Geshrinari Shipyards - Systems Maintenance

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

This is a modular component of the Geshrinari Shipyards - Spaceports design. This facility has dual roles; first and foremost, it supports the infrastructure for the spaceport. Power, networking, environmental controls, communications, sensors and gravity systems are supplied by this facility. The secondary role of this facility is the maintenance of said systems through out the spaceport. This facility can supply all of the power needed by the spaceport, with room to spare to allow for some expansion.

The Systems Maintenance is typically located underneath the Geshrinari Shipyards - Port Control component. Systems Maintenance consists of six levels, and each level is 3 meters high.

Level 0 Sensor and communication emitters are located here. Top of facility
Level 1 Control and technician dispatch Ground level
Level 2 Network and Computer level, Work shops Sub level 1
Level 3 Environmental Sub Level 2
Level 4-5 Power generation and distribution. Sub levels 3-4