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Corruption Uproot and Regenerative Extraction of Mishhuvurthyar or CUREM is a drug developed by Psychopomp's Genetic branch in an attempt to help combat against NMX parasites. It makes use of several chemical compounds to reverse the power dynamic that a NMX parasite pushes onto its hosts.


CUREM was developed in YE 43 by Psychopomp. It was created by using the genetic code of a Mishhuvurthyar to create it, something Psychopomp acquired through contacts with an SMX splinter cell that they have had dealings with. This project had been kept hidden during its development and the company says that it was created using dead NMX they had exterminated to acquire the DNA necessary to produce the product.


CUREM is an injectable cocktail of chemicals that alter the DNA of both the host and the Parasite-Type Mishhuvurthyar that has infected them. The result of this alteration is that instead of the parasite overriding the host's personality it instead has its own personality overwritten. CUREM is only effective so long as some of the old host's consciousness still remains however and will not work if the host had become deceased during the transformation or if the infection has progressed too far.1)

When used in the later stages (after the parasite has been ejected) any physical changes will not be reversed but full control of any new additions will be fully controllable albeit awkward at first. It is also worth noting that due to the nature of Yamatai's secrecy the DNA code required to formulate how to make the drug work for several species, such as nekovalkyrjas and elysians the drug will not work for them.


After injection the cocktail of chemicals quickly goes to work altering the DNA of both the host and parasite the result of this essential transfers the parasites ability to overwrite the hosts personality and gain their memories to that of the host. Once this change has finished the parasite is killed and ejected from the hosts body and any physical changes will be reverted.

If administered in the later stages after the parasite has ejected it becomes a question of if the hosts still has enough of their original personality remaining, this normally comes down to how strong willed and healthy they were before they were infected. The drug will still work the same however if there is no personality of the host left the body either as a vegetable or if the infection is fully completed then the infected will become docile but still have the mishhu personality. Also in the later stages any physical changes will not be reverted.

Side Effects

Possible side effects of this drug/medicine


What happens when too much drug/medicine is administered

  • A second dose will revert the host and parastate again effectively resetting the interaction.
  • A third dose will result in death due to massive cell rejection due to the DNA becoming unstable and unraveling

OOC Notes

Ace created this article on 2021/04/14 10:54.

๐Ÿšง This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Up to GM discretion

wip_2023_or_older/corp/psychopomp/curem.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:12 by wes