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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Entities for the Lazarus LA+ LAPLACE Operating System

Entities are compiled ARIA-Style ROM Constructs and derived entities. They are usually custom built and designed to operate with extremely short life-spans of minutes or hours at a time: Picking up from what the last entity was doing to continue their position in a task.

Interestingly, in an early version of the OS, an entity could only be dismissed or shut down if the problem had been successfully solved and a reward setup for the entity's demise conditions. Unfortunately when an entity couldn't solve a problem, it would either create a new instance of itself or source another entity. With complex problems this would often happen recursively until thousands or even millions of iterations later they eventually achieved a working solution and the demise-conditions had been met, thus mass-terminating the executing constructs. In one case, they did not achieve their final outcome and had to be reset via administrative tampering, slowing down the network substantially.

For this reason, an entity is never allowed to summon another entity โ€“ and a user is granted to a single entity and entity profile. They can be broken up into services to run on the Lazarus Processing Network.

  • Public Entities & Solvers
    • ADJUTANT - A ROM Construct designed to act as a base UI intelligence. It is simplified and does not require access to the Lazarus Processing Network in order to function well.
    • LAPLACE - General Purpose Search, retrieval & Engine Constructor
    • BUILDER - Task builder: Designed especially to aid in the creation of software without traditional programming
    • COMPANION - General purpose entertainer. Self-alters based on user's psychological profile. Often used to construct neural operational experiences over AEUS, a simple environment application engine.
  • Private Entities & Constructs
    • MOTHER
    • LAG01
    • LAG02
    • LAG03
    • LAG04
    • LAG05
    • LAG06
    • LAZ07
    • LAZ08
    • LAZ09
    • LAZ10
    • LAZ11
    • LAZ12

wip_2023_or_older/corp/lazarus/la/entities.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 08:10 by wes