N.S.N. Contingency Directive

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Neshaten Shukara Military chose to adopt a lot of the Contingency Directive's that the old federation had, although some of them were modified to fit more with the current government and Kingdom, most remained the same. There are seventy five contingency directives.

Some Directives, such as Directive 12, are unknown to the majority of the military including that which it applies to.

List of Known Directives

List of Unknown Directives

Unknown Directives are those that are only known to high ranking military officials, these orders are kept in secret due to how controversial they are.

1) , 2) , 3)
This is a directive that existed during the time of the federation and was brought over into the Kingdom