connection to the Empress Cult while she was alive. But that didn't stop many from joining the Cult to worship the Deity in Abwehran form. The main ideology of the Cult is that the Empress was a great being from a higher plane of existence that created the Abwehran people in her image. She then allowed Abwehrans free will and left to continue her work in creating the Universe. However, her attention was drawn back to Abwehr when the Verdienstorden became corrupt and malevolent.

Furious that her chosen were being led astray, the Great One left the Immaterium to be born as the heir of both Kingdoms. She would be raised among her chosen to acclimate herself to their ways before rising up and declaring that she would save them. Since she was their creator, it was only obvious the Abwehran people would follow her (that's what the Cult says at least.) It would be the Great One's guidance that would lead to the Abwehran Star Empire's creation.

Holy Scriptures, Iconography, and Documents

Items and groups of religious significance.

Crown of Elisa I

With the rise of each Empress is a different crown. Elisa I's crown is just a simple circlet of titanium with a coat of arms for decoration, but its simplicity is also what makes it such a prized Icon to the Empress Cult. This is mainly because it speaks of their Goddess' desire for her people to be humble and that no one individual is better than the other.

Path of Righteousness

Considered the Holy Book of the Empress Cult, the Path of Righteousness is primarily a guide on how to live a good, noble life under the guidance of the Great One. This normally includes stories and legends of the great Elisa I along with her actions before and after her crowning. It also includes a few myths on the creation of the Universe.

Imperial Family

The Empress Cult does not worship the Imperial Family, since they only consider Empress Elisa Rosenthal I to be their one true goddess. They do see the Imperial Family as the Great One's avatars in the Material Plane and see their guidance as the path towards righteousness.

Offices of the Empress Cult

Those who minister the Empress Cult.


Many soldiers of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) follow some religion or another, since the adage of 'There are no atheists in foxholes' is not a human-centric philosophy. But the Empress Cult is the only religion on Abwehr that has an active ministry within the Armed Forces. The Kaplan is a soldier first and foremost, since the Empress' Warriors do not need a man who can't fight, and a preacher second. Many understand the secular nature of the Abwehran Armed Forces and do not force people into the Cult. They do provide spiritual services upon the battlefield no matter the religion, since all Abwehrans are one under the Great One. They will listen to confessions, perform last rights, and even bless soldiers before battles.


Religious leaders in communities, Priester/ins perform all matters of ceremony for the general public.

Hoch Priester/in

The leaders of the Empress Cult, there is normally a Hoch Priesterin on each world. Hoch Priesterins usually lead ceremonies in planetary capitals and provide services for any who ask, but they are normally just administrators of the Cult.

Holy Places and Events

Locations and Events of religious importance.


Events of religious significance.


On the fifth day of the 27th month, legend speaks of the day Elisa I had an epiphany. The day the Goddess made flesh decided to begin her plans to save the Chosen People from tyranny. It was the day the Holy Empress-to-be began her crusade against the Verdienstorden. Many followers of the Empress Cult celebrate this day to commemorate their Goddess' Awakening of Purpose.

Crown's Day

The fifteenth day of the second month is the day Elisa was crowned Empress of the Abwehran Star Empire, which had thus become a traditional day of crowning new Monarchs as well. While every Abwehran celebrates this historic day, it tends to take on a more religious significance for those of the Empress Cult. Many followers celebrate this day in the form of great banquets dedicated to the Great One.

Day of Ascendancy

Many Abwehrans celebrate this day somberly as Elisa I's memorial day. Cultists celebrate this as a happy day, the day their Goddess returned to the Immaterium to guide them from afar. Many followers pray on the tenth day of the forty-third month because they believe the Great One has a greater connection to the Material Plane and can receive their prayers more clearly.

Places of Worship

Locations of religious significance.

Großartige Festung

The Capital of the Abwehran Star Empire, Großartige Festung is also considered a holy city to the Empress Cult because it is the location of Elisa I's Ascendancy.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/03/03 10:44 by Abwehran Commander.