Renewable Odor Munchers

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Manufacturer: Simmon Industries.

Manufacturing Status: Mass production (Nepleslian markets).

Nomenclature: SI-G1-1a

Suggested Price: 100ks


Sweat, bad dental health, and the dirt and grime that accumulate on even the best-kept uniform; these hobgoblins need be feared no more, thanks to enterprising Yamataian nanotech specialists. Not satisfied with a temporary solution to the problem of Nepleslian B.O., a more final blow is struck for cleanliness and pleasant olfactory experience with the advent of Renewable Odor-Munchers.

Description And Effects

Building on the technologies used in Simmon Odor Munchers, the renewable variant of the same is packaged in a metallic canister divided into three sections; one picturing a happy, smiling tooth, another a generously endowed Nepleslian female battling small odor-representing particles, and the third depicting the same woman happily firing a rifle into a cloud of airborne dirt.

The upper half of the can contains mouthwash, deodorant, and soap nanites, while the lower half contains a (rechargeable) battery for powering said nanites. The mouthwash nanites can be set to freshen the breath for up to two hours, and also act to clean the teeth. The deodorant nanites function identically to their non-renewable counterparts, but last up to seventy-two hours before needing a recharge cycle (usually while the malodorous subject sleeps). The 'soap' nanites are actually a general-purpose detergent equally capable of micro-scrubbing flesh, cloth, or metal, and can also be assigned to a persistent mode, protecting against grime and less savory substances for up to twelve hours at a time.

All three cleaning products are dispensed by pressing a 'dispense' button, located at the top of the appropriate section of the can; a measured amount is then poured into the hand and spread on the area to be affected, like a cream or unguent. A single dose of mouthwash is sufficient for completely cleansing a humanoid mouth. Deodorant and soap dosages are roughly birds-egg proportion; while this is usually enough for the underarms, in the case of soaping garments or similar larger-scale applications multiple doses must be used.

Ironically, the innocuous cleaning product works on much the same principle as Novacorp's Vial, since both consist of battery-charged purpose-built nanomachines.

While the price-tag is somewhat hefty, persistent odor-munchers can keep one's body and clothing clean more or less indefinitely.