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Radomir Ony “Roach” Cassidy

Radomir Ony “Roach” Cassidy is a NPC controlled by GM SirSkully who runs the Yeger Armaments corporation.

Radomir Ony Cassidy
Alias/es: Roach, Vasya Pupkin
Species & Gender: Male Nepleslian
Organization: Yeger Armaments
Occupation: Founder and CEO
Rank: CEO
Current Placement: Yeger Armaments

Character Description

Radomir is a noticably tall and heavily modified Nepleslian cyborg who stands roughly 6’3” and is rarely seen without his signature armoured trench coat, his build is fairly average as far as Nepleslians are concerned, with a small bit of lean muscle visible though most of the man’s strength lays in his mechanized skeleton. Countless scars with differing levels of wear and tear mar Radomir’s sickly pale skin, a mix of neat marks from various surgeries and jagged damage taken from the countless failed attempts on his life.

The man’s black hair is kept cropped high and tight to his head, and despite the fact his face is always obscured, he still manages to have a rather distinct appearance. A large faceplate, split horizontally and capable of opening to reveal Radomir’s lipless maw, as well as a helmet-sized Monoeye sensor make up his cold façade. The man beneath the heavy augmentations is arguably just as cold and calculating as any of the machines of war he so closely resembles, Radomir is almost emotionless as such his unnerving presence tends to send chills down the spines of most folks.

Radomir’s moniker, Roach, was earnt from his ability to bounce back from seemingly any attempt on his life though the various attacks throughout the years have left their mark. Even with a series of sensors aimed at him it would be hard to deduce exactly how deep his cybernetic nature goes, various artificial organs, enhancements and implants lay beneath the man’s battered skin.

History and Relationship Notes

The man now known as Radomir was born Rowyn Ony Cassidy some time in YE 04 to a drunken nightwalker for a Mother and a deadbeat hired gun for a Father so needless to say his upbringing was anything but glorious, from a young age Rowyn had a lot of spare time on his hands and only himself to watch his own back, over time this would develop into an underlying sense of paranoia that would one day save his life. Rowyn earnt himself a criminal record from a young age, initially simple low-level crimes involving him ripping precious metals from the walls of abandoned infrastructure and modifying the flow of power grids to sell what he could siphon, this would give the young lad his first injury of ending up with a 20 gauge load of rock-salt in his chest.

At the age of thirteen, with his handful of ill-gotten gains, Rowyn changed his name to Radomir and began leaning more on his previously soft Kuznyetski accent to help put his old life behind. Between reprograming drones, commandeering communications relays and generally making a digital nuisance of himself Radomir began making a bit of a name for himself, and got his first bit of mindware to better interface with the technology he tampered with.

With so much going on he was bound to mess with he wrong person sooner or later, the action of altering the flightpath of some delivery drones earnt him a spray of lead in a drive-by shooting, which ultimately missed most of his vital organs and after a visit to a bone-saw Radomir was back to his usual self with some new chrome in his veins. The conniving Nepleslian continued to slowly ramp up the intensity of his crimes over the years and would continue to make enemies, who would continue to try and snuff him out, but Radomir always bounced back much to their displeasure.

Towards the end of YE 28 Radomir earnt himself a new face, courtesy of an ignition-bomb wired up to his personal vehicle all but ionizing the man’s head yet once again he would re-emerge, this time with the fearsome look he would come to be recognised by but the scheming cyborg used this event to fake his death and buy himself a year of peace.

At the end of this grace period though his enemies were pissed off enough to form a plan together, a final solution intended to keep Radomir off their backs permanently.

An ambush occurred, swarms of mercenaries moved in and the infamous Roach was moved into a cryochamber embedded deep into a mountain, it would be meticulously maintained and guarded around the clock to ensure the asset remained on ice. And he would… for a time, disruptions caused by the Kuvexian war in YE 42 would force the company hired to guard him to re-route when they were needed in other places, reducing the one-man-prison’s staff at the wrong time. The base was attacked and severely damaged, giving Radomir enough leeway to overclock his implants and raise his core temperature to trigger a less than ideal defrosting process.

During the chaos of it all and with damage done to his meatsuit, Radomir managed to get off-world in a stolen ship, but at a toll taken on his body.

There’s a rumour circulating that Roach stole Shasta’s heart and this is true in the most literal sense, as he stole a fusion-powered prototype from the mad mutant and swapped it for his failing ticker, starting a rivalry between the two.

Having been all but dead to the sector for a decade, Radomir was understandably irked that everything his previous endeavours had amounted to had fallen apart in his absence, all but a few small cryptocurrency mining banks he had scattered around the place. And so Radomir did what he was good at, he schemed.

Radomir hired some local mercenaries to clear an abandoned mining site a few miles out from Funky City, reinforced the aging tunnels with additional infrastructure, filled it with second-hand assembly automatons and kitted out androids to protect it all.

Yeger Armaments was opened in late YE 42, a small little no-name miscellaneous weapons-manufacturing operation run by Radomir under a false alias, allowing the cyborg the funding and security he needed to stew away in the darkness, biding his time until the man could make his return.


History & Relationships

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by SirSkully on 2020/12/26 23:11.

(Put art credits if applicable)

Character Data
Character NameRadomir Ony "Roach" Cassidy
Character OwnerSirSkully
Character StatusWork In Progress