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SnS Mirage Nanites

Mirage Nanites are an optical-based nanite swarm designed by Shasta No Sekai in YE 42 and released the very same year. Mirage Nanites are self-replicating nanites that together create images and patterns for a short-lived durration and are most often used by the corporation in its mechs as rapidly-deployed camofalgue using the nanites to take forms such as clouds of smoke, large rocks, hills, etc. And make up the avatars controlled by Fairy Ai.

Year of Creation YE 42
Designer Shasta No Sekai
Manufacturer Shasta No Sekai
Fielded by Strays, Terror Wolf Project
Availability Mass Production
Price 250DA Per liter


Mirage Nanites were first conceived in YE 42 as a simple low-cost to produce self-replicating nanite swarm intended to give Fairy Ai programmable nanites in which to form their avatars. Self-replicating in nature the nanites were accidentally given enough raw resources in their containment to over-replicate. Given larger containers and later used to great effect by the corporations Mecha as a result the corporation now has tens of thousands of gallons of Mirage Nanites in storage while the very recycled air in the factories and complexes on Freehold Factory where the corporation is based are mixed with the nanites to the point of allowing Fairys free-reign through the hallfs of its factories.


Mirage Nanites are seemingly invisible due to their size being too small to the naked eye. They are sold in pre-sealed containers ranging from single liter capsules effective for personal use in devices such as dispensers and grenades, up to one to twenty-gallon drums that can be deployed by vehicles or smaller mecha and powered armor.

Larger containers exist or can be filled but are not sold regularly.

Function and Design

The Mirage Camouflage System is an integration of self-replicating nanites, controlled by a either a Fairy AI or likewise pre-programed before hand with complicated forms in mind as well as remotely controlled via remote interfacing.

The Mirage Nanites are constructed from lightweight, durable materials that facilitate their self-replicating nature. When deployed, the nanites create a versatile cloud of optical camouflage, mimicking the environment or projecting complex illusions, including fire, plasma, and light as well as forms such as smoke clouds, rocks, debris, water, etc. Mirage nanites block IR and FLIR signatures from penetrating them and obscure their surroundings to not only the naked eye but also most advanced optics.

In addition to defensive capabilities, the Mirage System can be used semi-offensively by mimicking offensive elements such as fire, projectiles, toxic gases, or even explosions sans any actual damage or concussion. Compatible optics allow users to see through the camouflage, while those without see a convincing and impenetrable illusion.

Nanites can also be controlled via Remote interfacing, pre-programed forms, or controlled by an AI. The nanites on average unless constantly deployed last roughly one minute before they begin to dissipate. They can expand rapidly to cover up to one hundred square feet in a matter of seconds depending on volume.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/11/24 12:09.

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