Table of Contents

Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer Electromagnetic Propulsion Weaponry

Comprising the vast majority of infantry weaponry, electromagnetic propulsion weaponry is considered the standard.

Flechette Weaponry

Eletromagnetically-propelled canisters containing multiple sabot darts that are designed to spread out in a cone of damage.

FIC-01 Flechette Cannon A heavy flechette weapon that is either equipped by powered armor or used as a fixed emplacement.

Gauss Weaponry

Weaponry normally equiped by Powered Armor.

20mm Gatling Gauss Cannon A shoulder-mounted, rapid-fire cannon for powered armor that can also be used as a fixed emplacement.
50mm Gauss Cannon A shoulder-mounted Cannon used by powered armor.
GIR-01 Gauss Rifle The standard handheld weapon of Heavy Infantry.

Mass-Driver Weaponry

Weaponry normally equiped by Light Infantry.

Active Squad Automatic Rifles

MDS-01 Squad Automatic Rifle An automatic rifle design for suppression of enemy infantry.

Active Rifles

MDR-06 Field Rifle Standard rifle for Light Infantry.
MDR-07 LRAM Rifle A powerful, anti-material rifle used by marksmen.
MDR-08 Battle Rifle A versatile rifle with two magazines and the ability to be used by Powered Armor.

Active Pistols

MDP-04 Service Pistol The standard sidearm of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF).

Discontinued Rifles

Discontinued Pistols

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/13 09:33 by Abwehran Commander.