Unidirectional Gravitational Plating

Plating on the roof emits a pseudo-gravitational field that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'. This creates the false sense of gravity that permeates the ship. This is even more important with the added thrusters and the very dynamic nature of the ship’s navigation. Due to the added thruster systems which permit the Yggdrasillian ship to navigate asteroid belts and debris fields so swiftly and effectively, acceleration and jerk forces come to play quite often. Due to this, the UGP system has been completely overhauled, and given a dynamic range of force in multiple sections of the ship to counteract the erratic movement of the ship. The cargo boy and launch bays, which can contain all manner of cargo and vessels, have an interesting grid-like system implemented where several Gs of force can be applied to a specific object in the bay to fix it in place. Gravity can be lessened in a localized area as well as increased, assisting the moving of cargo. Due to the need of the UGP to operate effectively, and nearly simultaneously, with the ship’s Dynamic Thruster Drive, the interface between the UGP computer and the DTD computer is perhaps the most bandwidth-intensive on the entire ship. The Grapplers also possess components directed by both the DTD and the UGP system, allowing the movement of the ship to assist, rather than hinder, the movement of the grapplers. The results are fairly impressive.