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Ge-Y2-E3301 - Standard Starship Sensors

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

The Ge-Y2-E3301 was developed for use on the Ge-Y2-1a - Hanto-Class Starship and became available in YE 33.


This sensor package was developed to provide standard starship sensor capability.



Class: Ge-Y2-E3301 Type: Sensors Designers: Geshrinari Shipyards Manufacturer: Geshrinari Shipyards

The Ge-Y2-E3301 provides the following capabilities:

Long Range Sensors

Passive Omni-directional Sensors

Imaging Array

Active Omnidirectional Sensors

Multi-Band Radar

Unidirectional Sensors

Include variable wide-band imaging clusters, long-range gravimetric and magnetic resonance and distortion sensors and spectrometers. These sensors face the front of the ship and have a range up to five light-years.

Subspace Mass Detector

Subspace mass sensors instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects. The readings are used both for early warning and navigation when traveling at sub-light speeds. The readings are not very detailed and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg.

Mixed Sensor Array