A great way to get unique, decent, and usable images for characters is to use image generator tools to make the images you need. AI art tools can often make a decent-looking image faster than you can draw them yourself they're great when you're not entirely sure what you want. You can also use your AI artwork as a reference for commissions when commission artists require image references.
There are two ways to make AI art:
The best service, as of this writing, is Midjourney, where you can get a plan for $10. You could also use Nightcafe which gives you some free credits if you visit every day, or DeviantArt's DreamUp.
Here's a list of AI Art sites.
Page Title | URL |
Artbreeder | artbreeder.com/… |
Waifu Labs | waifulabs.com |
MakeGirlsMoe | make.girls.moe |
Nightcafe | creator.nightcafe.studio/… |
Hypnogram (text to image) | hypnogram.xyz |
NeuralBlender (text to image) | neuralblender.com |
Artflow (Text to Portraits) | artflow.ai |
Wombo.art (text to image) | app.wombo.art |
Pixray (text to image) | replicate.com/… |
Craiyon (text to image) | craiyon.com/… |
Midjourney (text to image) | midjourney.com |
Mage.space (text to image) | mage.space |
PlaygroundAI | playgroundai.com |
DeviantArt Dreamup | deviantart.com/… |
You can also generate images on your own computer (or on Google's) by setting up an instance of Stable Diffusion.
Wes created this article on 2022/09/26 19:14.