Table of Contents

Cleansing Way

A small cult in the Abwehran Star Empire that isn't well liked.


As old as Universalism, the Cleansing Way has declined since the beginning of the After Conflict Era. Their hostility towards Nacht Bewohners was bred from centuries of warfare with the Oberflächenbewohners and very few keep to the old ways after the unification of both species. The entire premise behind the Cleansing Way was the vilification of the Nacht Bewohners and the path towards annihilating them entirely. In today's Abwehr, the Cleansing Way isn't considered a religion even with the Empire's religious tolerance.


Dogma and practices of the Cleansing Way.

Basic Ideology

The Cleansing Way believes that the Surfacers are the true people of the Light, responsible for maintaining the purity of the 'true' Abwehran species. It is also their duty as Servants of the Light to vilify the Demons of the Abwehrans (Nightwalkers) and their cursed Abominations (Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrid). While most just prefer to use the demons and abominations to defend the homeworld, a few of the 'Faithful' want to purge Abwehr of their heresy forever.


The followers of the Cleansing Way don't have set meeting places or buildings of worship, not since they have been persecuted anyway. Instead, they form into small groups called Cabals and travel into the wilderness for their ceremonies. These groups are lead by Cabalists, who lead the weekly Cabal Unions.

Holy Scriptures, Iconography, and Documents

Items of Religious importance.

Book of the Purge

The only written text left in the Cleansing Way, the Book of Purge is a philosophical view (a very biased one) on many battles in the Great Conflict Era. Additionally, there are many stories on the faith of the true people and the rules of morality that are to be followed.

Dagger of Light

Specially decorated daggers of steel that are created in hidden forges, the Dagger of Light is a sacrificial weapon of choice for Demon Hunters of the Pure Sect. Many are arrested by the government for having them in their possession.

Holy Martyrs

Individuals of Religious Importance.

Richter the Demon Slayer

During the Great Conflict's Iron Age, Richter the Demon Slayer was an infamous Raider whom worshiped the Light. His infamy comes from his blood-thirsty raids into the subterranean cities of the Demons for treasures and sacrifices. He was martyred at the age of 24 AY when he raided the capital city of the Unterweldt.

Freya the Righteous

During one of the many Industrial Age Wars, Freya the Righteous was just a doting mother and wife. However, a Demon invasion led her down the path of Martyrdom as she sacrificed her lives for the Pure and Righteous people of her city.

Gandar the Gatekeeper

In a valley that was the main invasion route from the Unterweldt, a great warrior by the name of Gandar single-handedly held a major invasion force at bay for three weeks with just a militia of farmers until the main army could arrive. He martyred himself gloriously as he rushed the enemy general and slew him moments before being stabbed to death by the general's bodyguards.

Offices of the Cleansing Way

Those who minister the Cleansing Way.


Minister of the Cabal, Cabalists are elected from the group for their religious fervor. In terms of the different sects, this usually means Cabalists of the Pure Sect have murdered a Nightwalker or Hybrid in a sacrifice to the Light. Pragmatist Cabalists are elected for their knowledge of the Way's religious laws and teachings.

Demon Hunter

A special office of the Pure Sect, Demon Hunters are followers who have sworn the Oath of Purging. This means they hunt Demons and Abominations from the shadows, capture them, and bring them for sacrificial ceremonies.


The high Cabalist and Demon Hunter of the Pure Sect, the Inquisitor is hidden from society entirely as he plans the Great Purge. The Abwehran Star Empire has labeled his individual a domestic terrorist.

Lord Cabalist

The Lord Cabalist is the face of the Pragmatists and is often seen on late night video broadcasts trying to appeal to his fellow Surfacers and brethren that the Demons and Abominations should be used to serve the 'true people'. Many Abwehrans think of this individual as a hack to be tolerated because of Religious Freedoms, but some believe he secretly backs the Pure Sect. The Lord Cabalist lives in an isolated area of Abwehr to protect himself from vigilantes.

Sects of the Cleansing Way

Divisions of the Cleansing Way.

The Pure

The ones who believe themselves to be the true believers, the Pure are the most fanatic of the Cleansing Way. They are also on the Abwehran Star Empire's wanted list as terrorists. This could be because of the amount of kidnapping and homicide cases that have been traced back to them, which have all been carried out in the name of the Light.

The Pragmatists

Moderates of the religion, the Pragmatists at least don't go around killing random Nightwalkers and Hybrids. They are, however, still not very well liked and are often found annoying because of their constant video broadcasts.

Holy Places and Events

Places and events of religious importance.


Religious ceremonies and festivals.

Cabal Union

A weekly worship service that each Cabal does, the Cabal Union usually involves traveling out into the wilderness to commune with the Light. Many times sacrifices are made to the Light, though only the Pure make live sacrifices. The Pragmatists prefer to sacrifice effigies to ward off evil.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/03/03 10:39 by Abwehran Commander.