OI-M3-3300 Ultraviolet Laser Node

The Ultraviolet Laser Node acts as a multipurpose weapon system, capable of engaging armored targets, or rapidly destroying incoming projectiles such as missiles. The assembly consists of a laser projector designed to fire it's ultraviolet spectrum beam into a specially built ball-in-socket turret, or node, which reflects the beam onto the target, rather than consisting of a standard armored turret which points the entire weapon system to aim. By having the node-like turret nearly flush with the surface, costs and resources are saved, and maintenance is made easier as it becomes more likely that the spherical node is all that needs replacing. It's rate of fire is variable; it may be used at lower rates of fire for more power per pulse, or at faster rates, trading off power; a beam mode is also available, and can have output scaled for use anywhere from anti-armor, to cutting. Due to the nature of ultraviolet light, the laser cuts or penetrates more than melting or burning targets, boring through objects.

Due to bloom caused by atmosphere, the effectiveness of the beam decreases with range.

Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel Secondary: Point Defense Damage: Tier 4, Light Anti-Armor

Range: 1200 meters Rate of Fire: Sustained Beam, 4 RPS, 10 RPS, 30 RPS Muzzle Velocity: 1c