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wip:weapon_limitations [2017/04/30 07:24] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation wesguide:weapon_limitations [2023/05/05 09:20] – [Loadout Example: Giant Robot Dinosaur] frostjaeger
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-====== Armament Limitations ====== +====== Weapon Limitations ====== 
-| :!**This rules addendum is currently //not// approved for implementation.** :!: |+These rules govern the quantity and quality of firepower available to the numerous [[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#mecha|mecha]], [[guide:aerospace_craft|small craft]], [[:starships|starships]], [[guide:ground_vehicles|vehicles]], and so forth within the Star Army setting.
-//The following is an addendum thatif approvedwould be an additional requirement of the [[guide:submission_rules|Submission Rules]].//+===== How much weaponry? ===== 
 +Usually, for infantrymen and [[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#power_armors|power armor]], this is self-explanatory... or at least easily ruled on. No one expects an infantryman or a power armor to dual-wield bazookas while carrying four spares on their back. For larger platforms such as [[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#mecha|mecha]] and [[:starships|starships]]howeverit becomes more nebulous. The rule we offer is: __a maximum of 8 On-[[guide:damage_rating_v3#tiers|Tier]] Weapons (OTWs) and a max of 2 Tier-Equivalent Weapon Groups (TEWGs).__
-These rules govern the quantity and quality of firepower available to the numerous [[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#mecha|mecha]], [[guide:aerospace_craft|small craft]], [[guide:starship_classes|starships]], vehicles, and so forth within the [[:about|Star Army]] setting.+  * Getting a higher-tier weapon costs 2 weapons of the tier below.
-=== Disclaimer === +  Getting a lower-tier weapon costs 1/2 of a weapon from the tier above.
-These rules **do not** address the following topics, due to the fact that we believe it is the job of the [[guide:submission_review|submission reviewers]] to determine whether or not submission is overpowered, not the job of yet more rules whose presence would only make it even more difficult for content creators to contribute to the setting+
-  * Area of Effect((For missile systems with a single launch tube and gun-based weapon systems.)) +  * OTWs can be converted normally into lower-tier weapons and higher-tier weapons.
-  * Ammunition Capacity  +
-  * Missile Velocity +
-  * Missile Sizes +
-  * Muzzle Velocity +
-  * Rate of Fire((For missile systems with a single launch tube and gun-based weapon systems.))+
-===== How much weaponry? ===== +  * TEWGs can only be converted into lower-tier weapons and can only contain weapons below the tier of the weapon's host platform more on this in the section below.
-Usually, for infantrymen and power armor, this is self-explanatory... or at least easily ruled on. No one expects an infantryman or a power armor to dual-wield bazookas while carrying four spares on their back. For mecha and starships, however, it becomes more nebulous. The rule-of-thumb we offer is: __a rough maximum of 8 same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] weapons as the unit carrying them.__+
-  * __Getting a higher-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] weapon costs 2 weapons of the [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] below.__ 
-  * __Getting lower-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] weapon costs 1/2 of a weapon from the [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] above.__+==== What is Tier-Equivalent Weapon Group? ==== 
 +[[guide:damage_rating_v3#tiers|Tier]]-Equivalent Weapon Group (TEWG) is a group of lower-tier weapons whose combined "purpose" (read: damage output) is equal to their host platform's tier. Consider, for instance, Tier 10 (Light Starship) vessel like the [[stararmy:starship_classes:yui_7_scout|Yui 7-class Scout]]. The following are just a handful of the combinations that would count as a single TEWG for the Yui 7:
-For weapons such as missiles/rockets/torpedos/etc., there's actually //two// rule-of-thumbs we offer:+  * 2 Tier 9 (Heavy Anti-Mecha) [[stararmy:weapons:type_31_secondary_anti-starship_turret|Type 31 Secondary Anti-Starship Turrets]] 
 +  * 1 Tier 9 (Heavy Anti-Mecha) Type 31 Secondary Anti-Starship Turret + 4 Tier 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) [[stararmy:weapons:anti-fighter_turret_type_31|Type 31 Anti-Fighter Turrets]] 
 +  * 8 Tier 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) Type 31 Anti-Fighter Turrets 
 +  * 6 Tier 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) Type 31 Anti-Fighter Turrets]] + 8 Tier 5 (Medium Anti-Armor) [[stararmy:weapons:type_32_medium_anti-armor_turret|Type 32 Light Anti-Armor Turrets]]
-  * The first applies to missile systems with a single "launch tube" and loading system for internal ammo storagesimilar to the torpedo tubes found on modern-day submarines: __each "launch tube" counts as a single weapon system and is calculated just like the above. Reloads do **not** count towards the maximum number of weapons mentioned above.__+A gun capable of firing Tier 10 (Light Anti-Starship) [[stararmy:weapons:ke-d7-w3200_mass_driver_gun#rounds_and_their_damage|300mm solid mass driver rounds]], however, would //not// be considered TEWG for the Yui 7-class Scout. It would instead be considered an OTWdue to the gun's ammunition being the same tier as the Yui 7.
-  * The second applies to missile systems with multiple single-shot "launch tubes," like the modern-day VLS (vertical launch systems) found on guided missile destroyers or the hardpoint-mounted missile racks and rocket pods found on modern-day military aircraft: __an equal-tier weapon is worth 8 single-shot uses at that same tier. Reloads **do** count towards the maximum number of weapons mentioned above, unless they (the reloads) take ten or more minutes to be "loaded."__+==== Notes ==== 
 +//The following are additional notes and errata for the rules described above.//
-Keep in mind that it doesn't matter whether you call the "missile" a torpedomissilerocketrocket-propelled grenade, or something else entirely. What ultimately matters is its tier - nothing more, nothing less.+  * **[[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#mecha|Mecha]][[guide:aerospace_craft|small craft]][[:starships|starships]]and [[guide:ground_vehicles|vehicles]] with more weapons than the recommended maximum of weapons may not be approved due to being too overpowered.**
-Here are a few final things to keep in mind:+  * For weapon systems that use ammunition with different [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tiers]]: the ammunition with the highest tier determines the overall tier of the weapon system.
-  * For weapon systems that use ammunition with different [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tiers]]: __the ammunition with the highest [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] determines the overall [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] of the weapon system.__+  * For weapon systems located in turrets (like the [[stararmy:weapons:type_31_secondary_anti-starship_turret|Type 31 Secondary Anti-Starship Turret]] or the [[stararmy:weapons:type_32_medium_anti-armor_turret|Type 32 Light Anti-Armor Turret]]): each individual turret is counted as a single weapon system, regardless of how many barrels or weapon systems the turret itself contains. The turret's tier is determined by the highest-tiered weapon system equipped on or within the turret itself.
-  * For a weapon system with multiple "components" (like the [[nepleslia:fortress_point_defense_system#charged_particle_beam|Charged Particle Beam Projectors]] and the two [[nepleslia:fortress_point_defense_system#missile_system|Missile Systems]] of the [[nepleslia:fortress_point_defense_system|Fortress Point Defense System]]): __each individual component counts towards the maximum of 8 same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] weapons.__+  * For missile launchers (like the [[stararmy:small_craft:kuma_t8_multi-role_shuttle:ke-t8-w3101|Mini-Missile Launcher Pod]]): each "launcher" is counted as a single weapon system, regardless of how many missiles it can carry or launch simultaneously
-  * For gun-based weapon systems located in turrets (like the [[stararmy:type_31_secondary_anti-starship_turret|Type 31 Dual-Cannon Turret]], the [[nepleslia:twin_plasma_turrets|Twin Plasma Turret]]or the //[[nepleslia:primus_battleship|Primus]]//[[nepleslia:primus_battleship|-Class Battleship's]] [[nepleslia:primus_battleship#primary|Quadruple Plasma Lance Cannon Turret]]): __each individual turret can only contain only one kind of weapon system and can have at most four "barrels." Any additional weapon systems located on or in the turret are considered to be "components" and are counted using the above rule.__+  * Bombs and torpedoes deployed from a small craft’s hardpoints (like the [[stararmy:weapons:ammunition:ke-z1_series_anti-starship_torpedoes|Anti-Starship Torpedoes]] launched from a [[stararmy:small_craft:ke-v9_nodachi_assault_fighter|"Nodachi" Assault Fighter's]] hardpoints or the [[stararmy:weapons:ammunition:ke-z2|Strategic Aether Bombs]] dropped from a [[stararmy:small_craft:ke_v10_mamushi_multirole_fighter|"Mamushi" Multirole Starfighter's]] hardpointsdo not count towards the weapon limits described in the previous sections.
-  * For weapon systems located internally in and/or externally mounted on [[guide:damage_rating_v3#armor|shields]]: __these weapon systems count towards the maximum of 8 same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] weapons and are subject to the rules listed above.__+===== Loadout Example: Giant Robot Dinosaur ===== 
 +Let's say that I'm an evil [[faction:mishhuvurthyar:advanced|Mishhuvurthyar]] villain recently freed from imprisonment on [[planet:yamatai#orbital|Luna Bianca]] who has decided to create an 80-meter-tall Giant Robot Dinosaur so that I can wreak chaos, havoc, destruction, and despair upon the unsuspecting residents of [[places:kyoto|Kyoto City]].
-  * For missile systems that fire "hostmissiles containing submunitions, such as [[WP>Multiple_independently_targetable_reentry_vehicle|MIRVs]]:((Multiple Independently-Targetable Re-Entry Vehicles)__these are considered to be missile systems with multiple single-shot "launch tubes" and are counted as suchregardless of how the "host" missile" is launched.__+Given that 80-meter-tall units fit under the "Light Starship([[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10category according to [[guide:damage_rating_v3#what_size_do_i_fit_in|this chart]]I can have:
-==== Loadout Example: Type 12000 Giant Robot Dinosaur ==== +  * 8 Tier 10 (Light Anti-Starship) Weapons
-Let's say that I'm an evil [[faction:mishhuvurthyar:advanced|Mishhuvurthyar]] villain recently freed from imprisonment on [[planet:yamatai#orbital|Luna Bianca]] by two bumbling astronauts and that I've decided to create an 80-meter-tall Giant Robot Dinosaur so that I can wreak chaos, havoc, destruction, despair, and all that delightful child-friendly stuff upon the unsuspecting residents of [[location:kyoto|Kyoto City]].+
-Given that 80-meter-tall units fit under the "Light Starship" ([[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10) category according to [[guide:damage_rating_v3#what_size_do_i_fit_in|this chart]], I can have:+  * 2 Tier-Equivalent Weapon Groups
-  * [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons+Since I want to have two Laser Eyes of Destruction™, I take those 8 Tier 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons and convert them into...
-So, if I want to have two Laser Eyes of Destruction™, I'd convert those 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons into... +  * 4 Tier 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) weapons
- +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) weapons+
 ...and then convert those four weapons into: ...and then convert those four weapons into:
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) weapons+  * 2 Tier 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) weapons
 So, in the case of my giant robot dinosaur with laser eyes, it //can// kill with a glare. So, in the case of my giant robot dinosaur with laser eyes, it //can// kill with a glare.
-But wait, I wanted it to breathe fire too! And I want my fire breath to cause more damage than my laser eyes. Back to the drawing board: I divide 1 of those [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) weapons back into 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) weapons. Those two will actually be my laser eyes. The bigger one is my fire breath. So, now, my loadout looks like: +But wait, I wanted it to breathe fire too! And I want my fire breath to cause more damage than my laser eyes. Back to the drawing board: I divide 1 of those Tier 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) weapons back into 2 Tier 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) weapons. Those two will actually be my laser eyes. The bigger one is my fire breath. So, now, my loadout looks like:
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) Plasma Flamethrower of Doom™ +
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) Laser Eyes of Destruction™ +
- +
-And there we go. My Godzilla-impersonator is armed and ready to smash, stomp, burn, rip, and tear [[location:kyoto|Kyoto City]] into rubble! +
- +
-==== Loadout Example: Fighter Jet ==== +
-Let's say that I'm the general responsible for defending [[location:kyoto|Kyoto City]] against an 80-meter-tall giant robot dinosaur. I have twelve fighter jets ready to go blast that thing back into whatever unholy abyss it spawned from - problem is, the engineering types don't know which missiles should be loaded onto the jets. +
- +
-I know from the tech-heads that the fighter jets measure 14 meters by 9 meters by 2 meters, which (according to some [[guide:damage_rating_v3#what_size_do_i_fit_in|chart]] they keep referring to) makes it a "[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 Light Mecha," whatever //that// means. They've also informed me for the one hundred and twenty-seventh time that this means each fighter jet can be equipped with... +
- +
-  * 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...and that 4 of those 8 weapons are already "taken up" by the two autocannons mounted on each side of the forward fuselage, meaning that each fighter jet has... +
- +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...already equipped, and... +
- +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...available for missiles. Simple observation - and a forest's worth of unnecessary engineering diagrams - tells me that each fighter jet has two under-wing hardpoints per wing for a total of four, which therefore means that each hardpoint can carry a single "weapon system's" worth of missiles (or, if you ask the tech-heads, 1/8 of the fighter's total weapon capacity or 8 same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] missiles). It also means that each of the four hardpoints could potentially carry one of the following payload options: +
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) missile +
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 9 (Heavy Anti-Mecha) missiles +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 8 (Medium Anti-Mecha) missiles +
-  * 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) missiles +
-  * 16 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 6 (Heavy Anti-Armor) missiles +
-  * 32 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 5 (Medium Anti-Armor) missiles +
-  * 64 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 4 (Light Anti-Armor) missiles +
-  * 128 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 3 (Heavy Anti-Personnel) missiles +
-  * 256 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 2 (Medium Anti-Personnel) missiles +
-  * 512 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 1 (Light Anti-Personnel) missiles  +
- +
-Now, in an ideal universe without any of those pesky politicians, tech-heads, sciencey types, budget cuts, or weapon reduction treaties, this means that I could load each jet fighter up with 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) missiles - damnation, now //I'm// saying it too! - and bury that robotic lizard freak in a nuclear avalanche of pure radioactive awesomeness. +
- +
-Problem is, this isn't an ideal universe; because the civilians spent too much time chewing their thumbs and debating over what to do, I, unfortunately, have no choice but to send out the fighter jets with their current anti-fighter loadout of... +
- +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) weapons +
-  * 64 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 6 (Heavy Anti-Armor) missiles +
- +
-...(which, for you tech-obsessed tech-heads out there, is sixteen [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 6 missiles equipped per hardpoint) and pray to the [[yamatai:emperor_and_empress|Goddess]] that it's enough. +
- +
-==== Loadout Example: Ke-M1993-28i "Izanagi" Mega-Zōdo ==== +
-Let's say I'm the long-dead [[faction:yamatai_star_empire|Yamataian]] who, ten thousand [[calendar:yamatai#years|years]] ago, designed the gigantic 95-meter-tall mecha that - following the tragic, emotionally-moving, and non-graphic death of the last fighter jet pilot - is about to conveniently appear out of nowhere and defeat the Giant Robot Dinosaur on the outskirts of [[location:kyoto|Kyoto City]] while an [[|epic theme]] plays in the background, thereby granting the city a one-week reprieve from complete and total (child-friendly) annihilation.  +
- +
-I never intended in my wildest dreams for five teenagers with attitude to pilot my glorious war machine, of course - the notion of child soldiers was something that the [[stararmy:star_army_of_yamatai|Star Army of Yamatai]] abhorred, even during the final days of the insanity called the Twenty-Seventh (or "Final") [[species:mishhuvurthyar|Mishhuvurthyar]] War - but the design principles of then still remain relevant, even today. +
- +
-At 95 meters tall, the aforementioned war machine - the Ke-M1993-28i "Izanagi" Mega-Zōdo - fits squarely in the "Light Starship" ([[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10) category according to [[guide:damage_rating_v3#what_size_do_i_fit_in|this millenia-old chart]], which means I have enough room for: +
- +
-  * 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons +
- +
-Seeing as how the Izanagi's enemies were originally starship-sized, [[species:mishhuvurthyar|Mishhuvurthyar]]-created monstrosities called "kaijū," I decided to take 2 of those 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons and divide them into... +
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) weapon +
- +
-...for the extendable Sword of Justice™ built into the Izanagi's right forearm. Next, I took 2 of the remaining 6 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons and converted them into... +
- +
-  * 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 9 (Heavy Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...then divided those four weapons into... +
- +
-  * 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 8 (Medium Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...and divided //those// eight weapons into... +
- +
-  * 16 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) weapons +
- +
-...for the (retractable, in order to make the animator's jobs easier...wait, what?) Point-Defense Turrets of Truth™ located at various points on the Izanagi's body, arms, and legs. After that, the rest is pretty simple: Of the remaining 4 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons leftover... +
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapon +
- + utilized for the [[:aether|Aether]] Beam Cannon of Power™ located in each of the Izanagi's arms (which adds up to a total of 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons), while the Missile Launcher of Might™ located on each shoulder together equal... +
- +
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons +
- +
-...which thereby brings the Izanagi right up to the maximum limit of 8 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapons. Granted, each Missile Launcher of Might™ can only fire a single missile every 10 seconds - but when up against opponents the size of //buildings// (or larger!), it's either [[|go big, or go extinct]].  +
- +
-With the weapons taken care of, all that remained was to add a Shield of Integrity™ to the Izanagi's left forearm. Seeing as how I wasn't able to fit any more onto the Izanagi, I chose to leave the Shield of Integrity™ devoid of weaponry; a quick glance [[guide:damage_rating_v3#armor|here]] tells me that since the Izanagi is considered to be a [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Starship), the Shield of Integrity™ should be classified as a [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Starship) - and with its final loadout of... +
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) Sword of Justice™ +
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) [[:aether|Aether]] Beam Cannons of Power™ +
-  * 2 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 10 (Light Anti-Starship) Missile Launchers of Might™ +
-  * 16 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 7 (Light Anti-Mecha) Point-Defense Turrets of Truth™ +
- + the... +
- +
-  * 1 [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) Shield of Integrity™ +
- +
-...the Ke-M1993-28i "Izanagi" Mega-Zōdo is ready to go save the day in a dashing, adrenaline-fueled, and action-packed fashion that's sure to keep the residents of [[location:kyoto|Kyoto City]] alive for [[calendar:yamatai#years|years]] to come (or twenty-four episodes) while simultaneously driving the sales of figurines and VHS tapes through the roof!  +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Tier Conversion Tables ===== +
-The following tables are included for usage as a quick reference when creating and/or reviewing setting elements. __They are **not** meant to be used as a standalone explanation of the armament limitations, which are covered in more detail in the above sections.__ +
- +
-==== Usage ==== +
-//Note: "Host platform" refers to the [[guide:mecha_and_power_armors#mecha|mecha]]/[[guide:aerospace_craft|small craft]]/[[guide:starship_classes|starship]]/vehicle/etc. a weapon system is mounted on.// +
- +
-  * **//[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Difference://** __The numerical difference between the [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] of a weapon system and the [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|tier]] of its "host platform".__ +
- +
-  * **//Capacity Utilized://** __Specifies how much a single weapon system (of a certain [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Difference) counts towards its "host platform's" maximum weapon capacity.__ This applies to gun-based weapon systems missile systems with a single “launch tube” and a loading system for internal ammo storage, similar to the torpedo tubes found on modern-day submarines.+
-  * **//Missiles Available://** __Specifies how many missiles (of a certain [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Differenceare equivalent to 1/8 of a "host platform's" maximum weapon capacity.__ This applies to missile systems with multiple single-shot “launch tubes,” like the modern-day VLS (vertical launch systems) found on guided missile destroyers or the hardpoint-mounted missile racks and rocket pods found on modern-day military aircraft.+  * 1 Tier 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) Plasma Flamethrower of Doom™ 
 +  * 2 Tier 11 (Medium Anti-StarshipEyes of Destruction™
-\\+Then I remember that I’ve forgotten about the 2 Tier-Equivalent Weapon Groups. Back to the drawing board one more time: I take those 2 Tier-Equivalent Weapon Groups and - since they're each "worth" a Tier 10 (Light Anti-Starship) weapon - split them into:
-<WRAP center> +  * 4 Tier 9 (Heavy Anti-Mecha) Spike Launchers of Devastation™
-^  Maximum Weapon Capacity  ^  =  ^  8 Same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Weapons +
-^  1 Same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Weapon  ^  =  ^  8 Same-[[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Single-Shot Missiles  ^   +
-\\+These launchers, located on the flanks of my Giant Robot Dinosaur, will be my point-defense against any pesky fighter jets the inhabitants of Kyoto City send to fight me. So, now my loadout looks like this...
-<WRAP group> +  * On-Tier Weapons: 
-<WRAP half column> +    Tier 12 (Heavy Anti-Starship) Plasma Flamethrower of Doom™ 
-^  [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Difference  ^  Capacity Utilized +    * 2 Tier 11 (Medium Anti-Starship) Eyes of Destruction™
-|  +3  |  8  |  +
-|  +2  |  4  |  +
-|  +1  |  2  | +
-^  0  ^  1  ^ +
-|  -1  |  1/2  | +
-|  -2  |  1/4  | +
-|  -3  |  1/8  | +
-|  -4  |  1/16  | +
-|  -5  |  1/32  | +
-|  -6  |  1/64  | +
-|  -7  |  1/128  | +
-|  -8  |  1/256  | +
-|  -9   |  1/512  | +
-|  -10  |  1/1,024  | +
-|  -11  |  1/2,048 +
-|  -12   1/4,096 +
-|  -13  |  1/8,192  | +
-|  -14  |  1/16,384 +
-</WRAP> +
-<WRAP half column> +
-^  [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]] Difference  ^  Missiles Available +
-|  +3  |  1  |  +
-|  +2  |  2  |  +
-|  +1  |  4  | +
-^  0  ^  8  ^ +
-|  -1  |  16  | +
-|  -2  |  32  | +
-|  -3  |  64  | +
-|  -4  |  128  | +
-|  -5  |  256  | +
-|  -6  |  512  | +
-|  -7  |  1,024  | +
-|  -8  |  2,048  | +
-|  -9    4,096  | +
-|  -10  |  8,192  | +
-|  -11   16,384 +
-|  -12  |  32,768 +
-|  -13  |  65,536 +
-|  -14  |  131,072 +
-</WRAP> +
-===== Damage Rating (Version 3) Tier Chart ===== +  * Tier-Equivalent Weapon Groups 
-//The following table was copied directly from the [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|DRv3 Quick Reference]] article (apart from a few minor formatting changesand is also included for reference purposes.//+    * 4 Tier 9 (Heavy Anti-MechaSpike Launchers of Devastation™
-<WRAP center> +...and there we go. My Godzilla impersonator is armed and ready to smashstompburnripand tear Kyoto City into rubble! MUAHAHAHAHA!
-^  [[guide:damage_rating_v3_quick_reference#tiers|Tier]]  ^  Purpose  ^  Defensive Example  ^  Offensive Example +
-^  Personnel  ^^^^ +
-|  1  |  Light Anti-Personnel  | Flak jacketriot armor | Smallarms such as pistols | +
-|  2  |  Medium Anti-Personnel  | Ballistic Vestbodyarmor | [[stararmy:weapons:gp-1_assault_rifle|GP-1 Assault Rifle]][[stararmy:weapons:nekovalkyrja_service_pistol_type_33|Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol (standard)]] | +
-|  3  |  Heavy Anti-Personnel  | Hardsuits | [[ stararmy:weapons:nekovalkyrja_service_pistol_type_33|NSP (Heavy)]][[stararmy:weapons:ke-m4-w2901_lasr|LASR]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m4-w2901_lasr-slag|SLAG grenades]] | +
-^  Power Armor  ^^^^ +
-|  4  |  Light Anti-Armor  | [[stararmy:mindy_power_armor|M2 Mindy IV]], [[stararmy:equipment:ke-m6-2a_daisy_power_armor|M6 Daisy II]]  | [[[[stararmy:weapons:ke-m2-w2901_aether_beam_saber-rifle|Aether Saber-Rifle (Rapid-Fire)]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m6-w2921_atmospheric_space_plasma_rifle|Atmospheric/Space Plasma Rifle]] +
-|  5  |  Medium Anti-Armor  |   | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m2-w2901_aether_beam_saber-rifle|Aether Saber-Rifle (Beam)]], [[stararmy:type_32_light_anti-armor_turret|Type 32 Dual-Gun Turret]] | +
-|  6  |  Heavy Anti-Armor  | [[nepleslia:hostile|Hostile]], [[faction:mishhuvurthyar:ripper|Ripper]]  | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m2-w2901_aether_beam_saber-rifle|Aether Saber-Rifle (Saber)]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m2-w2908_offensive_augmentation_pods|Offensive Mini-missile]] | +
-^  Mecha  ^^^^ +
-|  7  |  Light Anti-Mecha  | [[stararmy:tasha_m9_team_autonomous_support_heavy_armor|M9 TASHA]], [[nepleslia:aggressor|Aggressor]], small shuttlepods  | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-m6-w3000_50mm_gauss_bazooka|50mm Gauss Bazooka]], [[stararmy:weapons:anti-fighter_turret_type_31|Type 31 Quad-Gun Turret]] | +
-|  8  |  Medium Anti-Mecha  | [[stararmy:small_craft:ke-v9_nodachi_assault_fighter|V9 Nodachi]], [[faction:mishhuvurthyar:nmx_ravager|Ravager]], most shuttlecraft  | [[stararmy:small_craft:v8_kawarime:ke-v8-w3100|Kawarime]]/[[stararmy:weapons:ke-v9-w3300|Nodachi Turbo-Aether cannon]] | +
-|  9  |  Heavy Anti-Mecha  | Larger shuttles  | [[stararmy:type_31_secondary_anti-starship_turret|Type 31 Dual-Cannon Turret]] +
-^  Starship  ^^^^ +
-|  10  |  Light Anti-Starship   | Corvettes, [[stararmy:starships:yui_7_scout|Yui-7 Scout]], [[stararmy:starships:chiaki_escort_destroyer|Chiaki Escort]] | [[stararmy:ke-d7-w3200_mass_driver_gun|Chiaki Mass Driver Gun (Solid round)]] +
-|  11  |  Medium Anti-Starship  | Destroyers, [[stararmy:starships:plumeria_gunship|Plumeria Gunship]] | [[stararmy:ke-d7-w3200_mass_driver_gun|Chiaki Mass Driver Gun (Antimatter round)]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-s3-w2901_positron_accelerator_cannons|Plumeria Positron Railgun]] +
-|  12  |  Heavy Anti-Starship   | Cruisers, [[corp:geshrinari_shipyards:light_cruiser_2a|Ookami Light Cruiser]] | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-d2-w3200_shock_cannon|Yui-type Aether Array]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-b3-w3100_superheavy_turret|Sharie Aether Turret]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-z1_series_anti-starship_torpedoes|Z1 Torpedoes]] +
-|  13  |  Light Anti-Capital Ship   | [[stararmy:starships:super_eikan|Super Eikan Heavy Cruiser]] | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-s3-w3020_main_weapon_array|Plumeria-type dual-bladed Aether Array]], [[stararmy:weapons:ke-s3-w3020_main_weapon_array|Eikan Positron Cannon]] +
-|  14  |  Medium Anti-Capital Ship  | [[stararmy:sharie-class_battleship|Sharie Battleship]] | [[stararmy:starships:super_eikan#weapon_systems|Eikan-type Aether Array]], [[stararmy:weapons:as-7|AS-7 Torpedoes]] | +
-|  15  |  Heavy Anti-Capital Ship  | 3km+ Structures, Dreadnoughts | [[stararmy:weapons:ke-b3-w3000_main_weapon_array|Sharie-type Dual-Pronged Aether Array]] +
-===== OOC Notes ===== +===== Resources ===== 
-[[user:frostjaeger]] created this article on 2017/04/22 12:28.+[[|Here]] is a link to an unofficial Weapon Limitations calculator made by [[user:frostjaeger]].

guide/weapon_limitations.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/30 13:35 by wes