Shinichi Deguchi

Shinichi Degushi is an NPC originally created by mizunoyoroko1).

Shinichi Deguchi
Race: Jiyuuian
Sex: Male
Height: 5'3“
Weight: 126lbs
Occupation: Member of Assembly


Shinichi was born on Yamatai, but his parents moved to Taiie for business purposes when he was young. As he grew up Shinichi went to school and lived a normal life, he achieved good grades and attended college. While in college Shinichi discovered his love for debate. Shinichi never was very good at being persuasive however, so when he was first getting started he found debates to be amazingly difficult. His senpai in the debate club realized Shinichi's lack of skill and assigned him to do the research for his debates so that he would be able to cover more ground. While Shinichi may not have been skilled at debating, researching information was something that came very naturally to Shinichi. Shinichi spent days upon days before debates endlessly pouring over books, magazine articles, and other resources about whatever the topic happened to be. Then the day before the debate he would correct his Senpai's mistakes on his papers, before the senpai rewrote the finalized versions. After the first few debates his senpai realized that, althouhg unskilled at arguing, Shinichi could be a magnificent debater just with the amount of knowledge he could acquire about a subject. Soon his senpai went about teaching Shinichi an alternative way to debate. What shinichi lacks in eloquence he makes up for in knowledge, Shinichi always tries to make sure he has the facts straight before he makes a decision about something. After Taiie was destroyed Shinichi was unsure what to do for a little bit, before he finally decided to change things. Shinichi joined a law firm as a research aide, and worked there until Jiyuu declared its independance. It was then that Shinichi decided to make a difference. Shinichi looked for a place whose population could use the support, leading him to decide on the Yuukan system.


Shinichi is an easy going kind of guy. When his interest is piqued about a topic it can absorb his attention, sometimes to his detriment. Shinichi is very passionate about what he believes, and he believes in the proper representation of his constituents. Shinichi likes to be seen as an average person though, and because of this he personally answers almost all of the mail from his constituents. Shinichi isn't very skilled at saying what he thinks, but presenting the facts aren't a problem to Shinichi, so he often lets the facts speak for him.

Character Data
Character NameShinichi Deguchi
Character Ownermizunoyoroko