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IIS-G1-U4 Bodily Waste Recycling Module

The IIS-G1-U4 is a survival module that can be installed on a IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus, or used as a portable toilet when adequately mounted. It can recycle bodily waste for usage in extended survival scenarios. It can also be used in exosuits, mechs or fighter craft as part of an integrated IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus do help deal with biological needs of soldiers. It is not a pleasant module to know you have installed, as in the back of your mind, you know exactly what you're eating and drinking.


The IIS-G1-U4 consists of two sets of carbyne tubing, which each terminate on one end with a cup-like entrance to the tube which come in various sizes. The opposite end of those two tubes is a black box. Several other, smaller tubes come out of the box which can be connected to the labelled ports on the IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus. An extra output tube is connected to a nozzle, which can produce odor eliminators. There is a universal power port on the box for external power, but the internal capacitor is pre-charged and effective for extended periods.


The IIS-G1-U4's two self-sterilising (microbe-killing and zero friction) entry tubes accept bodily waste from the front and rear of most living creatures with standard biology. These are delivered to the black box by sensor-activated suction. The “front” tube delivers to the top of the black box, while the “back” tube delivers to the bottom. The organisms within the box are only activated from their dormant state when there is waste to process and otherwise resort to hibernation. This way they can self-sustain indefinitely. The module itself uses so little energy that it can last for decades on a single Galactic Horizon Micro Core or other power, which can be connected via port to the black box.

The outputs from the box go directly into the IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus's connection to the operator's bloodstream. This eliminates the occupant's need to eat by providing glucose and other nutrients directly to their cells. All waste water is purified and recycled, meaning the only water lost is via persperation.

This can be mitigated by:

Internal workings of the Black Box

Organisms within the first chamber at the top of the box break down any liquid excretions into nitrogen-rich deposits and clean water. These are used to self-sustain the first chamber's organisms. The excess is sent through the second chamber in this chain, through a nanomesh filter, which provides both of these products to glucose-producing organisms. The mix of glucose and clean water is then passed through another nanomesh filter. This is fed through one of the output tubes from the black box, which connect back to the IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus.

Solid excretions are passed to the bottom of the box. In the first chamber there, the waste is sterilised a second time and broken down into a liquid. This is passed to the second chamber, in which nanomachines extract any undigested matter. Any useless matter is destroyed, with the useful nutrients being passed through one of the output tubes from the black box, which connect back to the IIS-G1 "Last Resort" Self-Contained Survival Apparatus.

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2021/11/05 13:57.

Approved here.