Nishiki Toshiro

Served on the YSS Sakura.

Name: Dr Toshiro Nishiki Jr. General Information Species: Geshrin Gender: Male Age: 24

Family (or Creators): Mother, Sasho Nishiki, Father Toshiro Nishiki sr, Brother Keishin Nishiki

Employer: Star Army Of Yamatai Occupation: Doctor Rank: Itto Hei Current Assignment: If you don't know, leave blank.

Physical Characteristics Height: 174cm / 5'11“ Weight: 154lb /69kg

Build and Skin Color: Average Build Facial Features and Eye Color: a rounded face, large eyes rounded nose. Grey Eyes. Hair color and Style: Black Hair, well cut and trimmed.

Distinguishing Features: Appendix Scar, Tatoo on his chest of a small cartoon cat.

Psychological Characteristics Personality: Outgoing, Friendly yet dedicated, slightly easily exitable and impressed by most things. slightly gulible but extremely professional and Intent on doing his job.

Likes: Puzzles, Challenges Dislikes: Failure especially his Goals: No Major driving goals except to save lives.


Growing up Toshiro was a well rounded intelligent student with a bright future he picked up medicine as a choice of trade. Soon after leaving university he found out he'd need a lot more experience than he had to get into many of the leading hospitals. after being turned down seveal times dispite his impressive grades and graduating top of his class he found he had few choices. this is when one of his friends told him that the star army was always looking for doctors. he signed up a few days later mainly intent on gaining experience. he considers himself lucky he hasnt had that much of a troubling childhood like most have.


Communication: Toshiro is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Your character is fluent in English.He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.

Fighting: Toshiro received Basic hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. He is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons And is trained in include energy pistols, knives, and the most basic power armor.

Technology Operation: Toshiro, like all Star army personnel, is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Mathematics: Toshiro is well educated and has gained a degree of knowledge in Mathmatics including algebra and trigonometry. Medical

Medical: Toshiro is a doctor, yet he's gaining experience coming into the Star Army he's not an experienced doctor but he's a talented, capable of doing most jobs from basic first aid such as cuts and bruises, to basic surgery, he's a licenced medical practitioner and capable of treating even severe wounds. he's trained in the use of Star army medical equipment, but has no experience in healing lifeforms that he gained no training in. He's trained in field medicine aswell as classic medical treatment.

Humanities: Toshiro's training covered the basics of pychology and treatment of common mental ailments, picked up by the training he recived with the star army to include war based ailments such as shell shock, post traumatic stress and others. He isnt a expert in mental illness but he has basic training to pick up on and treat the signs of stress and fatigue.

Leadership: Toshiro is trained in operating a hospital enviroment, he's capable of but not experienced in running a hospital. he's capable of directing surgeries, following up on treatments and keeping the system of a hospital running.

Character Data
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Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusUnknown
SAOY RankIttô Hei