Table of Contents


Species: Sourcian
Gender: Observed as Female
Age: 70 (Young Adult)
Zodiac Sign:
Family (or Creators): Unknown
Height: 6'5“ (195.58cm)
Weight: 195lbs (88.4kg)
Bra Size: N/A
Organization: Independent
Occupation: N/A
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: N/A

Lillius in Roleplay

Lillius is a GM Level - NPC played by Soresu and is currently involved in no active plots at the moment.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'5” (195.58cm) Mass: 195lbs (88.4kg) Measurements: N/A Bra Size: N/A

Build and Skin Colour: Lillius has the body of teenager and thus the physique of one. She is very lean and possesses very pale skin. She understands the basics of body-morphing and has been observed changing her body in ways particularly inappropriate for her observed age (hips, buttocks, bust, etc) in study of humanoid females (though this is very rare).

Facial Features and Eye Colour: Lillius is undeniably friendly in appearance, even as she does her worst. Her smile is disarming and appears very honest. From her mildly high cheek bones, pert nose to her pale rosy wet lips. She is even capable of seduction, her palette of expression freely moving from that of a child to that of an adult. Her eyes are a dull orange in color (a sign of captivity, flecks of amber and pale ruby breaking the coloration up. As of late, the dull color of her eyes have once again began to gain some luster to them, to look more alive.

Hair Colour and Style: Lillius has long, jet black hair. It is kept straight, and to the middle of her back with long bangs that frame either side of her face.

Distinguishing Features: When agitated or frightened, red markings can sometimes be observed around the edges of Lillius' eyes, cheeks and collar-bones. They appear comparable in many ways to Sol. Egyptian history. Lillius is likely the first observable Sourcian of the Lillius Amelliaus-Class. As it stands, she is an enigma to the only other Sourcian known, and commander of the Maras as Lillius is the first and last fully sentient/intelligent/sapient Lillius Amelliaus-Class to ever exist.

Hostile Env/Combat

Lillius has been observed to be able to achieve such a state in dire situations should her normal physical abilities be inadequate.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Lillius is a hunter, a born monster with the chosen form of a child. It is difficult to differentiate exactly which she is and which she isn't - one on hand, she is naturally inquisitive and capable of being very gentle - sometimes even inappropriately sensual. Other times, she is violent, cruel and surprisingly sadistic (which comes as a shock to many). This behavior can be put down to the frustration of her environment and dislike of her captors, often playing mind-games to spite them.

Particularly, she is earnest. She sees all and observes everything before making her decisions and is very very motivated, regardless of her chosen task (whether academic or butchering Occhestran guards and attempting escape).

Recent Developments: After the bonding to one, Tai Shichou, and the subsequent month they were together, the two bonded on more then the physical level. They bonded emotionally, as a result, Lillius, has come to consider, Tai as her mother. She has become somewhat calmer, learning from her mother, and those around her, curiosity, and naivete' that while it is shown initially, after sometime she comes to understand things in her own way are amongst the new traits she has shown.

However, as a result, Lillius has become prone to somewhat of a superiority complex, thinking herself the dominate female one could say of the ship. She can be angsty, rebellious to those around her, but remains unflinchingly loyal to her mother, even fearing the loss of the attention and love she shows her. The angst, the rebellious tendencies and her oddball personality are more or less a product of past misdeeds, and now trying to cope with positives instead of negatives, as well as the onset of Sourcian puberty.

Likes: Heat/Humidity, Learning, New Things, Sweets (Any kind) , Spicy Foods, Archaic as well as New Technology, Her Mother Dislikes: Most Humanoids, Bitter or Bland Tasting Meals, Sitting Idle,Cold Weather, Loud and sudden sounds or flashes, Goals: To remain with her mother, to find her home, and understand all that is around her.



Sourcian encounters around the outer-colonies for brief periods of time (no longer than a minute) are increasingly common - vessels jumping in before jumping out again (usually on the run from forces unknown). Originally, she was bonded to a small craft which did not survive the capture process when attacked and taken onboard a Red-Faction vessel of unknown registration. On extraction, she was then moved to an Occhestran research facility at an unknown location for further study.



Lillius possesses no training, instead relying mostly upon instinct. While she is capable of opening a fight and concluding it quickly, she can easily be overcome by anyone who possesses real experience. Particularly, she only knows by observation and is unaware of more advanced technique such as grappling, throwing and countering (or how to respond to such technique), relying almost explicitly on the power of her strike. It isn't clean, elegant or particularly neat but the frightening speed and power of her technique should be taken seriously, even by an experienced fighter.


Inquisitive and with extended experience with captors, Lillius has made a number of observations of humanoid alien behavior. Coupled with her basic hunter/gatherer instincts, she is able to plan strategically and understands the value of basic tactics (Divide & Conquer, use of surroundings, where targets are most and least likely to search and where they may congregate and group dynamics).

Applying this, she is especially adept with hunting, infiltration, identifying threats and what amounts to basic combat planning.


Lillius finds most forms of archaic/ancient technology fascinating, and even the newer technologies of the day. This, has somewhat led her to doing what kids do best. Taking things apart. However, she also tries to put them back together. A very rudimentary form of study to say the least.


Again, a bit much. It's worth saying she speaks Nepleslian and Lorath to a useful degree but is unable to express herself in it as we do with conversation mimicry. Can operate basic communications devices (phones, radios, etc) but has no understanding of phone numbers, frequencies, etc or standard procedure (SOS). She also has a grasp of military lingo, picked up from those around her.

Survival and Military

Basic survival techniques. Mentally is feral, wired like a wild animal - she is not tame and will hunt for food, look for water, is able to scavenge, etc. Lacks navigation skills and cannot tell time. Unable to start a fire.


Her blood is that of a pedigree soldier but she is unrefined and uneducated, being young. Possesses surprising stamina and can exercise bursts of impressive strength but is physically weak most of the time. Easily incapacitated if she's caught on the wrong foot (her technique revolves around hit/run and the element of surprise, making her quite deadly).


Inexperienced with shape-changing but is able to (with practice) copy the texture, color and caustics of most surfaces quite accurately, allowing her to blend in, provided she hides somewhere she won't be put to scrutiny. She has taken to copying the form and mannerisms of a child (being aware humanoids do not usually attack their own young). She is able to lie without a second thought and understands how to use her form (that of a child) to affect the decisions and actions of those around her. Thanks to nimble hands and an understanding of humanoids perceive the world, she can also exercise slight of hand. She is also capable of hiding small objects (keys, watches, even as large as a flashlight) beneath her muscular layers inside her body (unfortunately, the object is subjected to pressure, warmth and moisture, meaning objects like guns would likely not fire afterward).

Sweet Talking

Lillius is well versed in getting what she wants and has a particular form which makes many many tiny changes to her appearance. The net result is a slightly more mature body, hips somewhat wider and thighs better defined with more adult characteristics across her body (bumping her up from the appearance of perhaps twelve to a poorly developed 15 year old).


Lillius currently has no possessions.


Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
Nada Starting Funds

OOC Discussion

Will hopefully provide art soonish.

Soresu is on hiatus and has stated that this character may not be adopted.

Character Data
Character NameLillius
Character OwnerSoresu
Character StatusInactive Player Character