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Night Guard Tactical Pants

The Night Guard Tactical Pants are pants used by the Night Guard beginning in YE 41 and first issued early YE 42. The Tactical Pants cost 200 KS and are available from the Mining Guild Supply Depot. It is a part of Night Guard Uniforms

Night Guard Tactical Pants History

The Night Guard Tactical Pants were introduced alongside the Tactical Shirt in late YE 41 and first issued early YE 42. Designed to replace standard issue cargo pants that were not durable enough for the rigors of mining security work. Since their introduction, the Tactical Pants have seen several updates, including the addition of more secure pockets and the use of more advanced materials to increase durability and comfort.


The Night Guard Tactical Pants are designed for durability and functionality. Key features include:


The Tactical Pants are a crucial component of the Night Guard uniform. They are worn with the Tactical Shirt and secured with a sturdy tactical belt. The pants should be properly adjusted at the waist and cuffs for optimal comfort and functionality. To clean and care for the Tactical Pants, they should be machine washed on a gentle cycle with cold water and hung to dry. Avoid using bleach or harsh detergents to maintain the integrity of the fabric. Both the Tactical Shirt and Pants are designed to provide the Night Guard with a professional appearance and the practical functionality needed to perform their duties effectively.

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