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Yugumo Standard Laundry Facility

Yugumo Standard Laundry Facility is a starship interior developed by the Yugumo Corporation in YE 45.

History and Background

In YE 45, the Yugumo Corporation's Yugumo Fleetworks division sought to continue the standardization of its interior modules for the ships it produced. Yugumo Fleetworks called for a waterless design, considering the increased luxury of the Yugumo Standard Rated Crew Showers and Bathhouse compartments on the ship consuming more than standard.

Product Information

The product information for the Yugumo Standard Laundry Facility.

Yugumo Standard Laundry Facility
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Yugumo Fleetworks
Nomenclature Type 45
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded by Yugumo Corporation,Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Availability Mass Production

Laundry Facility

The design of the Yugumo Standard Laundry Facility is a compact, sleek chamber located deep within the bowels of the spacecraft, accessible only to the ship's crew. This space-age laundry room was essential for maintaining the hygiene and comfort of the crew during their long journeys through the cosmos. The facility has Quantum Cleanser units, folding tables, and an area to hang clothing. The size of the laundry facility is generally decided by the class of ship it is on.

Rated Crew generally do their own laundry, but Licensed Crew laundry is generally assigned to Rated Crew or KAIMON/Ascendant Consort for processing.

Quantum Cleanser

Each piece of clothing or fabric was placed into a small chamber within the Quantum Cleanser. These chambers were equipped with quantum resonance technology that vibrates at ultra-high frequencies, causing the fabric's molecules to resonate and release any dirt, stains, or odors trapped within.

As the clothing vibrated, nanobots suspended in a cleansing mist from the ship's disinfection systems are released into the chamber. These tiny machines would swarm over the fabric, breaking down and neutralizing any contaminants at the molecular level. Whether it was space dust, alien gunk, or even the most stubborn of stains, the nanobots left no trace behind.

The entire process takes mere seconds, ensuring that the crew has fresh clothing at their disposal whenever needed.

Custom Scent Infusion

For a personal touch, crew members could choose from a variety of scents to infuse into their freshly cleaned clothing. The Quantum Cleanser's scent dispenser utilized aroma molecules to achieve this, allowing crew members to enjoy the fragrance of freshly laundered clothes tailored to their preferences.

Instant Fabric Restoration

In case of any wrinkles or creases, the Quantum Cleanser has an integrated fabric restoration feature. It utilized a combination of laser technology and shape-memory polymers to smooth out and reshape clothing to its original form, leaving everything looking perfectly pressed.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/20 16:12.

This article was approved by Wes on 2023/10/01.1)

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT. Art done in Midjourney by Andrew.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Laundry Facility
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45