The Type 1 UTC works upon the principal that at high levels of energy, the universal forces begin to merge and become one. This weapon unifies electro-weak and strong nuclear forces at energies in excess of 100 Tera-Electron-Volts, forming Electro-Strong force. The photons used as carrier particles in this weapon, once passed through the electro-strong field, have the ability to interact with strong nuclear force, and thus are able to disrupt the bonds between quarks, shattering atoms and releasing extremely large explosions as a secondary effect. A hit from a UTC will generally carry around 120 Yottawatts of energy damage, but this obviously increases due to the secondary explosions which are comparable to those caused by an M-AM reaction.
A UTC will typically take 20 seconds to charge for each shot, which consists of a short, concentrated pulse of energy. This is essentially invisible, but leaves shimmering trails on occasion as it passes through pockets of interstellar hydrogen. Each of the UTC’s is powered by it own Quantum Foam generator.
Location: Either side of the bow of the ship. Primary Purpose: Anti-capital ship. Secondary Purpose: Planetary bombardment. Damage: 8 Range: 6 AU (takes 50 minutes to reach destination). Payload Effectively infinite as long as the generators are activated. Rate of Fire: One pulse every 20 seconds.