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Yugumo Standard Wardroom

Yugumo Standard Wardroom is a starship interior developed by the Yugumo Corporation in YE 45.

History and Background

In YE 45, the Yugumo Corporation's Yugumo Fleetworks division sought to continue the standardization of its interior modules for the ships it produced. The design for the Yugumo Standard Wardroom was done in conjunction with the Yugumo Standard Dining Hall and the Yugumo Standard Galley. A more lavishly decorated and private place for Licensed Crew or Officers to dine.

Product Information

The product information for the Yugumo Standard Wardroom.

Yugumo Standard Wardroom
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Yugumo Fleetworks
Nomenclature Type 45
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded by Yugumo Corporation,Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Availability Mass Production

Wardroom Design

The private wardroom for officers on spacecraft or space stations maintains the same comfortable aesthetic as the crew dining hall but offers an elevated level of comfort, privacy, and sophistication.

Entrance and Access

Access to the officer's wardroom is restricted and requires a biometric scan or a high-level security clearance for entry1), ensuring that only Licensed Crew and authorized crew can use this exclusive space. The entrance area features an elegant antechamber with subdued lighting, where officers can pause before entering the main wardroom.

Layout and Architecture

Refined Design: The wardroom exudes an atmosphere of refinement and luxury. It features a more subdued color palette with deep blues, rich woods, and polished metals. The walls are adorned with discreet artwork or historical artifacts depending on the tastes of the customer or Shipmaster.

Instead of communal seating, the wardroom is divided into smaller, private seating areas with comfortable chairs, sofas, and coffee tables. Officers can choose their preferred location for dining or meetings.

Furniture and Amenities

The furniture in the wardroom is plush and ergonomic, offering the utmost comfort. Each seating area is equipped with soft, high-quality cushions and adjustable lighting to create a cozy ambiance. The dining tables are made of exquisite materials, such as fine wood or high-gloss Durandium Alloy. They are equipped with built-in KAIMON communication consoles, allowing officers to conduct private discussions or review sensitive data.

Ambiance and Lighting

Like the crew dining hall, the wardroom features adjustable lighting, but here, it can be tailored to create an even more intimate and exclusive atmosphere. Officers can adjust lighting to suit their preferences, from warm and inviting to formal and business-like. The wardroom is equipped with advanced artificial gravity control, which allows officers to customize the strength of gravity to their liking, further enhancing their comfort.

Cuisine and Service

Officers can enjoy a personalized dining experience, with access to a dedicated team of culinary experts, from the Yugumo Standard Galley or a private kitchen that prepares gourmet meals to their exact specifications. The wardroom also boasts an impressive collection of fine wines and beverages, stored in climate-controlled cabinets. Officers can select from a wide range of options to accompany their meals.

Privacy Screens

Privacy screens are available, allowing officers to create a discreet and secure environment for confidential discussions or video conferences.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/20 15:31.

This article was approved by Wes on 2023/10/01.2)

Art was done in Midjourney by Andrew. Written with assistance from ChatGPT.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Wardroom
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45
managed by KAIMON