Language Translation Package

A quantum computing language translation package utilized by the MIKO Electronics Suite's SHRINE OS.

Mental Analysis Translator

Requires the subject to be on board the ship. Utilizes the SQUID Interface to translate neural electrical activity and language center utilization into common languages. This is not always successful as that it relies on the alien subject to have human-like brain structure and processing.

Heuristic Translator

Utilizes Heuristic Language software that detects patterns of diction, sentence structure and other patterning in language. It also compares similar language patterns from already existing languages within the database to extrapolate meaning and function. When possible it also analyzes body laungage to further translation efforts of more abstract meanings. The more the laungage is analyzed the more of it can be translated, once the Heuristic Translator figures out the patterning and structure of the language it is able to construct linguistic keys and translation software. This system generally is utilized in conjunction with communications systems.