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Sir Heimerich Lange

Sir Heimerich Lange
Species: Abwehran Surfacer
Gender: Male
Age: 47 AY (~166 EY)
Height: 6'5“ (195 cm)
Weight: 280 lbs (127 kg)
Occupation: Supreme Commander of Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF)
Rank: Oberbefehlshaber


A muscular and heavy set man with Tanned-skin, Heimerich appears to be 75 years old due to the wrinkles he has gained over time. With his stark, white hair in a crew cut and piercing amber eyes, Heimerich is definitely a site to behold when he appears in public, still looking as military as he was at the prime of his career.


During official meetings in High Command, Heimerich appears in his dress uniform that is pure white. The pure white dress uniform symbolizes that he is above all three branches since it doesn't have any insignia other than his rank pin and the Imperial Seal. For any other time, Heimerich dresses appropriately.



Born on the Plains of Grüne Hügel, Heimerich wasn't from a military family like many of his compatriots were. He was actually born on farm, to a family of farmers with no history of warfare at all. But as he looked around, he saw that chaos was still around him. News of pirates continued to plague those who lived upon Abwehr's surface. It seemed like every day, there was something dealing with pirates. Craving adventure and excitement, Heimerich boldly left his home when he reached adulthood and joined the Weltraumflotte as a Marine.

It was during the bloodiest time of the After Freedom era that he would prove himself for all time to be a soldier, the Pirate Wars. He served aboard one of the Weltraumflotte's Frigates at the time, a primer anti-pirate ship. During his assignment, he faced countless boarding actions and even a few planetary drops upon pirate outposts in the outer sectors of the Jaspis System. He eventually was pulled from the frontlines when he was promoted to the rank of Colonel. Not convinced he deserved to be placed in a training position most Weltraumflotte Marines were sent to in their higher ranks, Heimerich transferred to the Schirmherrschaft with a couple drops in rank, becoming a Law Enforcement Commander.

Again, he began to prove himself a capable soldier, and soon rose higher into the ranks. There was no choice then but to accept a training position then. Put in command as Commandant of one a training academy, he made an effort to strengthen the training program in anyway he could.

Due to his efforts both on and off the field in battle, Heimerich was knighted by the Empress and appointed to the position of Supreme Commander of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) . He has served in that position diligently and has refused to retire at the usual age of 43 AY, much to his oppositions' disgust.

OOC Information

This page was made by unknown on 2015/01/22 07:15.

Character Data
Character NameSir Heimerich Lange
Character Ownerabwehran_commander
Character StatusInactive Player Character