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The Illionites (Also referred to as Illionite Warmasters) are a Species encountered by the crew of the YSS Mazu in the Kosuke Sector in YE 45. They are a major NPC species in the Hinomaru Sunrises II plot.

History and Background

In the Illionite's pre-FTL technology era, around the year 400 BYE, nestled on the harsh terrains of Illion Prime, the Illionites were forging a culture deeply rooted in strategic mastery and militaristic tradition. Their world was a stern tutor, its ruthless landscapes nurturing a relentless pursuit of strategic and technological advancement. Through centuries of internal war games and competitions, they sharpened their minds and technologies, laying the groundwork for the dominion that awaited them beyond the stars.

The dawn of the FTL era in 248 BYE marked the beginning of their celestial expedition. With the cosmos now within reach, the Illionites embarked on meticulously planned explorations, each venture a blend of military preparedness and exploratory curiosity. As they ventured into the vast expanses of the Kosuke Sector, they encountered a plethora of civilizations. Their strategic prowess, tested and honed on the unforgiving plains of Illion Prime, ensured their triumph in skirmishes and negotiations alike.

By 100 BYE, the Illionites had made significant advancements in terraforming technology, a feat that allowed them to alter the very essence of planets, molding them into theaters of war for their grand war games. This era saw the genesis of a dark yet riveting tradition that would define their dominion in the sector. They began the practice of capturing members of other civilizations, forcibly relocating them onto the terraformed worlds, and orchestrating grandiose war games. Each war was not merely a contest of might but a spectacle, a galactic drama that enthralled audiences across the Kosuke Sector.

The year 010 BYE marked a pivotal point in their history; the Illionites had terraformed and dominated a significant portion of the galactic northeast of the Kosuke Sector, their reputation as master strategists and formidable adversaries echoing through the stars. The war games had become a tradition feared and revered, the broadcasts generating immense wealth and establishing a form of diplomatic dominance as they showcased their superior strategic and terraforming capabilities.

The Illionite economy burgeoned, fueled by the lucrative war games, trade of terraforming technology, and strategic acumen. The meritocratic oligarchy of Illion, now presiding over vast swathes of the sector, evolved to govern not merely a planet but a dominion whose influence resonated through the cosmos. Through the years, the Illionites perfected the art of forced relocation, their processes becoming a blend of ruthless efficiency and cold, calculated strategy. The relocated species, now pawns in the grand war games, played their roles in the Illionite narrative of dominance.

By YE 30, the Illionites had become synonymous with both the splendor and the horror of the war games, their dominion in the Kosuke Sector a testament to their strategic genius and the indomitable will to ascend to the apex of the cosmic hierarchy. The War-Masters of Illion were not merely a civilization; they were a galactic phenomenon, their legacy interwoven with the very fabric of the Kosuke Sector history.

Between YE 26 and YE 27 the Illionites finished terraforming Becurn III in the Becurn System. Sometime in YE 28, they force relocated a population of Cemlae to the Becurn System. They then relocated the Mocaidins two years later in YE 30.

In YE 45, the YSS Mazu intercepted a distress signal from an Illion Prisoner Transport in the Sharie System.1)2)


The Illionites are towering figures, standing at an average height of 9 feet, encased in a robust greyish-blue exoskeleton that serves as a natural armor and a testament to their formidable nature. Their faces are adorned with large, multifaceted eyes capable of a wide field of vision, and their heads may bear crests or retractable antennae, adding to their alien visage. They possess four muscular arms, each ending in three-fingered hands, showcasing a unique blend of strength and dexterity. The general aura of the Illionites exudes a blend of military precision and an alien elegance, reflecting their culture of strategic mastery and war-gaming tradition.

Type Non-Humanoid
Sector Kosuke Sector
Homeworld Illion Prime3)
Government Meritocratic Oligarchy
Advancement Level Comparable to Yamatai Star Empire Civilian Technologies
Status Highly Aggressive
Playable No


The exoskeleton of the Illionites is a marvel of natural armor and a significant aspect of their physiology, offering a blend of protection and functionality. Its structure is comprised of dense, chitinous material, with a metallic greyish-blue hue that mirrors the stark, militaristic aesthetics of Illionite culture. The exoskeleton is asymmetrically segmented, allowing for a remarkable range of motion while retaining its formidable defensive capabilities against physical and certain energy-based threats. Its surface is smooth yet tough, capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions, and often bears scars or markings from past war games, each a proud testament to an Illionite's experience and prowess in the strategic arts.

Sensory Organs

The Illionite sensory organs are highly evolved, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of their environment, crucial for their wargaming and strategic endeavors. Here's a breakdown of their sensory apparatus:

Sensory Organs and Systems
Organ/System Description
Eyes Their large, multifaceted eyes provide an expansive field of vision and exceptional depth perception. The eyes are capable of distinguishing a wide spectrum of colors, including some ultraviolet and infrared frequencies, enabling them to perceive subtle visual cues in various lighting conditions.
Ears Tucked beneath protective flaps on the sides of their heads are highly sensitive ears capable of picking up a broad range of auditory signals. These ears can detect both high and low-frequency sounds, allowing them to perceive subtle auditory cues even in noisy environments.
Antennae Retractable antennae are nestled within compartments in their skulls. When extended, these antennae can detect vibrations and pheromones in the air, providing an additional layer of sensory input that helps in understanding their environment and communicating with each other on a chemical level.
Tactile Sensitivity Their exoskeleton, while tough, has areas of heightened tactile sensitivity, especially around the joints and fingertips. This allows them to feel vibrations and textures, crucial for manipulating objects and operating complex machinery.
Olfactory and Gustatory Organ They possess olfactory and gustatory organs located within small orifices in the lower part of their faces, allowing them to taste and smell. These organs are adept at detecting chemical compositions, aiding in the identification of edible resources and potential toxins.
Electroreception It's speculated that Illionites may possess a form of electroreception, allowing them to detect electrical fields and changes in the environment, which can be particularly useful in the technologically advanced settings they often find themselves in.


The limbs of the Illionites.

Illionite Limbs
Arms Each of the four arms is robust and segmented, with joints allowing for a wide range of motion. This multi-limb configuration enables them to engage in complex multitasking and handle various tools or weapons simultaneously. Of the arms, the upper set of arms is more refined. The arms end in three-fingered hands with opposable thumbs, providing them with a strong grip and fine motor control. This hand structure is adept at manipulating objects, operating machinery, and engaging in intricate tasks.
Legs Their legs are powerful and slightly digitigrade in structure, providing them with enhanced speed and agility. The strong muscles of their legs enable them to cover large distances quickly and jump to considerable heights or lengths. The feet are equipped with sharp, clawed toes that provide a strong grip on various terrains, from the rocky grounds of Illion Prime to the engineered surfaces of their starships.
Exoskeletal Protection The exoskeleton extends to cover their limbs, providing a natural armor against physical threats. The tough, chitinous material of the exoskeleton shields them while the segmented design maintains flexibility.
Tactile Sensitivity Certain areas of their limbs, particularly around the joints and fingertips, have heightened tactile sensitivity. This allows for a nuanced touch and the ability to feel vibrations and textures, crucial for many of their technologically advanced tasks and wargaming activities.

Adaptive Capabilities

The limbs of the Illionites are adapted to function efficiently in a variety of environmental conditions, whether it's the harsh terrains of Illion Prime or the varying gravitational forces of different planets within the Kosuke Sector.

Respiratory System

The Illionites have a highly developed respiratory system:

Circulatory System

Illionites have an advanced circulatory system:

Digestive System

They possess a highly efficient digestive system capable of breaking down a variety of organic materials for nutrients. Their diet is primarily carnivorous, but they can digest some plant matter.

Brain and Nervous System

Their brains are highly developed with a particular emphasis on regions associated with strategic thinking, spatial awareness, and problem-solving. They have a decentralized nervous system, with auxiliary nerve clusters located throughout their bodies, enhancing their reflexes and coordination.


The Illionites have a complex reproductive system, requiring three individuals to reproduce. The genetic material from three parents contributes to the diversity and adaptability of their species.

Mating Selection

Reproduction among Illionites necessitates the genetic contributions of three individuals. The selection of the triad is a meticulously planned affair, often based on strategic alliances, genetic compatibility, and individual merit within the realms of war-gaming and strategic endeavors.

Mating Rituals

Mating rituals are formalized events, that display the intellectual and genetic prowess of the individuals involved. These rituals might include demonstrations of strategic acumen or war-gaming skills, showcasing the collective potential of the triad.

Genetic Exchange

The genetic exchange occurs through specialized reproductive organs, with each individual contributing genetic material in a controlled and possibly medically assisted manner. This three-way exchange is crucial for the genetic diversity and vitality of their offspring. Egg Formation and Incubation:

Post-fertilization, one individual, designated based on certain physiological and genetic criteria, carries and lays the eggs. The eggs are then placed in secured incubation chambers with meticulously controlled environmental conditions to ensure the proper development of the embryos.

Hatching and Early Care

Upon hatching, the young Illionites, often referred to as spawns, are taken to communal nurturing centers. These centers provide both physical care and intellectual nurturing, instilling the values of strategy, honor, and societal contribution from an early age.

Genetic Enhancement

It is plausible that genetic enhancement techniques are employed to bolster the physical and intellectual capabilities of the offspring, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to Illionite society.

Integration into Society

As the young Illionites mature, they are integrated into various societal roles based on their aptitudes and the strategic needs of the community. They are encouraged to hone their wargaming skills, explore the cosmos, and continue the legacy of strategic excellence that defines Illionite civilization.


They have advanced thermoregulatory systems that help maintain their internal temperatures within a safe range, despite the conditions of their environment or the terraformed worlds they inhabit.


Illionites eat with the intention of it being a process to hone their bodies. Their focus is more on nutrition than flavor or texture.

Protein Sources Illionites consume a variety of protein-rich foods. One such delicacy is the armored Grathok, a crustacean-like creature native to Illion Prime, which provides essential amino acids required for exoskeletal and muscular health.
Mineral-Rich Foods They often indulge in a mineral-rich dish called Krystafera, a type of root vegetable that grows in the rocky terrains of Illion Prime. Krystafera is high in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are crucial for maintaining the integrity of their exoskeleton.
Plant-Based Foods Illionites also consume leafy greens known as Zulon leaves, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, aiding in the detoxification processes and boosting their immune system.
Supplementation They have developed a nutrient-packed supplement called NutriGel, a gelatinous substance loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. NutriGel is often consumed during off-planet missions or rigorous training sessions to ensure they meet their dietary requirements.
Fluid Intake Hydration is maintained through the consumption of a mineral-infused fluid known as AquaVit, which is rich in electrolytes and helps maintain cellular functions and overall hydration levels.
Specialized Diets Illionites preparing for wargaming events or other high-stress scenarios often consume Energispheres, small spherical capsules filled with concentrated nutrients and slow-releasing energy compounds to sustain them through demanding activities.

When encountering new civilizations, Illionites may cautiously sample local delicacies, analyzing them thoroughly for nutritional benefits and potential hazards before consumption. During social or ceremonial occasions, Illionites might enjoy a beverage known as StragoBrew, a fermented drink known for its mild stimulant properties and unique, layered flavor profile.


Illion Prime, the homeworld of the Illionites, is a planet of extreme contrasts and diverse ecosystems. The landscapes range from towering mountain ranges with jagged peaks to vast, arid deserts where the sand shifts endlessly over hidden ravines. Amidst these harsh terrains, dense forests of metallic-tinged trees provide a stark, yet majestic contrast, their leaves shimmering under the light of the twin suns. The skies above are often turbulent, filled with storms that crackle with electricity, illuminating the skies with an ethereal glow. The planet's water bodies, including its vast silver seas and deep, mineral-rich lakes, offer a respite from the harshness of the land, their shores often dotted with Illionite settlements. The distinctive greyish-blue hue of the Illionite architecture blends seamlessly with the natural colors of Illion Prime, symbolizing their harmony with, yet mastery over, the harsh environment.

The natural adversities of Illion Prime have played a significant role in shaping the Illionite civilization, forging them into a race of strategic thinkers and formidable warriors. The fauna and flora have evolved to thrive under extreme conditions, with resilient, metallic-skinned creatures and robust, mineral-rich plant life that the Illionites have integrated into their diet and daily life. The harsh climate and unpredictable weather patterns have honed their adaptability and strategic foresight, crucial traits that have propelled them into becoming master war gamers and dominant players in the Kosuke Sector. The war-gaming arenas, constructed amidst this dramatic natural backdrop, serve as both a testament to the Illionites' ability to conquer their environment and a continual reminder of the harsh, yet awe-inspiring beauty of Illion Prime that shaped a civilization of strategic masters.


The culture of the Illionites is deeply intertwined with strategic mastery, militaristic tradition, and a relentless pursuit of intellectual dominance. Central to their culture is the grand spectacle of war-gaming, a revered tradition that showcases their strategic prowess in orchestrated warfare scenarios. These war games are more than mere competitions; they are a way of life, a method of societal advancement, and a means of engaging with other civilizations. Every Illionite is ingrained with a sense of honor and a quest for strategic excellence from a young age, fostering a society that values intellectual acumen, tactical brilliance, and a collective drive toward celestial dominion. Their social interactions are often formal and governed by a code of conduct that emphasizes respect, discipline, and a commitment to the betterment of Illionite society. The meritocratic oligarchy at the helm encourages competition and innovation, driving the Illionites to constantly push the boundaries of strategic and technological advancement.

Illionite culture also encompasses a deep appreciation for their harsh yet majestic homeworld of Illion Prime. The landscapes of their planet are reflected in their architecture, art, and the very essence of their war games. Despite their militaristic and strategic focus, Illionites have a sense of aesthetics that draws heavily from the natural beauty and the stark contrasts of their environment. They hold ceremonies and rituals that pay homage to their origins, and their art often depicts the grandeur of Illion Prime and the cosmos beyond. Their interactions with other civilizations, though often marked by a display of dominance in war-gaming, also reflect a complex, structured, and in many ways, curious and exploratory disposition. The Illionites seek to understand, engage, and at times, dominate the vast expanse of the cosmos, driven by a culture that views the stars as the ultimate board on which to play their strategic games.


The language of the Illionites, known as Stratolinguo, is a meticulously structured and precise mode of communication, reflecting their strategic and analytical mindset. Central to Stratolinguo is the clear conveyance of hierarchical positions, strategic concepts, and technological nuances, achieved through a rich vocabulary and rigid grammatical rules. The language embodies multi-layered meanings within phrases, allowing for dense information exchange, and is supplemented by non-verbal cues such as body posture and exoskeletal color modulation. The written form resembles intricate geometric designs, mirroring the logical and strategic flow of Illionite thought, while its numerical system, symbolic in nature, often encapsulates complex strategic scenarios. Integrated within their technology, Stratolinguo facilitates seamless interaction between Illionites and their advanced devices. Despite its rigidity, the language exhibits adaptability by incorporating alien terms when engaging with other civilizations, showcasing a nuanced balance between tradition and cosmic exploration.


Illionites' attire is a fusion of functional design and emblematic distinction, reflecting their strategic ethos and societal hierarchy. Commonly adorned in armor and protective gear that complements their natural exoskeleton, they prioritize functionality, especially during wargaming events. Their clothing often bears insignia and rank markings, denoting their position within the society. Strategic harnesses equipped with technological gadgets and communication devices are a staple, facilitating real-time coordination. In formal or ceremonial settings, they may wear robes or tunics adorned with intricate patterns symbolizing their strategic culture, alongside headgear like armored helmets or ceremonial crowns. Utility belts and pouches for carrying essential items, along with environmental suits for hostile conditions, showcase their preparedness and adaptability. While functionality is paramount, decorative accouterments like ornamental shoulder pieces or metallic embroidery are incorporated during social or ritualistic events, adding an aesthetic dimension to their pragmatic attire.


The government of the Illionites operates under a meritocratic oligarchy known as the Strategic Synod, where leadership and positions of authority are earned through demonstrated strategic acumen, military prowess, and contributions to Illionite society.

Component Description Notable Individuals
Strategic Synod The apex council responsible for overarching policies, interstellar relations, and strategic direction of the Illionite civilization.
High Strategist The head of the Synod, revered for unparalleled strategic intellect and war-gaming mastery. Zyrak Thane
Master of War Oversees military operations and defense strategies. Seraphel Voss
Arbiter of Harmony Manages internal affairs and societal harmony. Lyrial Quist
Meritocratic Ascension The process through which individuals vie for leadership roles by showcasing strategic prowess in war-gaming arenas, military campaigns, and intellectual contributions.
Sector Commanders Governors of Illionite-controlled space sectors, responsible for administration, defense, and strategic planning within their respective sectors.
Advisory Councils Councils comprising experts in various fields assisting the Synod and Sector Commanders in informed decision-making and policy formulation.
War-Gaming Conclaves Periodic events for debating strategic doctrines and identifying emerging leaders, serving as both a testing ground and a forum for strategic innovation.
Judicial System Overseen by a panel of Juris Strategists, ensuring the enforcement of laws and resolution of disputes through a legal framework influenced by strategic principles.
Civil Service Ensures the efficient implementation of policies and administration of societal functions, from education and health to resource management and technological advancement.


The Illionites boast a plethora of advanced technologies, embodying their strategic intellect and ensuring their dominance within the galactic northeastern Kosuke Sector. Central to their technological prowess are the wargaming simulators, which employ artificial intelligence and quantum computing to create hyper-realistic conflict scenarios for training and strategic planning. Exoskeletal enhancements augment their natural protective casing, offering additional strength, protection, and sensory capabilities, while being customizable for various functionalities. Illionites have also mastered efficient energy-harnessing technologies, tapping into solar, geothermal, and dimensionally tapped sources like Aether to secure a stable and abundant energy supply for their civilization. Their terraforming equipment stands as a hallmark of their technological advancements, capable of transforming hostile environments into habitable zones, which is crucial for their strategy of relocating other civilizations onto terraformed worlds for war-gaming purposes.

Their exploration and warfare capabilities are significantly bolstered by a fleet of advanced spacecraft equipped with cutting-edge propulsion systems, energy shields, and formidable armaments. Communication across vast cosmic distances is made instantaneous and secure through quantum entanglement and advanced encryption algorithms. Artificial Intelligence (Similar to KAIMON) and automation permeate various aspects of Illionite society, aiding in data analysis, strategic planning, infrastructure management, and the orchestration of complex wargaming events. Genetic engineering technologies play a pivotal role in optimizing their physiological attributes and managing the breeding programs of war-gaming creatures. Furthermore, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies find extensive use in education, training, and recreation, providing immersive experiences that sharpen strategic skills and offer a deeper understanding of complex scenarios. Defensive technologies, including energy shields, advanced surveillance systems, and automated defense platforms, ensure the security and integrity of Illionite domains within their area of influence.


The Illionite economy operates on a meticulously organized and centralized system, underpinned by their strategic, militaristic, and technological endeavors. The core of their economic engine is fueled by the development, maintenance, and advancement of war-gaming technologies and military hardware. Significant investments are channeled toward research, development, and the procurement of rare materials essential for their cutting-edge technologies. Their control over terraformed worlds and the orchestrated wargaming events involving relocated civilizations also form a crucial part of their economic model, potentially extracting tribute or resources from these civilizations. The economic activities are stringently governed to ensure efficient allocation and utilization of resources, further cementing their dominant stance in the Kosuke Sector. Their currency, known as Stratos, serves as the monetary backbone, facilitating transactions and symbolizing the economic prowess of the Illionite civilization.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/29 14:43.

This article was approve by Wes on 2023/01/04.4) Artwork was done in Midjourney by Andrew.

Art on this page is done in Midjourney by Andrew. Written with some assistance from Chat GPT.

Unknown to the Star Army of Yamatai at this time.