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lazarus:research [2013/11/14 15:10] osakanonecorp:lazarus:research [2023/01/28 03:03] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation demibear
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-{{}} +{{corp:lazarus:media:lazarus-banner.png?700|}} 
-====== Research of the Lazarus Consortium ======+====== Project of the Lazarus Consortium ======
 At all times, the Lazarus Consortium constantly has an overwhelming number of technological projects underway, each intermingling and affecting one another, cross-pollinating to produce new innovations during the development cycle. At all times, the Lazarus Consortium constantly has an overwhelming number of technological projects underway, each intermingling and affecting one another, cross-pollinating to produce new innovations during the development cycle.
-====== Projects ====== +===== Finished =====
-Below is a list of all ongoing projects [[:lazarus | The Lazarus Consortium]] has at any given time. Many exist in physical prototypes and others only as simulations in the HQ server farm and as CAD documents. The majority below have not to date been constructed - but are always an ongoing focus, allowing Lazarus to shift gears based on what the market specifically demands.+
-====== Systems Projects ======+  * [[rosa| ROM Construct]] 
 +  * [[ems| Energy Management Software ]] (available for sale) 
 +  * [[ems-d| Limiter-Removal Software ]] (available for sale) 
 +  * [[OPSCURUS| OPSCURUS Transmission Encryption]] 
 +  * [[inverse| Centrifuge ]]
-A number of information projects, designed both for other platforms and Lazarus' own inhouse projects and systems.+  * [[universal_modem]]
-===== Software ===== +  * [[materials:quasicrystalsQuasicrystals]] (in progress
-  * [[lazarus:ems Energy Management Software ]] (available for sale+    * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus]] 
-  * [[lazarus:ems-d Limiter-Removal Software ]] (available for sale) +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#euralis]] (EM capture) 
-  * [[lazarus:iota-c | Inter-Orbital & Trans-Atmospheric combat software]] (in progress) +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#theralis]] (Thermal conductor/cooling) 
-  * [[lazarus:simulator | Physicalized simulator]] +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#gamora]] (Gamma capture) 
-  * [[lazarus:semantic | Semantic conversion software]] (in progress) +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#phollux]] (Semi conductor) 
-  * +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#capel]] (capacitor) 
 +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#doresu]] (field emission) 
 +      * [[materials:quasicrystals:phyliaus#volumestrice]] (display system) 
 +    * [[materials:toledorium]] 
 +      * [[materials:toledorium#grade_f]] (thermal insulator) 
 +      * [[materials:toledorium#grade_c]] (kinetic > vibration) 
 +      * [[materials:toledorium#grade_b]] (kinetic > photon) 
 +      * [[materials:toledorium#grade_a]] (very heavy) 
 +      * [[materials:toledorium#grade_s]] (kinetic > thermal) 
 +  * [[CaledfwlchMolecular applicator ]] (available for sale) 
 +  * [[Motiv]] 
 +  * [[lacramms| NR/LACRAMMS]] - __la__ser  __c__ountermeasure system for __r__ockets, __a__rtilliary, __m__ortar, __m__issiles and __s__hells 
 +  * [[faction:lorath:starship:caernarfon_shipyard]] 
 +  * [[automatic_companion]] 
 +  * [[femtoprocessor]] 
 +  * [[motionless_sleep]] 
 +  * [[slate]] 
 +  * [[lutum]] 
 +  * [[thing]] 
 +  * [[solenoid_supercharger]] 
 +  * [[rosa_body]] 
 +  * [[corp:lazarus:inflection:stealth_shroud]] 
 +  * [[silva]] 
 +  * [[transmogrifier]] 
 +  * [[la-am-g3800]] 
 +  * [[geni]] 
 +  * [[stasis_system]] 
 +  * [[modus_endoskeleton]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:flow]] 
 +  * [[volumetric_compression]] 
 +  * [[aura]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:laplace]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:inflection]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:sensors:ua109]] 
 +  * [[materials:altex]] 
 +  * [[corp:lazarus:inflection:beam_drive]] 
 +  * [[pdct_super_phoenix_ii]]
-===== Artificial Intelligence ===== +==== Frames ==== 
-  * [[lazarus:rosa | ROM Construct]] (classified+  * Dependancies: 
-  [[lazarus:monos | MONOS ]] (work in progress+    * [[wip:corp:lazarus:structol_computer]] (replicated maesus
-  [[:lazarus:flow | FLOW]] +    LA-AM-G8000 Aether Solenoid Array (Not yet
-  * [[:lazarus:yume | YUME Yielded User Memetic Electronic Interface]] +    LC-AE-N3310 Magnum-Solenoid Rifle (Not yet)  
-   +    * LA-AM-G4000 Rotary Aether Solenoid  (Not yet)  
-===== Information Security ===== +    LA-AM-G3800 Finger Solenoid Array (Yes) 
-  * [[:lazarus:OPSCURUS OPSCURUS Transmission Encryption]] +    Conventional input? 
-  * [[:lazarus:APSTRUSUS APSTRUSUS Hardware Encryption]]+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:mercuryMercurial Node Drone System ]] (not yet) 
 +  * [[pdct_super_phoenix_iiPDCT Super-Phoenix II]] Ys 
 +  * Apparation wake Array
-===== Computing Hardware =====+  * ANY-Jessica
-==== Structol Conscience Computer ==== +==== Weapons ==== 
- structol conscience computer is a computer which uses growing extra-dimensional nano-scale circuitry, faster than light processing, and quantum-potential memory on the planck scale to reach its conclusions. +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:cyclone| LF1 Typhoon Centrigun rifle]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:winter_ii:aspertyne_equipment| lazarus:winter_ii:aspertyne_equipment]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:underdog| Underdog  ]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:cyclone| Cyclone Weapons System]] (in progress) 
 +    * [[wip:corp:lazarus:cyclone:dump| excess article]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:decimator| Decimator Weapons System]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:cal| Carousel Arms Loader]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[silva| Silva Anti-biological rifle]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:structol_missile]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:mercury| Mercury Weapons System]] (in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:sunday7| Sunday-7 Delivery System]]
- Unusually, this circuit physically grows and changes, networking and organising itself to form dedicated circuitry for low-precision high-parallelization long-term tasks and generalized circuitry for high-accuracy low-parallelization short-term tasks. 
-  [[lazarus:structol_computer]] (replicated maesus)+==== Defensive technologies ==== 
 +  Plast-Plate
-==== M4 Suite ==== +  * LZ-SIA Multipurpose Shield
-A complete multipurpose software and hardware suite, complete with interface peripherals. Interestingly, when used as a sentence together ("//manus micas midas monos//"), the result translates in ancient Nepleslian trade into "//To control with the touch of thought alone//".+
-  * [[:lazarus:manus | MANUS controller]] +==== Sensors & countermeasures ====
-  * [[:lazarus:micas | MICAS Neural headset]] +
-  * [[:lazarus:midas | MIDAS computer]] +
-  * [[:lazarus:monos | MONOS interfacing software]]+
-===== Cybernetics Projects ===== +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:sensors:ae331| AE-331 Wideband passive solid-state optical sensor]] 
-A merger of being and machine, Lazarus' cybernetics projects seek to explore niches that don't exist yet.+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:sensors:ua109| UA-109 Ceramic Gravitational Field Sensor]]
-  * [[lazarus:modus | Project Modus ]] (in progress) +  * Structol Spectral Radiance exitance acquisition and detection system 
-  * [[:lazarus:modus_endoskeleton]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:sensors:gridGravitic Resonance Imaging Display Parser]]
-  * [[lazarus:adagio |  Adagio ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:phasma Project Phasma]] (in progress)+
-=====  Base Hardware =====+==== Computers ====
-=== C3R Suite === +  * [[femtoprocessor| Maesus femtoprocessor]] 
-Centrifuge, capacitor, condenser & rectifier, the C3R is a combination suite designed to extend the capabilities of the Aura device.+  * RX34 Nanovac Optical Computer
-  * [[lazarus:inverse | Centrifuge ]] 
-  * [[lazarus:capacitor]] 
-  * [[lazarus:condenser]] 
-  * [[lazarus:rectifier]] 
 +==== Interfaces ====
 +  * G62 Cockpit Module
-===== Theoretical Projects =====+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:mensrea| Mensrea neural intention control software (MNICS)]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:monos| MONOS ]] (work in progress) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:flow| FLOW]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:yume| YUME - Yielded User Memetic Electronic Interface]]
-  * [[lazarus:structol_computer|]] (work in progress) +==== M4 ==== 
-  * [[lazarus:Prometheus | Prometheus Aether Technologies]] (work in progress) +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:manusMANUS controller]] 
-  * [[lazarus:aura | Aura ]] +  * [[micasMICAS Neural headset]] 
-  * [[lazarus:magnum Magnum ]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:midasMIDAS computer]] 
-  * [[lazarus:axis AXIS ]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:monosMONOS interfacing software]]
-  * [[lazarus:particle | particle behavior ]] +
-  * [[lazarus:subspace_vortex subspace vortex ]] +
-  * [[lazarus:axis:condenser]] +
-  * [[lazarus:axis:rectifier]] +
-  * [[lazarus:aether_particle_carrier Aether physics ]]+
 +==== Cybernetics ====
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:modus| Project Modus ]] (in progress)
 +  * [[modus_endoskeleton]]
 +  * Adagio (in progress)
-====== Materials ====== +==== Civilian ====
-The Lazarus Consortium is exploring new avenues in material-sciences, examining how energy moves through materials, how their kinetic behaviors can be blended and how existing material technologies can be further enhanced through a deeper core understanding of their mechanism.+
-===== Structol ===== +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:core_suit_prototype| Volulon protection suit]] 
-Structol is a multipurpose non-organic living and self-modifying nano-structure created by the Sourcian. It can be found in almost all Sourcian technology and trace levels are almost always found within a given Sourcian.+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:gtx1| GT-X1 Supercar]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:displayglasses]]
-  * [[sourcian:sourcian_structol]] +==== Terraforming ==== 
-    * [[lazarus:advanced_structol]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:kryon]]  
-    * [[lazarus:structol_uses]] +  * Terrafumar 
-    * [[lazarus:structol_missile]]+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:carbolite]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:dynamond]]
 +==== Starships ====
-===== Quasicrystals ===== +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:tereticus| Tereticus Terraforming laboratory module ]] 
-Not so much a material as a means of arranging other materials, quasiperiodic crystalline materials or 'quasicrystals' are constructed atom by atom giving rise to some remarkable properties which are not usually seen in nature. +  * Veritas
- Tensile strength, chemical and thermal unreactivity, flexibility are common across the board but a number of more complex properties arise from the interesting electron and photon interaction properties of the material. +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:jumpgate]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:gallus| Gallus]] (in progress) 
 +==== Powered-Armour ==== 
 +  * [[geni| Geni ]] (available for sale) 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:rhys|  Rhys ]] (in progress)
- Unfortunately, quasicrystalline materials can be quite expensive and difficult to repair without specialist equipment. Some example applications some materials may be able to perform include semi-conduction, thermal insulators, one-way conductors, broadcast, sensor and display systems. 
-  * [[lazarus:quasicrystals | Quasicrystals]] (in progress+==== Other platforms ==== 
-    * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:drone]] (early development
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#euralis]] (EM capture+ 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#theralis]] (Thermal conductor/cooling) + 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#gamora]] (Gamma capture) +===== Research ===== 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#phollux]] (Semi conductor) + 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#capel]] (capacitor) +  * [[transmogrifier]] 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#doresu]] (field emission+ 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:phyliaus#volumestrice]] (display system) +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:iota-c| Inter-Orbital & Trans-Atmospheric combat software]] (in progress
-    * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium]] +  
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium#grade_f]] (thermal insulator) +  * Type-1 Aether Magnum 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium#grade_c]] (kinetic > vibration) +  * Type-2 Aether Magnum 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium#grade_b]] (kinetic > photon) +  * CE-308 Condenser Extensions 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium#grade_a]] (very heavy) +  * CT-473 Aeon Collector Assembly 
-      * [[lazarus:quasicrystals:toledorium#grade_s]] (kinetic > thermal)+  * CR-222 Core-Reciever 
 +  * [[materials:sourcian_structol]] 
 +    * [[wip:corp:lazarus:advanced_structol]] 
 +    * [[wip:corp:lazarus:structol_missile]] 
 +  * Volumetrice 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:biometaink]] 
 +==== Theoretical ==== 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:structol_computer]] (work in progress
 +  * [[aura| Aura ]] 
 +  * Overfold 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:magnum| Magnum ]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:axis| AXIS ]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:subspace_vortex| subspace vortex ]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:axis:condenser]] 
 +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:axis:rectifier]] 
 +  * [[procedural_control_surface]] 
 +===== Research Concepts =====
 ==== Exodermis ==== ==== Exodermis ====
Line 119: Line 189:
 Important is that they're designed to break apart in controlled ways along their edges not unlike a child's construction toy - meaning they can endure massive kinetic and thermal punishment and when a given flake is broken, it can simply be ejected, repaired or swapped out. Important is that they're designed to break apart in controlled ways along their edges not unlike a child's construction toy - meaning they can endure massive kinetic and thermal punishment and when a given flake is broken, it can simply be ejected, repaired or swapped out.
-  * Coming soon?+
 ===== Meta Materials ===== ===== Meta Materials =====
 Metamaterials are materials which seemingly don't respect the conventional laws of what a material can and cannot do through complex nanoengineering. Almost always, they are constructed atom by atom and often behave more like organisms than solid masses. Metamaterials are materials which seemingly don't respect the conventional laws of what a material can and cannot do through complex nanoengineering. Almost always, they are constructed atom by atom and often behave more like organisms than solid masses.
-  * [[lazarus:Volumetrice]] 
-  * [[lazarus:metawool]] 
-  * [[lazarus:Volulon]] 
-  * [[lazarus:biometaink]] 
-  * [[lazarus:displayglass]] 
 ===== Terraforming Materials ===== ===== Terraforming Materials =====
 Resources to be used in the terraforming of worlds, the Lazarus Terraforming Suite greatly simplifies and reduces costs for those terraforming new worlds. Resources to be used in the terraforming of worlds, the Lazarus Terraforming Suite greatly simplifies and reduces costs for those terraforming new worlds.
-  * [[lazarus:kryon]]  
-  * [[lazarus:Terrafumar]] 
-  * [[lazarus:carbolite]] 
-  * [[lazarus:dynamond]] 
-====== Products ====== +==== Basic Platforms ==== 
-===== High-end Civilian products ===== +===== Lazarus Research Apparatus =====
-Aimed specifically at the civilian market, these products are built to seemingly rediculous specifications with extremely high component tolerances - and as a result, very high price-tags.+
-  * [[lazarus:gtx1 | GT-X1 Supercar]] +  * [[stasis_system]] 
-  * [[lazarus:displayglasses]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:lemacc| Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber]] 
-  * [[lazarus:metawoolclothing]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:manipulator| Manipulator hand]] (in progress) 
-  * [[lazarus:core_suit_prototype Volulon protection suit]] +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:frozeneyeFrozen Eye]] (in progress) 
-  * [[lazarus:universal_modem]]+  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:quantum_locking| Quantum Locking Propulsion ]] (in progress)
-===== Lazarus Apparatus ===== +===== Standards =====
- +
-  * [[lazarus:stasis_system]] +
-  * [[lazarus:LEMACC | Lazarus emission managed anechoic contact chamber]] +
-  * [[lazarus:manipulator | Manipulator hand]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:frozeneye | Frozen Eye]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:quantum_locking | Quantum Locking Propulsion ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:kryon_pylon | Lazarus Kryon Pylon]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:Caledfwlch | Molecular applicator ]] (available for sale) +
-===== Platforms Projects =====+
 ==== Habitats ==== ==== Habitats ====
 Modular chambers, designed to be bolted together alongside specific systems and laminated in hull to produce a large structure, such as a starship or starbase. Modular chambers, designed to be bolted together alongside specific systems and laminated in hull to produce a large structure, such as a starship or starbase.
-  * [[lazarus:basic_structure]] (in progress) 
-  * [[lazarus:airlock]] (in progress) 
 ==== Structures ==== ==== Structures ====
 Structures are typically stationary buildings which can be constructed to serve specific purposes. They are often either automated or self-dependent. Structures are typically stationary buildings which can be constructed to serve specific purposes. They are often either automated or self-dependent.
-  * [[lazarus:primary_gate]] (in process) +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:primary_gate]] (in process) 
-  * [[lazarus:primary_complex]] (in progress) +  * [[wip:corp:lazarus:terraforming_atmospheric_processor]] (in progress)
-  * [[lazarus:terraforming_atmospheric_processor]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:vertical_macro_farming]] (in progress) +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Starships ==== +
- +
-  * [[lazarus:vereticus |  Vereticus ]] (in progress) +
-    * [[lazarus:Tereticus | Tereticus - Terraforming laboratory module ]] +
-    * [[lazarus:exotrusis | Exotrusis - Exobiology laboratory module ]] +
-    * [[lazarus:veritas | Veritas]] (in progress) +
-    * [[lazarus:argenton | Argenton Multi-role transport]] +
-    * [[lazarus:amelia | XGS-300 series 'Amelia']] +
- +
-  * [[lazarus:mynydoed | Mynydoed Mining Vessel]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:tsitrusis | Tsitrusis ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lorath:starship:caernarfon_shipyard | ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:oedo |  Oedo ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:garancier | garancier ]] (in progress) +
-==== Powered-Armour ==== +
-  * [[lazarus:geni | Geni ]] (available for sale) +
-  * [[lazarus:m2 | LZ-M1 ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:enf | Enforcer ]] (non-military) +
-  * [[lorath:mecha:project_kaibutsu |  Rhys ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:rhys |  Rhys ]] (in progress) +
- +
- +
-==== Other platforms ==== +
-  * [[lazarus:tank]] (early development) +
-  * [[lazarus:drone]] (early development) +
-====== Military Projects ====== +
-===== Weapons Projects ===== +
-The Lazarus Consortium is almost always experimenting with an array of unusual weapons-systems in order to explore what other companies either lack the initiative, imagination or budget to do so. +
- +
-  * [[lazarus:underdog | Underdog  ]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:cyclone | Cyclone Weapons System]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:decimator | Decimator Weapons System]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:cal | Carousel Arms Loader]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:silva | Silva Anti-biological rifle]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:structol_missile]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:mercury | Mercury Weapons System]] (in progress) +
-  * [[lazarus:ARM9X | ARM-9X]] +
-  * [[lazarus:OTP-83 | OTP-83 Tempast Anti-shipping missile]] +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Medical Projects ===== +
-Unusually, Lazarus not only works on conventional engineering projects but also medical projects - with a goal of eventually bridging the two seamlessly in future projects. +
- +
-  * [[Lazarus:Motiv]] +
- +
- +
- +
-=== Possible names? === +
-  * Gracie +
-  * Wanderlei +
-  * Machida (SAoY?) +
-  * Sakuraba (SAoY?) +
-  * Fedor +
-  * Hunt+
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +products.product_cat : 
 +products.product_name : 
 +products.product_nomenclature : 
 +products.product_designer : 
 +products.product_manufacturer : 
 +products.product_brand : 
 +products.product_releaseyear : 
 +products.product_discontinued_year : 
 +products.product_usedby : 
 +products.product_parent : 
 +products.product_image : 
 +products.product_price_ks : 
 +products.product_drv3_max : 
 +products.product_production : 
 +products.product_description : 
 +products.product_length : 
 +products.product_width : 
 +products.product_height : 
 +products.product_mass : 
 +products.product_color : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_supclass : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_usage : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_adopted_year : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_reviewed_last : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_item_retired_year : 
 +stararmy_logistics.saoy_itemcount : 
 ---- ----

corp/lazarus/research.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:07 by wes