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Finger Pistol

The Finger Pistol is a single use, Niche weapon primarily designed for personal defense by the Shasta No Sekai corporation in YE 40.

About the Finger Pistol

The Finger Pistol was designed by the Shasta's World corporation under the orders of its founder and CEO, Shasta Archeletta for a simple, concealable weapon designed for use in her hobby as a bounty hunter. The end result after tinkering with the newly designed Micro Laser weapons system proved an appealing solution to that matter.

After a degree of trial and error the end result was less than intended but still fit the requirements after several attempts to make the weapon hold a charge or fire repeatedly caused a small detonation that removed an R&D testers forefinger and part of his thumb. More tests where made, this time using the weapon on manikin and false hands to the same result. The end product was a single shot weapon concealed within a moderately sized ring that drains an entire micro cell in one shot.

The product was then delivered and upon satisfying the Mad Mutant's request was put on the corporations sales catalogs for the simple price of 100DA.

Finger Pistol
Nomenclature: SW-W-W4
Purpose: Concealable Weapon, Self Defence
Price: 100 DA each
Manufacturer: Shasta No Sekai


The Finger Pistol appears as a simple ring made of unblemished titanium, That when a small button on the back of the head of the ring is pushed down with the thumb or another finger, Two small barrels protrude from the false gem of the ring and the ring begins to build a charge. The weapon fires upon releasing the thumb from the button fires the laser after a three second charge. There is no safety.

Discharge Information


Weapon Mechanisms

See Micro Laser


OOC Notes

Made by Charmaylarg on 4/24/2019

Approved on time here

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Product Categoriesweapons: other