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Artificial Body

Artificial Body or AB is a service made by Psychopomp which utilizes their gene manipulation and cloning services to grow a body that can then have someone's ST data or original mind to be uploaded into.

More about Artificial Body

Artificial Body is a service that is an alternative to cybernetics. It was created with this goal in mind and perfected from its earlier stages.

How it Works

Using Gene Manipulation and cloning technology the DNA is mixed and manipulated so that the resultant body made from it will fit the specifications. After the body is grown it is checked to make sure that all vital signs and organs are working correctly before an ST transfer is performed through an injection as the vector.


The advantages of AB are that it allows a body to be tailor made to fit any requirements.


There is a small chance of rejection from the multiple strands of DNA not taking to each other and therefore the entire structure collapses and must be rebuilt from scratch. There is also the possibility that during the process the DNA might mutate and grant random effects to the resulting body or one sample that is added to the strand might overtake and absorb the other ones.

OOC Notes

Ace created this article on 2017/03/13 16:00. It was approved by Ametheliana on March 18, 2017: Approval Thread