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Shasta no Sekai Missile Launch Systems

Missile launch systems are a critical component of any mech or mecha. They provide a long-range, accurate, and powerful attack capability that can take out targets from a safe distance. These systems come in various sizes and types, depending on the specific needs of the vehicle and the mission it is intended for. In this article, we will discuss the different types of missile launch systems available for mechs and mecha, including small, medium, and large launch systems.

Small Missile Launch System

Small missile launch systems are designed to hold up to twenty-four Macromissiles. These systems are commonly found on most every mech and are ideal for taking out lightly armored or unarmored targets. Macromissiles are typically lightweight, have a low warhead yield, and are highly maneuverable, making them ideal for engaging fast-moving targets. Small missile launch systems are also highly mobile, allowing the mech to fire sustained barrages while on the move.

Missile count: 12-24

Medium Missile Launch System

Medium missile launch systems are designed to hold up to ten medium-sized 'Mega' Macro Missiles. These systems are typically found on medium to heavy mechs and mecha and are ideal for engaging armored targets such as other Mecha. Medium missiles are more heavily armed than small missiles, with a higher warhead yield, and are designed to penetrate armored targets. Medium missile launch systems are also highly accurate, with advanced guidance systems that allow them to hit targets with a high degree of precision.

Missile count: 5-10

Large Missile Launch System

Large missile launch systems are designed to hold up to three large missiles. These systems are typically found on the heaviest mechs and mecha and are used for engaging the most heavily armored targets. Large missiles are the most heavily armed of all missile types, with the highest warhead yield being the Devils Death Bell 'Unguided' Tactical Nuke, and are capable of penetrating even the most heavily armored targets or denying territory. Large missile launch systems are also the least mobile, with the vehicle needing to be stationary or requiring a weapons lock to launch them, but they are also the most powerful and can take out multiple targets with a single missile.

Missile Count 1-3