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Terror Wolf Project

Incessant Howling-Unknown Member of the Strays, YE-41

The Shasta No Sekai Terror Wolf project is a series of armored mechanized frames which began development in YE 41 to aid the corporation in seizing control of the Freehold Factory system from rival salvage groups first, and to act as an at-loan weapons platform to rent out at a premium to those in conflict zones.

About The Project

The Terror Wolf project was first proposed not long after the companies founding and start of operations on Freehold, as many other salvage groups had taken up residence on the fallen spacer world and where less than welcoming of the supposed corporation claiming leadership of the planets heir or their claim to the entire world.

For several months the Strays attempted to seize underground salvage sites and factories against rival corporations but quickly found themselves outmaneuvered by many of the well paid mercenary groups hired by their rivals, as well as the various hostile drones and Deathcrawler tanks that roamed the planet's surface.

The solution to this was retrofitting a piece of manned heavy-lifting equipment that could work in the airless desert hellscape of the planet. Already rated for the intense heat and cold of the void, and armored to ensure the pilot's protection; The suits heavy lifting and cutting arms were replaced with hardpoints for weapons. And so the first of many mechs; the Sumeria Class Mecha was put into limited service with the corporation's security force.

Seeing success against their rivals but outclassed by multiple Deathcrawlers or the various automata of hostile spacers looking to reclaim portions of their own world against the wishes of its rightful heir; Multiple other platforms were made from fast and agile lightly armored mecha, to massive earth stompers with immense armor and devastating weapons hostile to some starships.

Army For Hire

With the proven success of the platform and the noticeably limited array of heavy weapons platforms carried by many Nepleslian mercenaries and private army groups, Shasta No Sekai offers up its mechs and pilots out to conflict zones1) by the orders of the Mad Mutant. Each rented mech comes with a pilot, logistical team, and mech who will fill out the terms of the contract to the best of the ability of a likely illiterate and half-trained mech-jockey belonging to the Strays. Extra payment for competent and fully trained pilots is handled first come first serve as they are in short supply until natural selection weeds out the incompetents. 2)

These pilots for hire, regardless of skill are called the Terror Wolves Of Freehold and operate in small mission customized mechs, often in packs of other corporation fielded mecha sometimes accompanied by small drone foot-soldiers or automated mecha in any variety of missions from:

Terror Wolf Mechs

Below is a list of all available mecha fielded by the company.

PageNomenclatureProduct BrandDescription
Pathfinder Class MechSw-Tw-1LLightLight class anti-armor mecha
Fire Ant MechSw-Tw-2LLightLight, Radioactive napalm spewing mech for war crimes on the go
Shasta No Sekai Lancer Class MechSw-Tw-3LLightLight Class anti-armor mech that fires armor-penetrating rocket drills
Dynamiteon Class MechSw-Tw-4LLightUltra-light anti-infantry mech platform
Flyswatter Class MechSw-Tw-5LLightLight-class anti-air Mech platform.
SnS Skirmisher Class MechSW-M10-1AMediumShielded medium class frontline combat mech.
SnS Highwayman Medium MechSW-M11-1AMediumMedium class weapons platform mech.
Sun Scorpion Class MechSw-Tw-1mMediumMedium class ambush mecha.
All-Terry Class Mecha TankSw-Tw-2mMediumHigh-mobility medium mecha tank
Moon Spider Class MechSw-Tw-4mMediumMedium class missle-support mech.
Shasta No Sekai Brawler Class MechSw-Tw-5mMediumPsuedo-heavy medium class close-range combat mecha.

The Rule of Mech Combat

Rules every stray should live by:

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2019/08/17 07:52.

Approved by Syaoran on 9/6/2019

or anyone who will pay
please note that any death of a pilot or destruction or damage of his/her mech while on contract, regardless of the means of death/destruction even by incompetence is subject to a charge of the mech and pilots worth plus interest varied by the size of the mech, class, armaments, and value. Often this is the full price of the contract and half again as much.