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Children Of Midori - 緑の子供達

The Children of Midori are characters that are a part of the Resolutions Of The Ghost plot currently, used as GM NPC.


During her time in captivity after a mostly failed raid on the Splorfin System during the First Mishhuvurthyar War, the Samurai Jo Midori was taken captive and held for a little over a year. During her time in captivity, she gave birth to several children who would later go on to become Nightmare Type Mishhuvurthyar after some time. The children, seven in total, went into hiding after the end of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War ended, and have begun to return after some time, infiltrating the already over stressed Tsubomi, First Expeditionary Fleet and Outer Colonies of Yamatai both undercover and in plain sight.

Details About Children Of Midori

The seven Children of Midori are Nightmare Type Mishhuvurthyar, hold overs from the Mishhuvurthyar that fought the galaxy at large, and have not gone through the change to become Nekovalkyrja as many of their kind did, instead hiding away and keeping themselves “Pure” as they saw it. They tend to look down on Nekovalkyrja, but understand they need to use them at the same time if they are to bring the Mishhuvurthyar back to prominence.

Jō Hoko - 情 誇

The eldest of the seven sisters, first born and seemingly in charge of the nest of Nightmares and the only Nightmare Interpreter Variant, Hoko's form takes the closest resemblance to their mother's. White hair usually done into either a ponytail or a bun, slightly tanned skin and a scar on her cheek that travels down her chin to her neck. Outside of her illusionary form, Hoko's bone plating is a deep crimson red, the same color as her eyes, as if to mock her mother.

As the leader of the group, she tends to be the mastermind and puts her abilities to good use. She gives orders at long distance to the other sisters within Tsubomi using her telepathy and communicates as she can to her other sisters, though that's not to say she isn't capable of outright cruelty. She takes her position as the leader seriously, though she tends to use subterfuge and corruption of one's will to her ways more than anything.

Jō Netami - 情 妬み

Netami is the second born of the group, a normal Nightmare Type Mishhuvurthyar though her illusionary form tends to have straight green hair and eyes to match, her face untouched by scar or blemish, and otherwise is a seemingly normal neko. Outside of her illusionary form, she holds blood red eyes and normal black plating along her body.

She follows closely in her eldest sister's footsteps, never truly far from her. While she doesn't exactly follow or mimic her sister, she does things in her own way for a chance to show she is just as important to their plans as her sister. She is far more intense in her pursuit of their goals than her other sisters, always pushing to gain more and more for their revival.

Jō Gekido - 情 激怒

Born third, but first in her viciousness, Gekido is a normal Nightmare, her eyes the same blood red as the rest of her sisters. Her form she gives to others, when she bothers, is of a scarred and battleworn Neko, one that proudly wears her injuries from the past across her skin. Two large block markings on her cheeks that match the black of her eyes show well across her tanned skin. And she always seems to have an overly aggressive grin on her face.

Gekido is far more aggressive and cruel than her sisters on a daily basis. She tends to attack and find torture and pain the most enjoyable out of the others. She tends to surround herself with people and situations that allow her to fully utilize her aggression, and at times can lose sight of their goals for the simple fact of wanting to indulge her needs.

Jō Taida - 情 怠惰

The middle child of the sisters, Taida looks much like her other sisters, basic in terms of her kind save for the red eyes. The form she shows others though, that of a Neko with long messy blue hair and black eyes, pale skin and a long neko marking that runs from just over her left eye, all the way down her body to her left hip. She always seems tired or yawning.

Taida always seems to be yawning, tired, or just generally bored. She is hands down the laziest of the group, tending to keep herself secluded from the others as a information gatherer, using a network her sisters had set up to keep tabs on everything, yet never really leaving her apartment, she is rarely seen outside of volumetric displays and conferences when they do meet.

Jō Akogi - 情 阿漕

The fifth born and smallest of the group, Akogi is yet another of the normal Nightmare, following her sisters in their red eye color. Her other form is one of simplicity. Less assets wasted on her form, more for her gains. Lithe and the smallest she can be in her form, Akogi tends to simply blend into the background for a Neko with straight black hair, black eyes and pale skin.

She uses her simplistic look to gain what she wants. She is a part of Taida's network as a spy, gathering secrets like they were riches and hoarding them until her sisters either beat them out of her, or simply gave her whatever she wanted. She tends to be a bit of a hoarder, feeling everything belongs to her and that no other should deserve to have it.

Jō Ōkui - 情 大食い

Ōkui is the second youngest of the sisters, and one that falls in line with the rest with simplistic looks in her true nightmare form. Red eyes and the standard coloration for the bone plating, she mimics her eldest sister in looks in her neko form with her hair longer in a ponytail, though has red hair and blue eyes. She has a single cheek marking of black against almost caramel colored skin which hides the marking a little.

Ōkui is ravenous for all things pleasurable, devouring whatever she can in terms of food, affection, sex and carnage. She tends to stick close to her elder sister Gekido, as she tends to enjoy the same things just in a different vein, and Ōkui feeds off that with sadistic intent. While she doesn't always get her hands dirty, she still revels in the rewards to the point of overindulgence.

Jō Shikijō - 情 色情

The youngest of the sisters, Shikijō tends to be one of the more involved members of the group in helping the eldest few in their plans. Normal coloration as a Nightmare, like her sisters she holds the red eyes as a taunt to their collective mother. The form she shows to others though is one of a voluptuous Neko, creamy milk chocolate colored skin and beautiful shining blonde hair and deep emerald eyes that seem to sparkle.

Shikijō tends to keep herself preoccupied with whatever fancy catches her eye. She tends to have trouble focusing on any one thing for long, her eye always wandering to the next thing she finds enjoyable or interesting, constantly desiring the newest things or people to be at her side for her to use, and always rewards those who work for her in the most intimate of ways, something they soon quickly come to regret, or love.

OOC Notes

Sageshooter created this article on 2020/02/12 17:27.