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Night Guard Officer's Tactical Boots

The Officer's Tactical Boots are boots used by the Night Guard Officers and Captains beginning in YE 41. The Tactical Boots cost 250 KS and are available from the Mining Guild Supply Depot. Night Guard Officer Uniforms


The Officer's Tactical Boots were designed and issued in YE 41, replacing generic combat boots previously used. These boots are specifically designed for the demands of mining security operations. Improvements include better materials for durability and comfort.


The Officer's Tactical Boots provide superior protection and comfort. Key features include:


The Tactical Boots are worn as part of the complete officer uniform. Ensure boots are properly laced and secured for optimal support and safety. For care, clean with a damp cloth and polish regularly to maintain the leather. Allow to air dry and avoid direct heat sources. This complete uniform ensures that Night Guard Officers and Captains are well-equipped and present a professional appearance while performing their duties.

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