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yamatai:senate [2012/11/17 12:43] – [List of Senators] gabrielfaction:yamatai:senate [2023/12/21 01:00] – external edit
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 ====== Senate of Yamatai ====== ====== Senate of Yamatai ======
-In [[:YE 30]] the senate saw a change in the Empress; as well as, participated in an [[yamatai:international_relations_conference_of_ye_30]] with delegates from Elysia, Nepleslia, Kohana and even, Melisson representing the SMXAn Imperial Decree from Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko removed the Senates ability to effect matters directly concerning the Star Army of Yamatai. Later, the senate was expanded to include all Yamataian Citizens, but this was later rescinded via Proposal 104.+The Imperial Senate of Yamatai consists of the elected system representatives of citizens of the [[faction:yamatai star empire]] which acts under the authority granted to them by [[faction:yamatai:constitution]]. Oversight of the senate falls directly to the elected Imperial Premier who is responsible for moderating discussion in the Senate to ensure fairness and compromise but the Empress/Emperor holds the authority to approve or veto proposals made by the Senate if she/he feels the proposals violate/conform to the ideals of the [[faction:yamatai:constitution]]. There are presently no term limits for Senators but there is a 5 year term limit for the Imperial Premier. It sits in the [[faction:yamatai:imperial_palace]].
-==== List of Senators ==== +{{:faction:yamatai:yamatai_senate_chamber.png?650|}}
-^ System ^ Senator ^ Notes ^ +
-| [[system:Hanakos Star]] | [[character:Hanako]] |  | +
-| [[system:kotori]] | [[character:ketsurui_kotori]] |   +
-| [[system:tami]] | Maeda Yusuke | Staff Taisa, [[stararmy:ninth_fleet]] | +
-| [[system:tatiana]] | TBA |   | +
-| [[system:albini]] | [[character:a_winsbury|AWinsbury]] |  | +
-| [[system:gashmere]] | [[character:Wularu]] |  | +
-| [[system:sx-04]] | [[character:bordolf_gunther]] |  | +
-| [[system:himiko]] |  [[character:ketsurui sora|Ketsurui Sora]]  |  | +
-| [[system:fujiko]] | [[character:mifune_adele|Mifune Adele]] | Fujiko Unified Labor Party | +
-|  |  |  | +
-|  |  |  | +
-|  |  |  | +
-|  |  |  | +
-|  |  |  |+
-==== Recent Proposals ====+=====History of the Senate===== 
 +The Imperial Senate was first created in [[timeline:ye_23]] with the creation of [[faction:yamatai:senate:imperial_advisor_act|Proposal #1, The Imperial Advisor Act]], in which [[stararmy:ranks:taisho]] [[characters:yamatai:yui]] named advisors to help form the Yamataian government until the senate could be formed which formed the two government branches of [[faction:yamatai star empire]].
 +[[faction:yamatai:imperial_decree_15]] by Emperor [[characters:uesureya:kitsurugi_uesu]] in [[timeline:ye_28]], was based on and superseded [[faction:yamatai:senate:imperial_voting_procedure_act|Proposal #2 - Voting Procedure Act]] and #32 - Update to Voting Procedure Act, shifting from weighted votes of individual citizens to votes placed by System representatives.
-=== Passed === +In [[timeline:ye_30]] the senate saw a change in policies as Emperor [[characters:uesureya:kitsurugi_uesu]] resigned and named, [[stararmy:ranks:taisho]] [[characters:yamatai:ketsurui-motoyoshi_katsuko|Motoyoshi Katsuko]] as EmpressThe senate proposed and participated in the [[timeline:events:international_relations_conference_of_ye_30]] with delegates from [[faction:elysia:elysian_celestial_empire]], [[faction:democratic_imperium_of_nepleslia]], Kohana and even, [[characters:mishhuvurthyar:melisson]] representing the [[faction:mishhuvurthyar:smx]]
-{{rss> 4 author date 2h}}+
 +[[faction:yamatai:imperial_decree_19]] issued by Empress [[characters:yamatai:ketsurui-motoyoshi_katsuko|Motoyoshi Katsuko]] removed the Senate's ability to effect matters directly concerning the [[stararmy:start]]. Later in [[timeline:ye_30]], the senate was expanded to include all Yamataian Citizens, but this was later rescinded under [[characters:yamatai:ketsurui_himiko]] in [[timeline:ye_34]] with the passing of [[faction:yamatai:senate:restoration_of_system_senators|Proposal 104]] and restructured under the adoption of [[faction:yamatai:constitution]].
-=== Defeated === +=====Responsibilities of the Senate ===== 
-{{rss> author date 2h}}+[[faction:yamatai:constitution]] places the powers and responsibilities of the Senate as the following: 
 +      - The Imperial Senate is vested with the power to create and revise law, by way of the creation of a Proposal which must be approved by majority vote and presented to the Emperor or Empress for approval or veto. In all cases of creating a law, the essential rights of all citizens must be respected. 
 +  -     The power to override vetoes by the Emperor or Empress of Yamatai provided that over 80% of the Senate votes to override the veto. 
 +  -     The Imperial Senate is vested with the power to manage the financial and material resources of the Empire, with the exclusion of those designated for defense. 
 +  -     The Imperial Senate has the sole power to elect and direct the Imperial Premier of Yamatai. 
 +====The Imperial Premier==== 
 +[[faction:yamatai:constitution]] designates the Imperial Premier as the executive director of the government’s various departments and moderator of the Imperial Senate, ensuring there is compromise and fairness. She is a liaison between the State and the People. The Imperial Premier is vested with the power to conduct foreign affairs on behalf of the Empire and to create treaties with other nations, subject to approval by the Emperor or Empress of Yamatai. She can also appoint and direct leaders of government departments responsible for Imperial business. 
 +The current Imperial Premier as of [[timeline:ye_45]] is [[characters:yamatai:hanako]]. The previous Imperial Premier was [[characters:yamatai:ketsurui-motoyoshi_katsuko]]. 
 +=====The Senate in Roleplay===== 
 +The Senate has been an ongoing Faction plot that primarily deals with generating the laws, treaties and policies that govern the [[faction:yamatai star empire]] and [[stararmy:start]] since 2003. It is the chance as a player to directly impact the IC setting and government of the [[faction:yamatai star empire]] through political roleplay to the setting. It has no GM in a traditional sense but is governed by the GM that plays the Empress/Emperor and Premier, [[members:wes]].    
 +====Senate Links==== 
 +Senate discussions are located in the Yamatai Government Forum and can be found under the thread prefixes: "Senate - VOTING" ; "Senate - PASSED"; "Senate - Defeated" ; Senate - MISC" and "Imperial Degree" for faster sorting under the forum search options. 
 +  * [[| Yamatai Government Forum]] 
 +  * [[ | Senate OOC Thread]] 
 +  * [[| Senator Application OOC Thread]] 
 +  * [[faction:yamatai:constitution]]  
 +====Becoming a Senator==== 
 +As a player, you may claim any unclaimed worlds by posting in the [[|OOC thread]] and then being granted it by [[members:wes]].  
 +Here is the following criteria for approval: 
 +  * You have to like Yamatai, don't go trying to sabotage it from the inside.  
 +  * You're a elected official, have some sense. You will be expected to be the curator for your chosen world and may be prompted to add content to it.  
 +  * //After// you are approved, you can bring a relevant character, if any, or create a new [[:characters|NPC]].  
 +    * New NPCs must be approved, still, however the process is much more lenient.  
 +Once done - Welcome to the Senate! Don't forget to edit the information into this page when you're done. 
 +====Removal of Senators==== 
 +Senators whose players have been inactive for at least a year may be removed(( 
 +===== New Automated List ===== 
 +This list is complied from the [[wiki:struct:schemas:yse_politics]]. 
 +---- struct table ---- 
 +schema: yse_politics, characters 
 +cols: %title%, yse_office_held, yse_office_district, yse_political_party, owner 
 +order: yse_office_district 
 +filter: yse_office_held = System Senator 
 +csv: 0 
 +rownumbers: 1 
 +===== Current Senators ===== 
 +^ System ^ Senator ^ Player ^ Notes ^ 
 +| [[system:ahrbeg]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:albini]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:anisa]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:asura]] | | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:elysia_novus|Elysia Novus]] |  | //Unclaimed// | Represents the [[faction:elysia:elysian_celestial_empire]] | 
 +| [[system:essia]] | [[characters:yamatai:anslen_volontany]] | [[members:soban]] | [[species:separa'shan]] | 
 +| [[system:fujiko]] | | //Unclaimed// |  | 
 +| [[system:gashmere]] |  | //Unclaimed// | [[species:kodians|Kodian]] | 
 +| [[system:kotori]] |  | //Unclaimed// | |   
 +| [[system:himiko]] | | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:jiyuu]] | [[characters:yamatai:koyama|Ketsurui Koyama]] | [[members:soresu]] | | 
 +| [[system:kilnar]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:koukotsu]] | [[characters:yamatai:takagawa_hitomi]] | [[members:yuuki]] | | 
 +| [[places:nataria]]  | [[characters:yamatai:shimizu-motoyoshi_akina|Shimizu Hime Taisho]] | [[members:miyako]] | | 
 +| [[system:ohara]] | | //Unclaimed// | [[species:phods]] | 
 +| [[system:shugosha]] | [[characters:yamatai:pitz_ria]] | [[members:sageshooter]] |  | 
 +| [[system:sx-04]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[system:tami]] | [[characters:yamatai:maeda_yusuke]] | [[members:raz]] |  | 
 +| [[places:tatiana]] | | //Unclaimed// |  | 
 +| [[system:valentine]] | | //Unclaimed// |  | 
 +| [[system:veronica]] |  | //Unclaimed// | | 
 +| [[places:virginia]] | [[characters:yamatai:iemochi_seinosuke]] | [[members:ethereal]] |  | 
 +| Xiuluria | [[characters:yamatai:sachiko]] | [[members:ametheliana]] | Represents the Gated Elven Suzerainty on [[planet:Yamatai]] | 
 +| [[system:yamatai]] | [[characters:yamatai:hanako]] | [[members:wes]] | | 
 +//Taken from every [[faction:yamatai:territory|empire]] system with a total (non-refugee) population of one million or higher and any special exceptions.// 
 +==== Former Senators ==== 
 +  * [[characters:yamatai:maeda_satoko]] 
 +  * [[system:ahrbeg]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:iwase_tamako|Iwase Tamako]] played by [[members:shotjon]] 
 +  * [[system:asura]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:richard_wolfe]] played by [[members:gamerofthegame]] 
 +  * [[system:jiyuu]] and [[faction:united outer colonies]] representative Tange-Katsura Ayana played by Kim 
 +  * [[system:albini]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:a_winsbury|A. Winsbury]] played by [[members:luca]]  
 +  * [[system:koukotsu]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:jushimoto|Jushimoto Koji]] played by [[members:lam]]  
 +  * [[species:Lorath]] representative: [[characters:lorath:aegis_fyunnen]] played by [[members:doctomoe]] 
 +  * Warmaster Worlds' representative: [[characters:yamatai:maysaki]] played by [[members:gamerofthegame]] 
 +  * [[system:anisa]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:yukiasunana]] played by [[members:kyle]] 
 +  * [[system:essia]] representative: Aekos Sersilin played by a former member 
 +  * [[places:tatiana]] representative: Unnamed played by [[members:revolver]] 
 +  * [[system:veronica]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:tofuku_rin|Tofuku Rin]] played by [[members:eistheid]]  
 +  * [[system:kilnar]] representative: Erik Reinhardt played by Arcturis 
 +  * [[places:nataria|]] representative: [[characters:yamatai:fujita_minato]] played by [[members:andrew]] 
 +===== Previous Senate Proposals ===== 
 +These are the proposals the senate has voted on. 
 +^ Number ^ Title ^ Result ^ Notes ^ 
 +| 1 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Imperial Advisor Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 2 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Imperial Voting Procedure Act]] | Passed | Updated by Proposal #32 | 
 +| 3 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Basic Laws Act]]| Passed |  | 
 +| [[faction:yamatai:senate:Star Army Military Laws]] | Passed | Became part of [[stararmy:regulations]] in [[timeline:ye_38]]| 
 +| 5 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Star Army Signatures Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 6 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Corporate Support Act]] | Passed | Major Corporations/Yamatai will work together to build the economy. | 
 +| 7 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Corporate Government Act]]| Defeated | Major Corporations need to named and recognized by the senate. | 
 +| 8 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Living Property Act]]  | Passed | Overturned (slavery banned in [[timeline:ye_30]]) | 
 +| 9 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:GSA-OAM Treaty]]  | Passed |  | 
 +| 10 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:GSA-Federation Treaty]]  | Passed | (From Python Fleet crossover) | 
 +| 11 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Corporate Economics Act]]  | Defeated |  | 
 +| 12 | 1st GSE-OAM Treaty |  |  | 
 +| 13 | Right to Life Act | Passed | Made murder illegal. | 
 +| 14 |  | Defeated |  | 
 +| 15 | Sexual Assault Provention Act | Passed | Defined "sexual assault" and "rape", made such acts illegal. | 
 +| 16 | 2nd GSE-OAM Treaty |  |  | 
 +| 17 | Formatting of Law Proposals | Passed  | Standardized the format in which new laws are presented. | 
 +| 18 |  |  |  | 
 +| 19 | (Treaty) |  |  | 
 +| 20 | Torture Act | Passed | Made torture illegal. | 
 +| 21 |  |  |  | 
 +| 22 |  |  |  | 
 +| 23 | (Treaty) |  |  | 
 +| 24 | Creation of [[stararmy:awards|Star Army Awards]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 25 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:prisoners_of_war|Prisoners of War Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 26 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:limitation_of_intercrew_fighting]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 27 |  |  |  | 
 +| 28 | Soldier to Soldier Combat | Passed |  | 
 +| 29 | Currency | Passed | Created [[faction:yamatai:ks]] | 
 +| 30 | Currency in Circulation | Passed |  | 
 +| 31 | Effect of Law | Passed | Prevents laws from being retroactive | 
 +| 32 | Update to Imperial Voting Procedure Act | Passed |  | 
 +| 33 | Drug Act | Passed | Later modified by [[faction:yamatai:senate:correction_of_the_drug_act|#53]] | 
 +| 34 | Malingering | Passed | Became part of [[stararmy:regulations]] | 
 +| 35 | Stealing | Passed |  | 
 +| 36 | Misbehavior Before the Enemy | Passed | Became part of [[stararmy:regulations]] | 
 +| 37 | Spies | Passed |  | 
 +| 38 | [[corp:kessaku_electronic_systems|Kessaku Electronic Systems]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 39 | Restrictions on Cloning and ST | Passed |  | 
 +| 40 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Qel'noran Shipyards]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 41 | Treaty with The Republic Of Delvenus | Passed |  | 
 +| 42 | Kessaku annexation by Qel'noran Shipyards | Defeated |  | 
 +| 43 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Qel'noran Shipyards loss of Major Corporation Status]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 44 |  |  |  | 
 +| 45 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Privacy Act]] | Passed | Overturned by [[faction:yamatai:senate:Removal of Proposal 45|#47]] | 
 +| 46 | War with the Jaaq'tah Alliance | Passed | See: [[stararmy:Enemies]] | 
 +| 47 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Removal of Proposal 45]] |  | Overturned [[faction:yamatai:senate:Privacy Act| #45: Privacy Act]] | 
 +| 48 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Slavery in the Star Empire]] | Passed | Overturned (slavery banned in [[timeline:ye_30]]) | 
 +| 49 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Possessions of the Dead]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 50 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:marriage_act_1|Marriage]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 51 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Sexual Relations]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 52 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Marriage Act]] | Passed | [[faction:yamatai:senate:marriage_act_1|Re-proposal of #50]] | 
 +| 53 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:correction_of_the_drug_act]] |  | Modified #33 (Drug Act) | 
 +| 54 |  |  |  | 
 +| 55 |  |  |  | 
 +| 56 |  |  |  | 
 +| 57 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Treaty with Gashmere]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 58 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Nekovalkyrja Re-Integration Plan]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 59 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Treaty with the Ixari]] | Passed | Obsolete - Ixari species no longer in [[places:kikyo_sector]] 
 +| 60 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Treaty with the Neocron Ascendancy]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 61 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Unified Law Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 62 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Species Management Plan]] | Passed | Was revised version of [[[[faction:yamatai:senate:Nekovalkyrja Re-Integration Plan|#58]] | 
 +| 63 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Unified Law and Military Regulations]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 64 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Electronic Funds]] | Passed | Eliminated KS Coins in favor of the [[faction:yamatai:ks_card]] | 
 +| 65 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Nanotechnology Restrictions]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 66 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Low Tech Relations with Planet Fenyar]] | Passed  | Covers contact with all Protected Low Tech Planets | 
 +| 67 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:military_centralization_act_of_ye_28]] | Passed |  | 
 +| ?  | [[faction:yamatai:senate:treaty with lor]] | Declined | This was renegotiated later | 
 +| 68 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Request for Fenyar's Admission to the YSE]] | Passed | They are no longer part of the [[faction:yamatai star empire|YSE]] | 
 +| 69 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Treaty with Ohara]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 70 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Special Investigation Into the Empress's Death]] | Passed | Overturned by [[faction:yamatai:senate:Cancellation of 70|#71]] | 
 +| 71 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Cancellation of 70]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 72 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Trans-Universal Corporate Expansion]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 73 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Border Protection Act]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 74 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Gate System]] | Passed  |  | 
 +| 75 (1) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Amendment to Treaty with Ohara]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 75 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Memory Backup Protection Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 76 (1) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Request for relief support for Lor]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 76 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:military_decentralization_act|Military Decentralization Act]] | Defeated | 
 +| 77 (1) | Proposal for Unified Salvaging Regulations | Defeated |  | 
 +| 77 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:military_privateer_act|Military Privateer Act]] | Defeated | 
 +| 78 (1) | Lorath Starfleet | Passed |  | 
 +| 78 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Cloned Humans Ban Act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 79 | System Defense Forces | Defeated |  | 
 +| 80 (1) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:nepleslia_s_ultimatum]] | Defeated | |  
 +| 80 (2) | Reorganization of Phodian Defense Forces | Passed | Created the Ohara Planetary Defense Militia | 
 +| 81 (1) | Repealing of Taisho Yui's Species Restriction | Vetoed |  | 
 +| 81 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:establish_diplomacy_with_the_smx|Establish Diplomacy with the SMX]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 82 (1) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:extradition_policies_ii|Extradition Policies]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 82 (2) | Armed Forces Reporting Act | Passed |  | 
 +| 83 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:amendment_to_the_imperial_voting_act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 83 (2) | [[faction:yamatai:senate:definition_and_rights_of_the_individual_act]] | Defeated 
 +| 84 |  |  |  | 
 +| 85 | First Contact Procedures Act | Passed | YSE's ratification of the [[timeline:events:international_relations_conference_of_ye_30:documents:rights_of_early_contact]] | 
 +| 86 (1) | Temporary Cease Expansion Act | Defeated | Covered by the IAA | 
 +| 86 (2) | Star Army Marriage Act | Defeated |  | 
 +| 87 | Amendment to Senate Voting Procedure | Passed |  | 
 +| 88 | Marine Life Protection Act | Passed |  | 
 +| 89 | Anti-Cannibalism Act | Passed |  | 
 +| 90 | Anti-Price Gouging Law | Defeated |  | 
 +| 91 | Cultural Preservation Act | Defeated |  | 
 +| 92 | Protection of AI | Withdrawn |  | 
 +| 93 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Freedom Act]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 94 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Amendment to Voting Procedure]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 95 (1) | Protection of Artificial Intelligence | Passed |  | 
 +| 95 (2) | Clarification to Neko Law | Passed |  | 
 +| 96 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Return to old voting procedure]] | Vetoed |  | 
 +| 97 | Amendment of Voting Procedure | Withdrawn |  | 
 +| 98 | Motion to Overturn Veto of #96 | Defeated |  | 
 +| 99 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:senate_voting_fairness_act]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 100 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Nekovalkyrja Are A Species]] | Defeated | The Empress later declared the [[species:Nekovalkyrja]] a species | 
 +| 101 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Nekovalkyrja Law Clarification 2]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 102 | Restoration Legislation | Defeated |  | 
 +| 103 | Cultural Foodstuffs Preservation Act | Defeated |  | 
 +| 104 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Restoration of System Senators]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 105 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Clarification Amendment Regarding Military Senators]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 106 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Administration of the Senate and its Proceedings]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 107 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:Stolen Valor and Government Impersonation]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 108 |  |  |  | 
 +| 109 | Tobacco for Export Act | Defeated |  | 
 +| 110 | [[timeline:events:love_day|Love Day]] | Passed | Created the Feb 14 holiday | 
 +| 111 |  |  |  | 
 +| 112 | Ratifying [[international:defense-arrangement-treaty-of-the-alliance-of-signatory-states|DATASS]] | Defeated |  | 
 +| 113 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:proposal_113|]] | Passed |  | 
 +| 114 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:special_proposal_114]] | Withdrawn |  | 
 +| 115 | Proposal #115 Industrial Recognition Act |   
 +| 116 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:proposal_116-a]] |   
 +| 117 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:proposal_117]]  |   
 +| 118 | Yugumo as a Major Corp(([[|[Senate: Passed] Proposal 118 - Yugumo as a Major Corp]])) | Passed |  | 
 +| 119 | Election of the Imperial Premier(([[|[Senate: Passed] 119: Election of the Imperial Premier]]))  | Passed |  | 
 +| 120 | [[faction:yamatai:senate:proposal_120]]  | Passed |  | 
 +| 121 | Servicemember Lending Safeguards(([[|Proposal 121: Servicemember Lending Safeguards [Withdrawn]]]))  | Withdrawn |  | 
 +===== OOC Notes ===== 
 +Interior image purchased from VectorToons by Wes and modified by Wes.

faction/yamatai/senate.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/11 21:32 by andrew