Table of Contents

SnS Super Mega Macromissiles

Super Mega Macromissiles are the largest and most powerful guided munition fielded by the Strays pilots of the Terror Wolf Project of Shasta No Sekai. They are large and rarely fit more than two or three per Launcher.

Thermobaric Missiles

Thermobaric missiles are powerful explosive weapons specifically designed to create devastating explosions through the use of a fuel-air mixture. These missiles employ a two-stage ignition process. Initially, they disperse a cloud of fuel particles into the target area. Subsequently, the missiles detonate, igniting the fuel cloud and producing an intense shockwave and high-temperature blast. The resulting explosion generates immense destructive force, causing widespread damage and creating a lethal environment within the blast radius. Thermobaric missiles are highly effective against enemy fortifications, bunkers, and enclosed spaces where traditional explosives may be less effective.

Cluster Missiles

Cluster missiles carry douzens if not hundreds of Energy Cell sub-munitions within a single warhead. Upon reaching their designated target area, the cluster missile releases the energy cells, which then disperse over a wide area.

Laser Cluster Missiles

A niche type of laser cluster missiles take a unique approach to target engagement. Instead of conventional explosive sub-munitions, these missiles fly up over a target instead of at it before flying straight down and Through the use of hundreds of small laser emitters push energy through a power converted that then fires a simultaneous operation of multiple lasers creates a barrage of laser beams like a disco ball of death that sweep across the ground, causing intense localized heat and damage as hundreds or thousands of beams of energy cover an area from above. This laser cluster configuration is particularly effective against enemy infantry, light vehicles, or soft targets that can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of laser beams.

Plasma Warhead Missiles

Plasma warhead missiles are a formidable weapon system employed by mecha to deliver devastating blows to heavily armored targets. These missiles utilize to create a superheated plasma explosion upon impact. The plasma warhead is capable of melting through armor and causing extensive damage to the target. The intense heat generated by the plasma warhead can compromise structural integrity, disable vital systems, and create a lethal environment for enemy forces within the blast radius. Plasma warhead missiles are ideal for engaging heavily armored mecha, fortified positions, or vehicles with reinforced defenses.

Kinetic Energy Penetrator Missiles

Kinetic energy penetrator missiles are designed to deliver a massive amount of kinetic energy to penetrate and disable heavily armored targets. These missiles utilize advanced propulsion systems to achieve high velocities, and they carry dense penetrator rods or projectiles. Upon impact, the penetrators pierce through the toughest armor, causing significant damage to the target. Kinetic energy penetrator missiles are particularly effective against heavily fortified positions, enemy mecha with reinforced defenses, or armored vehicles. Their ability to bypass or overcome sophisticated armor technologies makes them a formidable weapon in mecha warfare.


The Devils Death Bell 'Unguided' Tactical Nuke is a low-yield dumb-fired nuclear weapon fielded by the corporation.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/07/18 14:10.