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Superdoomer Orbitally Deployed Turret

“People need to start taking us seriously.” – Kastra Sarir, Rapid Assembly Divison engineer

The Superdoomer was designed to be the final word in stationary defense. It is deployed from high orbit via ballistic missile, where it seeks out it is destination and buries itself for cover. The turret array then pops up from the buried missile, and does it is business. Since this was designed to fight as a stationary object, the designers decided mass wasn't an issue and had the Superdoomer fitted with a small frigate-class reactor.

Statistical Information

Organization: CSEIA Type: Orbitally Deployed Turret Array Designer and Manufacturer: CSEIA Rapid Assembly Division

Length: 4m Width: 4m Height: 18m undeployed, 25m deployed Mass: 800 tonnes

Range: 1 AU with additional fuel pods Lifespan: 6 Mo. without maintenance, 10 years with.

Weapons Systems

CSEIA Pulsed Energy AMS: Afraid that a stationary system may be a prime target for air strikes, the Anti-Missile system was added. The AMS is actually based on several small arms integrated into a rotary chain gun, modified for increased output to better suit the large reactor of the Superdoomer.

CSEIA 20mm Coiled Autocannon: Rather than design a rapid fire, multi-barrel array, CSEIA opted for a single barrel, high powered rifle. The Coiled Autocannon can achieve extremely high velocities through magnetic acceleration, but it is maximum range is limited by the tracking software and sensors of the system. This system is to fill the 'up close and personal' fighting needs of the Superdoomer.

CSEIA 400mm Coiled Howitzer: This howitzer uses magnetic acceleration to lob tactical nuclear rounds at high angles. While the high caliber and mass of the rounds gives the weapon significant recoil and therefore inaccuracy, the collateral damage caused by the rounds is more than enough to make accuracy an afterthought.

Dual Ring-Turreted Phase Energy Cannons: Not much is known about the origin of the system, but these don't appear to be of CSEIA origin. However, CSEIA's 'no questions asked' policy applies both ways, so don't bother asking them where they found these.


Hull – CSEIA Energized Tungsten Armor: Deactivated when the shield systems are operational. This is the last line of defense for the Superdoomer.

Power – CSEIA Thorium Fission-Fusion Reactor: Fission-Fusion design that provides power for up to ten years without refueling.

Shields – CSEIA “Iron Curtain” Shield Array: Shield generator and capacitor system. By using the capacitor system the Iron Curtain can temporarily overcharge itself to a full fledged starship-class shield for up to 3 minutes. When running in passive mode, the system has a defense equivalent to that of a fighter-class shield.

Electronic Warfare – CSEIA “Blackout” Directed ECM Generator: This system is designed for defense against orbital bombardment. Using a directed ECM array, it can effectively disrupt the targeting of ships in orbit when they try to fire along the beam's path. Smaller vessels are unable to lock the unit, while larger ones simply suffer a hit to accuracy. Due to the considerable power drain of the system, the ECM Generator cannot be run in conjunction with shield systems or energy weapons.