
“I've always wanted to fly and leap through the air, but I don't have wings… however, I do have my latest creation, Springlines!” - Nick Herbert, Random CEISA Scientist

Springlines appear to be an average pair of calf-length black boots with .5 inch heels. Closer inspection yields that the heels can fold 1 ft away from the shoe with the aid of some well made hydraulics and retract just as easily. These are activated by either a button from a pocket-size remote control or by a spoken keyword (Usually default to 'Jump!', this may be changed by the user)

Regular Mode

The hydraulics are used to propel the wearer of the boots up to 3 to 4 metres into the air with a single jump. The springs stay out for the landing to cushion the user's legs, preventing injury. After this, the hydraulics retract and the boots return to normal.

Keep on Jumping! Mode

In this mode, the hydraulics stay out for as long as the user desires to allow a constant bouncing. This has also been reported to 'increase your stride and make ya run faster' according to a tester. This is deactivated by a spoken keyword or by the remote control. Users usually bounce 2 to 3 metres into the air with each step.

The boots have a second use as an aid for hand-to-hand combat, the hydraulics used for the jumps could make a pretty nasty imprint into someone's head as well as an extension of the leg.