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Murasaki Kenshin

Murasaki Kenshin is a player character played by Khasidel.

Murasaki Kenshin (紫 剣心)
Species: NH-31M Minkan
Gender: Male
Age: 19 Years Old (Born YE 15)
Height: 5'6“ (167.6 cm)
Weight: 148 lbs (67.13 kg)
Organization: Star Army Reserve, Murasaki Clan
Occupation: Star Army Pilot / Technician
Rank: Nitô Heisho Nitô Heisho
Current Placement: Fort Victory Reserve Center
Orders: Orders

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'6” (167.6 cm) Mass: 148 lbs (67.13 kg)

Build and Skin Color: Kenshin is slender and has a wiry, muscular build. He has a white and formerly pale skin-tone due to living almost exclusively aboard ships and stations, but this has been somewhat remedied during his planet-side Star Army training.

Eyes and Facial Features: Kenshin's facial features, like those of most Yamataians, are of distinctly Asian genetic descent. He is fairly handsome with an apparent phenotypical age that gives him the appearance of being in his late teens to early twenties. He has typically slanted Japanese eyes, with lightly colored hazel irises.

Hair Color and Style: Kenshin's hair color is a dark violet bordering on black depending on how the light catches it. He typically wears it cut short, with a pony-tail hanging to his upper back.

Distinguishing Features: None.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Kenshin is friendly and compassionate, but can be somewhat reserved towards others until he is more familiar with them. He has spent nearly his entire life aboard starships and space installations and thus he is most comfortable in the void beyond a planets gravity-well whilst sitting at the controls of a starship. Despite this, Kenshin has also frequented numerous planets across civilized space and is quite at home within almost any starport or merchant trading post.

He has a tendency to be introspective and analytical; when Kenshin speaks he usually does so as concisely as he can get away with except when close to those he is speaking to. However, he does become rather talkative and animated when participating in discussions about piloting, fighter-craft, engineering or other starship-related topics. He has a keen interest in fighter technology and engineering in particular, but his knowledge and interest in engineering extends to almost any space-worthy vehicle.

Due in part to the wealth of his family but mainly due to his migratory lifestyle Kenshin has had few lasting relationships with those his own age. His primary relationships have been with his own immediate family, their employees or their trading associates. He is quite close to his older brother Toru, and prior to their mutual enlistment in the Star Army he was virtually inseparable from his sister Emiko. With those few he becomes close, Kenshin is very protective and shows remarkable loyalty.

Likes: Piloting any starship, fast ships, exercise, reading tech-manuals, loud music, strong drink, starship engineering and maintenance.

Dislikes: Idiots, liars, laziness, pirates, being 'grounded' on planets, Mishhuvurthyar.

Goals: Become captain of his own ship. Give the Mishhuvurthyar some lethal payback.



Clan: Murasaki

Immediate Family


Kenshin was born in YE 15 as a Human aboard White Harbor station, the civilian headquarters of the Murasaki Clan and their family corporate ventures. Kenshin was the youngest of four children and was not expected to inherit the responsibility of running the families business ventures, which fell upon the shoulders of his elder brothers Sozen and Toru. Kenshin and his sister Emiko alternated living aboard White Harbor station and living aboard the freighter MKSS Ryokō with their mother Murasaki Natsume, a senior freighter captain in their families merchant fleet, Trinary Star Shipping. Whilst living at White Harbor the pair had academic studies, in which they excelled, in addition to some semblance of a normal family life. Whilst they lived aboard the Ryokō they were taught all the skills necessary for life aboard a merchant starship; from life-support maintenance, Cargo-handling and inventory up to and including piloting the ship and its support craft. The pair showed considerable affinity for starship piloting and engineering, with Kenshin most gifted in the former and Emiko in the latter. When the Yamataian body type became available, Kenshin like most of his formerly Geshrin family had his consciousness and memories transferred to a new body.

In late YE 31 the MKSS Ryokō was attacked by Mishhuvurthyar raider ships during the outbreak of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War during its normal trading operations. Kenshin and his sister were aboard the vessel when it was crippled and almost destroyed by the attacking ships. If not for the intervention of the Star Army, Kenshin, his sister Emiko and their mother Natsume along with the rest of the Ryokō's crew would no doubt have lost their lives. The renewal of war, their near deaths and the timely intervention of the Star Army prompted the pair to enlist in the military.

In YE 32 Kenshin and Emiko both started their basic training. Kenshin proved to have a preference for the operation of Aerospace craft, though he also had an interest in the operation of larger starships and in building upon his technical skills. Meanwhile, Kenshin's sister Emiko dedicated herself fully to the training for starship technicians.

In The Roleplay

Murasaki Kenshin YE 33

YE 34

Service Record


Item Type Quantity Reason/s
Star Army Service 2 Successful mission completion - (Mission 4.0 - Breaking the Dam) Successful mission completion - (Mission 5.0 - Special Delivery)
Star Army Combat Medal 2 Engaging the enemy in combat - (Mission 4.0 - Breaking the Dam) Engaging the enemy in combat - (Mission 5.0 - Special Delivery)
Star Army War Medal 2 The Battle of North Gate - (Mission 4.0 - Breaking the Dam) The Battle of Yamatai - (Mission 5.0 - Special Delivery)
Star Army Secret Ops 1 Aqueuous Convert Operation - (Mission 6.0 - Mists and Mysteries)

Skill Areas

Starship Operation

Kenshin is an adept pilot who thanks to his training can utilize any of the smaller aerospace craft presently available for the Star Army of Yamatai. His additional experience aboard the MKSS Ryokō supplemented by Star Army training has granted Kenshin the skills needed to handle the operations of larger starship classes like freighters, Cargo vessels and potentially military capital ships as well. He is experienced at both flying both kinds of craft within atmospheres and inside the vacuum of space.

Maintenance and Repair

Kenshin is highly proficient in maintenance and repair duties. Not only is he personally interested in starship technologies, much of his training has been for the operation, maintenance and repair of starship equipment since his early childhood. His training has been extensive, and his experience with a variety of both civilian and military systems has given Kenshin a broad base of technical knowledge to draw upon when it comes to adapting to new or different types of technology. Additionally, thousands of hours spent working with all manner of components aboard the MKSS Ryokō has granted Kenshin a level of practical experience that has well prepared him for working on systems he is familiar with and to become acquainted with new ones.


Kenshin, in a manner similar to his aptitude with maintenance and repair has become quite proficient with engineering. He has thought up numerous small innovations that improved the efficiency of ship systems aboard the MKSS Ryokō, but as yet Kenshin has never tried to construct anything completely new. Kenshin has several different concepts he has bouncing around in his imagination, and possibly in the future he will put his engineering skills to use in order to breathe life into his ideas.


As part of his basic Star Army training, Kenshin has been trained in mathematics including algebra and trigonometry.

Kenshin is particularly adept at using mathematics for simple tasks such as calculating distance, travel time, available Delta-V etc when piloting various starships.


Kenshin has been well trained during his early years aboard the MKSS Ryokō and in Star Army basic training to use a variety of common communications methods found in various starships; including normal and advanced radio communications, direct-beam communications, hyperspace, subspace and tachyon devices.

Kenshin has after the transference into a Yamataian body become adept in telepathic communication. He is now able to telesend and telereceive messages within the full 250 km range available to the Yamataian body type. He is also able to code and decode encrypted messages whilst using telepathic sending and receiving.

Kenshin speaks, reads and writes fluent Trade (English) and Yamataian (Japanese).


Kenshin has received the basic Star Army martial training.

He has undergone training to prepare himself for combat both in Yamatai comparable conditions and within zero-gravity environments, whilst either armed or unarmed. Kenshin is quite adept and well-practiced at operating in Zero-G environments due to his experience aboard the MKSS Ryokō.

Kenshin's weapon training includes the use of various pistol types, knives and power armor.

Technology Operation

Kenshin is fully capable of operating any computer that makes use of the Kessaku OS, found within all Star Army starships, and is very familiar with various civilian operating systems. He is able to fully utilize most operating systems in order to acquire needed information. Additionly, Kenshin is highly capable with the sorts of tools and systems used for maintenance, repair, and engineering projects, due to his extensive experience and training aboard the MKSS Ryokō.


Star Army Gear

Items presently being worn by Kenshin, or are in his immediate possession:

Equipment assigned to Kenshin and presently stored in his cabin/footlocker:

Equipment assigned to Kenshin that is presently in ship storage:

Personal Items




Murasaki Kenshin is currently a Nitô Heisho in the Star Army Reserve. Kenshin has no regular salary, for matters dealing with the service he is on the Yamatai Prestige System. He has a Murasaki Clan KS Card that he uses for personal purchases.

Character Data
Character NameMurasaki Kenshin
Character OwnerKhasidel
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusReserve
SAOY RankNitô Heisho
SAOY OccupationStar Army Pilot
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center
SAOY Entry YearYE 32
DOR YearYE 34