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Advancer Iron Bone Enhancement

Created by Advancer Enterprises in YE 41 after a three year R&D period, the Advancer Iron Bone Enhancement is a special nanomachine treatment and implant that augments the user's physical strength and resiliency by combining bio-synthetic muscle enhancement with skeletal Durandium grafts. The treatment results in a human user who has no visible cybernetics, but is still stronger and tougher than the average human or Nepleslian.

How the Iron Bone Enhancement Works

The Iron Bone Enhancement is composed of two separate stages: the initial nanite injection and surgery to implant the nanite hive into the host; and the maintenance phase, wherein the nanite hive will maintain the integrity of the enhancements done to the human body.

The initial injection, as said earlier, is a combination of two kinds of nanites and Durandium in a microscopic powder. The Delivery Nanites transport the durandium directly into key areas of the user's body: the skeletal system, certain structural tissues, and muscles. There, the Surgical Nanites get to work on their part of the job: knitting a reinforcing flexible durandium mesh into the patient's skeletons and the tissues that connect muscles to the skeleton itself.

The second part of the job of the surgical nanites is to work on the muscles themselves: muscle fibers are reinforced and thickened, but more importantly are made more efficient in density, construction, and function. Altogether, this part of the process improves the strength of the patient to a level akin to some of the stronger transhuman species in the sector.

The second part of the enhancement is the Nanite Hive. Without the Nanite Hive, the treatment will only stay in effect for roughly one to four weeks, depending on the body's diet and metabolism.

Nanomachine Hive

For all of the added functionality and capabilities given by the treatment, over time the body will repair the muscles back to normal, and the skeletal system will eventually purge itself of the durandium. The Nanomachines that made the changes will be consumed and recycled by the body or flushed with waste. The solution to this is the implantation of a Nanite Hive into the host's body. Essentially, the Iron Body Enhancement's Nanomachine Hive functions the exact same as the hive used by implanted Homeostatic Nanomachines. Simple programming in the Hives and chemical triggers on the nanites themselves prevents the Homeostatic Nanomachines from seeing the Iron Body ones as enemies and destroying them.

A Nanomachine Hive is a specialized artificial organ, constructed using a mixture of tissues grown using the recipient's own genome and synthetic parts. Once implanted through a simple inpatient procedure into the patient's upper torso and connected into their circulatory system, the Hive will go to work. The Hive has two main functions when within the body: construction of new nanomachines using internal molecular assemblers; and the disassembly of old or malfunctioning nanomachines. The Nanomachines produced by the Hive continue to maintain the Iron Body Enhancement, recycling Duranium back into the skeletal reinforcements and preventing the body from reverting the changes to its musculature (A patient with the Iron Body Enhancement can still gain muscle mass the traditional way, this muscular tissue will also be enhanced). The Hive slightly increases the caloric uptake of the patient: much like natural organs, it receives power through the process of Cellular Respiration, which requires that the patient's caloric intake be increased by 5%. A patient may also need to regularly take small doses of specially prepared or powdered Duranium. The implant system also increases the weight of the user by around 40 lbs (or 18 kilograms).


Implantation of the Nanomachine Hive is achieved through a simple in-patient procedure. The patient is sedated first before their body is opened up. With the aid of Surgical Nanites, the Nanomachine Hive is grafted onto the recipient's Liver and linked directly into their circulatory system. The entire procedure takes roughly 2 hours, with four days of rest recommended afterward.

End User Effects

The Iron Bone Enhancement, once fully implanted and kept supplied, has a number of direct and side effects. Most of these effects are generally good, though some are downsides.




In general, the Iron Bone Enhancement system, with the Nanite Hive implanted and properly supplied with energy and powered Durandium will take care of itself. The Nanite Hive handles the maintenance and upkeep of the implanted system, meaning that the user does not have to worry about it. Actually upgrading the system, however, would require making a manual connection to the Nanite Hive and implanting new instructions to it.

Pricing and Damage Capacity

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/08/11 20:40.

Approved by Syaoran on 8/27/2019

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriescybernetics
Product NameAdvancer Iron Bone Enhancement
ManufacturerAdvancer Enterprises
Year ReleasedYE 41
Price (KS)3 ,000.00 KS