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faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan:traditions_and_philosophies [2020/02/08 04:43] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation andrewfaction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan:traditions_and_philosophies [2021/01/24 15:12] (current) – removed andrew
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-====== Motoyoshi Clan Traditions And Philosophies ====== 
-After the reunification of the Clan in [[timeline:ye_41]], the  traditions and philosophies of the [[faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan]] of the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]] have for the most part held to those of the [[faction:yamatai:ketsurui_clan:motoyoshi_no_yamatai]]. There have been, however, several minor changes have eliminated the bad blood with the [[faction:united_outer_colonies:clan:motoyoshi_no_jiyuu]], with the exception of those who will be brought to justice for war crimes committed under the command of [[character:motoyoshi_kiyoko]]. 
-===== Traditional Holidays and Ceremonies ===== 
-These holidays are celebrated, in addition to all other [[faction:yamatai:culture#holidays|Holidays in the Yamatai Star Empire]], by all members of the [[faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan]] : 
-==== Tsukimi  ==== 
-//2日8月(OOC:October 13th)// 
-From [[wp>Tsukimi|Tsukimi]], a traditional moon-viewing. 
-The celebration corresponds to the harvest moon of the destroyed colony at [[system:taiie]]. Reminiscent of colonist farmers that worked the colony's fields it is a celebration of autumn that is still celebrated by the Motoyoshi. The celebration generally includes feasting within the volumetric captured images of the fallen world's moon, accompanied by soft flowing flute music and tranquil gurgles of water features. 
-====Lantern Festival ==== 
-//17日2月 to 20日2月 (OOC:March 3rd to 6th)// 
-Somewhat similar to [[wp>Aomori_Nebuta_Matsuri| Aomori Nebuta]]. 
-Elaborately decorated lanterns made by clan members are put on display. These designs integrated with all kinds of creative expression; painting, flower arranging, carving and sculpture creating. Lantern displays are judged and the winners are honored by being permitted to keep their display up after the end of the festival until the next year. 
-==== Unity Festival ==== 
-//15日 3月 (OOC:April 8th)// 
-Added in [[timeline:ye_41]], this festival celebrates the day of forgiveness between the [[faction:united_outer_colonies:clan:motoyoshi_no_jiyuu]] and the [[faction:yamatai:ketsurui_clan:motoyoshi_no_yamatai]]. Members of the [[faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan]] gather to reflect on the healing of the divisions that nearly destroyed the clan. It is generally held at one of the Clans holdings on [[planet:jiyuu_iii]] or [[planet:yamatai]]. 
-===== Unifying Motoyoshi Philosophies ===== 
-==== Imperialists ==== 
-As of [[timeline:ye_34]], the //Motoyoshi// have become strict imperialists, their vision for the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]] is for the re-centralization of absolute control to the throne and the [[stararmy:start]]. They believe that the Senate should maintain an advisory role to the throne but not be granted actual power. Despite their desire for re-centralization of power, they do support the [[faction:yamatai:ketsurui_clan]] and the current rule of [[:character:ketsurui_himiko]] even though they do not back some of the more democratic policies of the current rule, specifically the policies which were triggered by the formation of the [[faction:united_outer_colonies]]. 
-=== The Imperial Way === 
-See [[wp>]]. 
-The //Motoyoshi// support a movement referred to as 'The Imperial Way'(皇道派) which desires a more [[stararmy:start|military-minded]] government. They believe that a stronger military backed government will free the empire from liberal-minded politicians seeking the decentralization of power.  
-This has been supported in the past via the formation of the [[faction:yamatai:motoyoshi_clan:motoyoshi_bakafu]] prior to its corruption.  
-==== Nekovalkyrja Purist ==== 
-The //Motoyoshi// believe that the [[species:nekovalkyrja]] are the greatest species in the known universe. They do believe in intergalactic cooperation, however under asymmetrical terms. They believe that the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]] has made too many concessions in the intergalactic community, blaming some of the clan's own previous policies for some of the problem. 
-The clan is not completely against other species or nations, believing that there are several nations who have relations with the empire that are beneficial, however, there are several to which they hold a vehement animosity such as the [[faction:freespacers]]. 
-==== The Star Army Tradition ==== 
-The clan has entrenched its upholding and belief that the military elite is a necessary and needed echelon of power within the Empire. Military leaders such as [[stararmy:ranks:taisho|Mistress-Taisho]] [[character:yui]] and [[stararmy:ranks:taisho]] [[character:kessaku_irim]] are regarded in the highest of honors, along with their own [[stararmy:ranks:taisho]] [[character:ketsurui-motoyoshi_katsuko]]. The Motoyoshi believe that the military's elite echelons should remain untainted by liberal-minded politics.  
-=== The Mistress-Taisho === 
-The //Motoyoshi// strongly support the [[stararmy:ranks:taisho|Mistress-Taisho]] [[character:yui]] and her direct leadership over the [[stararmy:start]]. Many Motoyoshi have an almost spiritual view of Yui, seeing her as the guiding force of [[species:nekovalkyrja]] power and philosophy.  
-=== Sensou === 
-Sensou ( 戦争) -  //War// is the expression of Imperial power and justice. It is the fundamental protection of the Empire and the [[stararmy:start]] is the most prestigious way of life for [[species:nekovalkyrja]].  
-The //Motoyoshi// view war as an art-form in which must be executed with strategy, courage and ferocity. To play a role in the evisceration of the empire's enemies is a high honour and should be conducted with grace and power to achieve victory in the name of the Empress. 
-=== Unorthodox Measures === 
-The //Motoyoshi// strategy in warfare tends to be unorthodox at times. Utilizing units and personnel in actions that are outside of their normal conduct to gain advantage.  
-==== The Clan Virtues==== 
-The //Motoyoshi// philosophies are very reminiscent but not limited to the [[wp>Confucianism|Confucian]] ways of thought. 
-=== State of Virtue === 
-The Motoyoshi are very concerned about the nature of its members. With the clan's past, the leadership is very concerned with its own practices as well as those within their influence. Members are expected display : integrity, honor, honesty, loyalty, kindness and forgiveness while being reverent and respectful to those who are their superior and peers.  
-The clan also promotes the self imposition of shame, for individuals to be able to judge their own actions to be right or wrong and seek or inflict measures to correct their actions when in error.   
-=== True Relationships === 
-The clan's beliefs state that the highest of relationships is the one that exists between [[species:nekovalkyrja]] and the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]] in which the soldier serves as the imperial hand and that their actions therefore reflect the Empire. Focus is also placed upon the relationship between [[species:nekovalkyrja]] and their clan in which [[wp>Altruism|altruism]] is to be cultivated between members. 
-=== Loyalty === 
-After the corruption created by the [[faction:united_outer_colonies:clan:motoyoshi_no_jiyuu]] a great intensity was placed upon the Motoyoshi's loyalty. Loyalty to the Empire is place first and foremost, then loyalty to the clan and the military.  
-=== Self Improvement === 
-Within the clan, it is encouraged for members to seek to expand themselves as individuals. The greatest focus is placed upon the achievement of rank within the [[stararmy:start]] and to excel within one's [[stararmy:occupations|occupation]] however, members are also encouraged to divulge in philosophy, literature and creative arts. 
-=== Placement in Society === 
-The //Motoyoshi// believe that the clan's true place is to provide strength to the Imperial Family, to serve as dedicated soldiers within the [[stararmy:start]]. In general, civilian life is discouraged unless that career path is considered still within the higher service of the Empire or the Clan.  
-===== OOC Notes ===== 
-[[user:andrew]] created this article on 2019/04/23 21:28.