Table of Contents

Revolving Grenade Launcher (RGL)

The RGL was conceived and produced by Zen Armaments in YE 37 to support their small yet powerful Launcher line of available weapons.

About the RGL

While power armor is able to pack an impressive amount of firepower, it has been noted that non power armored units lacked in similar munitions. The RGL was designed to allow a small non powered unit the ability to enhance it's fire base.

Nomenclature Information


The RGL is similar in appearance to a Revolver though much larger. The main grip and trigger sits behind the large swing out six cylinder feed. A short barrel extends from the cylinder.

Discharge Information

Ammunition Information

Ammo Quickchart
Type Damage
Smoke Grenade Special
Stun Grenade Special
Movement Restriction Grenade Special
Relaxant Grenade Special

Weapon Mechanisms



Replaceable Parts and Components
Optional Attachments
NAM Infantry Grenades Price Quickchart
Type Price (per Grenade)
Smoke Grenade 10 DA
Stun Grenade 15 DA
Movement Restriction Grenade 25 DA
Relaxant Grenade 25 DA

OOC Notes

Whitehart created this article on 2015/07/30

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: grenade launchers
Product NameRevolving Grenade Launcher (RGL)
ManufacturerZen Armaments
Year ReleasedYE 37
Price (KS)375.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 5
Approval ThreadLink