Table of Contents

Pulse Laser Emitter Assembly

Made available in YE 39 as the killing half of FSCorp's line of pulse lasers. The emitter assembly can be built from a variety of components to achieve different effects.

About the Emitter Assembly

The emitter assembly connects to the power assembly and contains the emitter, lens, and alignment module along with optional cooling equipment. Along with the usual damage of a standard laser these also deliver secondary effects to the target.

Nomenclature Information


The emitter assembly resembles a rectangle with beveled corners and features a square lens. While its design is odd when compared to other laser equipment the designers chose this boxy style to fit more equipment into the assembly and offer room for extra equipment. Come YE 40 the design would change in a way that would simplify the maintenance, improve efficiency, and better protect the lens.

Weapon Mechanisms

These components are used in the creation of the Emitter Assembly.

Photo-gravitational Infusion Chamber

The component on all emitter assemblies that makes possible the fantastic penetrative qualities of weapons built from FMS Universal Pulse Laser Equipment. This device is integrated into the barrel and is non replaceable due to its permanant integration into the metal of the emitter. Rather than hit with brute force like other pulse lasers the weapons made by the Frontier Manufacturing Service are more refined and are intended to be used with precision.

The device works by generating a small, dense field of gravitons ahead of the laser pulse. The photons are captured by the gravitons and the velocity is perfectly transferred into the bonded particles by means of an undisclosed, proprietary method and the beam leaves the barrel tighter than ever. Upon contact the superheated, molten matter is pushed aside by the gravitons allowing the photons to continue into the item. This has created a phenomenon of laser pulses that do not stop upon contact causing them to penetrate deeper than usual and in some cases pass through the object it hits.


Emitters come pre-tuned in different wavelengths and cause intense, concentrated heat spikes at their point of impact that results in matter exploding apart. FSCorp classifies the red, blue, and green lasers made by FMS as civilian grade and sell them to anyone. The sale of ultraviolet laser weapons are restricted and are only sold to trusted buyers.

Damage Quickchart

Target Armor Shields
Red +1 DR Tier +0 DR Tier
Blue +0 DR Tier +1 DR Tier
Green +0 DR Tier +0 DR Tier
UV +2 DR Tier +0 DR Tier


These prices are specifically for the Emitters and mist be multiplied by the base tier of the chosen emitter:

Known Models


Alignment Module