Geshrinari Shipyards - Small Spaceport

Geshrinari Shipyards Logo A TC Company

This page provides the basic details for a Geshrinari Shipyards small planetary spaceport. Typically these are established on planets with relatively small populations and limited space traffic. Or they can be placed for local service on a planet that already has a large spaceport. Note that functions normally performed by entire components still go on at small spaceports, but instead occur at small offices or desks arranged near Port Control, rather than in their own dedicated facilities. Small spaceports still have Security and Customs services, for instance, but they do not have the full components installed.



==== Facilities ====
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:port_control|Port Control]]
  * 3 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:flight_pads|Flight Pads]] 
  * 2 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:service_berth|Service Berth]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:passenger_area|Passenger Area]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:cargo_processing|Cargo Processing]]
  * 1 [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:cargo_storage|Cargo Storage]]