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Yugumo Celestial Oasis

The Yugumo Celestial Oasis is a unique interior for the Tengumo-Class Space Station developed by the Yugumo Corporation in YE 45.

History and Background

In YE 45, the Yugumo Corporation was building the first Tengumo-Class Space Station. The designers at Yugumo Fleetworks wanted to make a unique compartment that would be special for a civilian space station, but reminiscent of the work they had done on Aquarius Star Fortress. They came up with the Celestial Oasis, a hybridized aquarium and swimming attraction that promised an immersive and interesting experience.

Product Information

The product information for the Yugumo Celestial Oasis.

Yugumo Celestial Oasis
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Yugumo Fleetworks
Nomenclature Type 45
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded by Yugumo Corporation,Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Availability Limited Production on Tengumo-Class Space Station Only

Celestial Oasis

The Celestial Oasis is a breathtakingly beautiful aquatic paradise, its design seamlessly merging advanced technology with natural aesthetics. The pool itself is vast, stretching over several levels of the starship, accessible from a moon pool. The water's hue shifts between mesmerizing shades of deep azure and cosmic indigo, mimicking the ever-changing colors of the universe outside the station's windows. Fiber-optic stars are embedded in the ceiling, creating a celestial panorama that seems to extend into infinity.

The Celestial Oasis is no ordinary body of water; it boasts an array of innovative features. There are multiple sections catering to different aquatic preferences:

Zero-Gravity Zone

One section offers the unique experience of swimming in a zero-gravity environment. Here, passengers can float effortlessly, emulating the feeling of being in space. This requires the use of the "Megumi" Abyssal Underwater Operations Module for the RHI Type 43 "Megumi" Environmental Skinsuit to be used.

Underwater Gardens and Aquarium

Exotic aquatic plants, illuminated by bioluminescent blooms, thrive in specially designed underwater gardens. Schools of colorful fish dart among the foliage, creating a vibrant and immersive underwater ecosystem.

Infinity Edge

In one of the pools, there is an infinity edge that provides a stunning illusion of water cascading into the void of space beyond. Safety graviton fields ensure passengers can admire the breathtaking view without any risk.

Wave Simulator

For those seeking more excitement, a wave simulator can create surges of artificial waves, allowing passengers to surf or bodyboard within the safety of the pool.

In-Pool Seating

Comfortable, ergonomic seating pods offer a unique opportunity to relax both in and around the pool. Passengers can enjoy drinks or snacks while partially submerged.

Technology and Safety

The Celestial Oasis employs advanced technology of Yugumo's Life Support Systems to maintain water purity, gravity regulation, and safety. Nano-filtration systems keep the water pristine, and force fields around the pool ensure that no water escapes into the ship's interior. Trained KAIMON/Ascendant Consort serve as lifeguards and medical staff and are equipped with life-saving technology to patrol the area, ensuring the well-being of all swimmers.


Adjacent to the pool, a stylish lounge area features transparent observation windows, allowing guests to watch the vast expanse of space while sipping on cosmic-themed cocktails from the Tokyo Brewing Company. A volumetric control panel lets users customize the water temperature, lighting, and even the aquatic ambiance, creating a personalized swimming experience.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/20 19:04.

This article was approved by Wes on 2023/10/01.1)

Written with the help of ChatGPT. Art is made by Andrew in Midjourney.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Celestial Oasis
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45