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Godwin Armories AM27 Anti-material Weapon

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More a crew serviced weapon then a traditional anti material rifle, the AM27 is designed to deal with light/medium targets on the battlefield. The raw velocity of the projectile makes it impractical to fire from anything but a fixed mounting, but gives it an effectively instant time-on-target out to the horizon. The AM27 draws most of it's destructive power from kinetic energy, impacting at sea level in excess of Mach 10.

Producer Information

Nomenclature Information

Discharge Information

Ammo Description

Weapon Mechanisms

Maintenance Information

Field Maintenance Procedure:

  1. Clear and safe weapon.
  2. Remove power cell and magazine.
  3. Open top of heat shield/coil assembly and remove accelerator coils.
  4. Check coils for obvious defects and clean any obstructions.
  5. Open check panel and ensure that power leads are not compromised.
  6. Clean contacts of battery and ensure that there is not corrosion.
  7. Reinsert accelerator coils and close and lock heat shield/coil assembly.
  8. Replace battery.
  9. Ensure that weapon still cycles.
  10. Replace magazine.

Replaceable Parts and components

OOC Notes

Kim created this article on 2017/10/31 23:17. This article was submitted by Kevyn in Jan 8, 2008 and was approved by Wes on Jan 15, 2008