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Koenig Eissen

Koenig Eissen is an Abwehran Nightwalker on board the HMS Fearless. He was played by koenig.

Koenig Eissen
Species: Abwehran Nightwalker
Family (Father): Dennis Eissen
Family (Mothers): Emma Eissen, Tara Eissen, Ronja Eissen (Biological Mother)
Family (Brothers): Konrad Eissen, Rollo Eissen.
Gender: Male
Age: 13 Abwehran Years
Height: 6' 9''
Weight: 180 ilbs
Organization Weltraumflotte
Rank Obermaat
Occupation Sniper
Current Placement HMS Fearless

Build and Skin Colour

Like most Nightwalker males, Koenig is rather muscular, with his muscles evenly sized all over his body.

Facial Features and Eye Colour

Koenig has what would be considered a very strong face. His mouth is set in a permanent scowl, as a result of him of him living a very conflicted life. He sports a very strong and squarish jawline, and has a rather high forehead, reflecting strong Germanic features. Like all Nightwalkers, Koenig sports a pair of blue eyes, constantly hidden by a pair of heavily tinted glasses.

Hair Colour and Style

Before joining the Weltraumflotte, Koenig had jaw-length, black hair, fashioned with it slicked back. Upon joining, his hair was completely shaved off, leaving only a shadow of black indicating where his hair once was.


Working under a very tough father, while having to care for three mothers, Koenig developed a very “yes man” type attitude, in that all forms of authority are meant to be obeyed without question. However, this is an attitude that he takes up only while working or doing anything official, essentially whenever said authority figures are around. Because of his long history of purely working within his family, Koenig did not have the time to develop many social skills, namely, on how to be sensitive and diplomatic in dealing with others.


Women, Working Hard, Making a Difference


Monotony, Advanced Technology


Just to lead a interesting life. Abwehran Glory


Koenig can never say that he was born to a terrible family. However, he can also never claim to be born to anyone special. Like many families in Nightwalker society, Koenig grew up with multiple mothers, 3 in fact, each having a son of their own. His father worked as a laborer in an industrial plant, and as a result, his sons had to grow up strong and labor-minded. As children, Koenig and his brothers worked around the house, helping their mothers with whatever work they could, while balancing school work in the process. After each son passed their Coming of Age Ceremony, they were immediately put to work, conditioning them for a life of physical labor with their father. With his eldest brother very visibly suffering under the monotony of his father's job, Koenig swore to himself that he would not live such a life. Though not exactly excelling academically, he passed his classes with adequate marks, and dodging the rage of his father, joined the Weltraumflotte.


Fighting (Long Range Marksmanship)

During Basic Training, Koenig was observed during marksmanship trials to exhibit a deep level of understanding towards long-range marksmanship. Though not necessarily excelling beyond any member in his class, Koenig was given the opportunity to try out for the Sniper Program during basic training. Though he originally planned to be a simple Rifleman, this extra training cost him more time than he'd expected in Basic. Along with Long Range Marksmanship, Koenig was also taught basic skills in hand to hand combat, and the use of common infantry rifles.

Rogue (Stealth)

Introduction to Sniper school was a bit shocking for him. Before developing any sort of skills with the use of a Sniper Rifle, Koenig was taught, primarily, how to move stealthily in any battlefield setting. This included the usage of land terrain (hills, rivers, depressions in the ground, etc.) to be used as a tool in moving stealthily.

Military (Survival & Camouflage)

This idea was constantly drilled into Koenig's head during his training: A sniper isn't worth much if he can be seen. During training, his class was taught the basics of how camouflage is meant to break up the human form. The survival portion of his Basic Training taught him how to survive in the wilderness, with lessons taught to him by his Coming of Age Ceremony to further supplement training he received during Basic.

Tech Ops

An oddity amongst Nightwalkers, Koenig has shown little or no interest in the technical operation of star ships. As a child, his main focus was towards working with his father as a heavy laborer. However, Basic Training did well to hammer some Technical aptitude into him. As a result, Koenig is able to take control over starship weaponry, in times of extreme emergency. Though, he is very wary of his competence in such areas.


In spending the majority of his childhood time working around the house with his mothers, he had time to develop domestic skills. Particularly, he is very good with horribly dirty work. Cleaning toilets and plumbing are all natural for him, no matter how dirty and crusty they may be. He is also able to do his own, and other people's, laundry. However, he is a terrible cook. He cooks for himself in terms of “I don't care if it doesn't taste good, as long as it fills me up.”


Koenig has always relied on his physical strength to get the job done, instead of using any sort of intelligence. Working around the house for his mothers, and being conditioned to work for his father, Koenig is a very strong guy, easily able to hump a heavy pack for long distances. Basic Training only further augmented his abilities. During Sniper School, focus was placed on long-term endurance rather than over-the-top physical strength.

Maintenance and Repair

Repair should always be done on a sniper rifle by an experience armorer. However, as a sniper, Koenig was taught the basics, on how to clean out the barrel of his rifle after each mission, on what parts to lubricate and clean, etc. As a result, he has a level of competency in cleaning other weapons, as well.

Standard Issue Equipment


Personal Gear/Misc

Character Data
Character NameKoenig Eissen
Character Ownerkoenig
Character StatusInactive Player Character
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