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N'kol Lamor

N'kol Lamor is a PC/NPC played by Pancakei.

N'kol Lamor
Species & Gender: L'Kor Male
Date of Birth: YE 32 (aged 13 IL)
Organization: L'Kor Military
Occupation: Infantry
Rank: Visitor
Current Placement:

Physical Description

Lamor is a below average height L'Kor (6' 2“) male with smooth, burnt orange feathers covering a light build. His beak is a dark charcoal color, and slightly shorter and stubby compared to usual, and his eyes are a dark navy color. His wingspan is about average, and provides flight capabilities.


Lamor is a free spirited individual on his own, and tends to be chatty and questioning. However, he is quick to become quiet and nervous under pressure. While a decent tactician, Lamor is often considered an iffy leader, and is considered cowardly when put under pressure, acting out of fear of reprecussion rather than honor.

Likes: Talking, spicy foods, the classic contrast brought about by black and white.

Dislikes: The color green, the Yamataian (Kuvexian) War, bitter foods, being shot.


N'kol Lamor was “born” into a large L'Kor family in mid YE 32, and had a rather noneventful childhood, but was never good enough at flight (or taking initiative) to perform any traditional walkabouts, a usual for L'Kor youth. While initially pursuing a career in tailoring clothes, R'Tor was drafted for military. Barely making it through boot camp, N'Kol Lamor eventually rose up to being a decent leader. He preferred staying on the back lines during most battles, under the guise of “tactical advantage”.

When the Yamataian/Kuvexian War started heating up, higher officials started revoking Lamor's leadership position, instead placing him in frontline combat to hopefully harden him up. Through these battles, Lamor gained an intense fear of Yamatai, specifically the intense ferocity of their military and L'Kor losses in battles.

Skills Learned


Lamor is fluent in K'Lor, verbal and written. He is also capable of deciphering some Kuvexian language.


Lamor is trained in hand to hand as well as ranged combat. He's a fairly good shot at long range, but falls short in melee combat.


Lamor has a passion for tailoring clothes, suits, uniforms and other fabric goods.


Lamor is lightly trained in on-site medical procedures, and is capable of taking care of wounds. However, he is not aware of or trained in many Yamataian medical practices or technology.

Inventory & Finance

N'kol Lamor has the following items:

OOC Information

OOC Notes

This NPC is heavily under construction! In the case Pancakei becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameN'kol Lamor
Character OwnerPancakei
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
Approval Thread…