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Or'ion Training Guide

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Or'ion is the intelligence arm of the Kingdom of Neshaten, operating primary as part of the military but also under the Monarchy. This guide is used to help give a general idea of what new agents are taught and as a refresher course for veteran agents as well. Agents are trained in everything needed for their occupations, but some require more time spent training than others. For example, agents are taught how to operate in a stealth environment and to avoid detection, while also using their senses to identify possible threats to themselves and those around them. They are also taught how to hack into computer systems, both old and outdated ones that aren't even used anymore to the newer OS's that come out.

All Or'ion training takes place aboard Or'ions training carrier, the N.O.V.1) Shadow Cross. Ground based training takes place outside of the ship, either on Nesha Prime or on Levia, and in locations isolated from civilian eyes.


The following is an explanation of the course training the agents go through, including the selection process. These courses are only the fundamental courses, depending on what an agent decides to go into, they will take on more specialized training which is mentioned later on in the article.

Selection Process

It is very rare for someone to join Or'ion right from the start, as Or'ion is very selective in who they allow to join. Most prospects are scouted when they are just children, often spotted due to unique abilities they possess that sets them apart from their fellow school mates or things that get them noticed by the organization.

As years pass, Or'ion monitors these prospects; both to ensure that they don't fall off the list of possibilities but also to protect them and their families as Or'ion agents are often targeted and if information is leaked about a potential new recruit then their family could be attacked later on.

When a prospect comes of age, they are either tagged by Or'ion and a recruiter goes to meet them, or if they join the military they are invited during basic training - never once informed that they were monitored most of their life.


It is very rare for a prospect to be disqualified, although this can happen if said prospect commits a crime that lands them in prison for an unspecified amount of time. Or'ion does not, after all, want criminals in their organization.

Disqualification from serving in Or'ion doesn't come easy, as Or'ion doesn't want to lose good people. What this means is that, unless an agent is caught violating Or'ions policy, the likelihood of them being thrown out is rather low.

Losing ones sense could make someone think they would be disqualified and discharged, however that is not the case at all. If an Agent was to lose one of their senses, an example being their sense of sight, Or'ion would find some way for them to continue to serve within the organization; as stated, the organization doesn't want to lose great people, just because someone loses their ability to see doesn't mean that they can't assist in the development of tactics or the creation of missions and technology, brainstorming of idea's or the heading up of special divisions.

Stage One Training (Physical)

Stage One training is where agents begin their mandatory training, it works similar to regular basic training except much harder. Stage one revolves around physical training and lasts thirty days2). During this training, agents are tasked with surpassing their limits, pushing their physical bodies beyond the breaking point, and adapting to certain environments whether they be cold or hot, wet, or dry. This also includs finding agents who are capable of parkour, which is considered a fundamental skill that is highly sought after and mainly used by Seekers but can also be used by Watchers.

The training also involves underwater environments as well, such as honing the body to be able to stay underwater for several minutes at a time without the use of a breathing apparatus. Along with the ability to swim vast distances without getting tired.

Stage One is the first raining agents receive, it is also a continuous exercise after they have completed the first thirty days. Meaning, even during stage two and above, they are still training and improving their bodies. Stage One is also a proving ground of sorts, as almost forty percent (40%) of all prospects wash out of training, with a fifteen percent (15%) fatality rate.

Stage Two Training (Psychological)

Stage two training revolves around the psychological aspects of the agent, this training is done to improve the mind of the agents. This basically revolves around undergoing mental training, improving their ability to retain knowledge and recognize threats. Psychological training lasts forty days.

Stage Three Training (Team Training)

Agents usually operate alone, but this isn't always the case. Stage Three training teaches agents to operate together as a group, similar to a military infantry unit except that the agents are trained to utilize their unique talents and abilities to compliment one another. Stage Three lasts up to twenty to fifty days.

Stage Four (Fundamental Training)

Fundamental training is where an Agent is taught what they need to know to do their job, they are trained on the basics of assassination, hacking, stealth operation and identification along with creating basic improvised weaponry. Arguably it is the hardest of all of the stages of training because in order to progress to the next stage (or to graduation) the agent must prove their competency in the field.

Stage Four Training (Specialized)

Stage Four training is when the agents begin to move into their respective fields, be it Watcher or a Seeker. Although the training involved in either differs considerably. Specialized training doesn't have an actual completion date because both sub-occupations of the agent differ greatly in how long it might take for an agent to master the training. One example of a difference is that Watchers are indoctrinated into the Organization, the indoctrination is so fine that they become fanatics. On the other hand, Seekers don't undergo the same level of indoctrination, this means they are not as fanatic as Watchers although they are still fiercely loyal.

Stage Four is actually optional, it is not required for an agent to graduate. This is because Or'ion understands that an Agent has to feel comfortable in one of the two sub-occupations, thus the organization grants the Agent the ability to learn as they go and are given course material as they serve on bases or ships. However, eventually the agent does have to go through tests to see if they can truly be called upon to serve under a new title.

Stage Five Graduation

When Agents are done with their training, they undergo a rigorous test to determine whether they are fit to be granted the title of agent or the title accompanying the sub-occupation they choose. This test revolves around infiltration, hacking, espionage, sabotage, and assassination.

Specialized Training

The following is a list of all of the specialized training courses. It should be noted, that all agents are taught the fundamentals of all of this, these courses are mainly the more advanced versions 'of' them and are also specific to the sub-occupations and are required in order to be selected for that occupation.


A specialized field of hacking involves training agents to break through firewalls utilizing more specialized equipment such as code-breakers and other specialized training like Cyber Warfare. Hacking is a risky venture because the agent has to keep in mind that while they are hacking they also have to cover their tracks, or else they risk being spotted by an opposing hacker. For My'leke this is more serious because a My'leke hacker risks being killed if the opposing hacker sends an electric shock through the data-line, which in turn can fry the brain. Daur are more secure, in that they aren't at risk of this happening, but they can still potentially give away their position or even create more problems than solving.

Starship hacking

Hacking into a starship is considered a far more serious form of hacking than hacking into a central computer system like those commonly found in cities. Agents can do quite a bit of damage to an enemy ship the longer they are able to remain undetected.

When an agent or any individual hacks into an opposing ship, the hacking can be done in multiple different fashions. Either by going through the ships communications systems, or by using an onsite uplink device that can be attached in secret to the ships hull.

Agents have to learn that hacking into the ship is the first big hurdle, maintaining said hack is the next more important step. This can be accomplished either by spoofing the enemies systems into thinking that no hack is occurring or by inserting a computer virus that will keep specific systems online such as the communications system to prevent the hacker from having their connection interrupted.

There are other methods to remain attached to a ship, the easiest method that an agent learn is to use a fiber optic cable that can be attached directly to the ship. This type of insertion is unbreakable through electronics, and can only be severed directly by shooting or cutting the line with a physical weapon or tool. Although, this requires the agent to get directly onto the ship either by being 'on' the hull or by being in a fighter or ship that is within thirty meters of the opposing ships hull.

Once an agent is into the opposing ships systems, they can do a myriad of different things including shutting down life-support, rerouting power systems, shutting down weapons or even forcing weapons to fire elsewhere. The possibilities are nearly endless. But, what an agent can do to the opposition, so to can the opposition do to them, so they must learn how to recognize even the most subtle of intrusions and protect against them.


The process of knowing how to hide in plain sight and out of sight of possible threats. Agents are taught how to use their surroundings more effectively and to blend into crowds of people or how to divert suspicion away from them and to others. Specialized stealth training also trains the agents how to use their surroundings to hide themselves, such as treating camo-nets and clothing.

Improvised Weapons and Devices

This type of training teaches agents how to create weapons or objects out of everyday items or out of stuff that an agent may find out in the battlefield. However, this type of training only teaches the soldier what the instructors already know, most of the actual teaching of this comes from the outside - while an agent is deployed.


An important task for watchers is being able to identify a threat; threat identification training hones what the agent already knows and improves upon it, teaching them other means such as looking for hand gestures or emotions that could be a tip off or by seeking out hobbies that fall in line with known terrorists or a target. Identification and Hacking actually go hand in hand, as it leads to Agents becoming Electronic Warfare Specialists that operate on star fighters and ships.


Executing assassinations must be done with the permission of the ruling Monarch.

Assassination training hones an agents ability to get close to a target and kill them, all the while without revealing their presence. This particular training coincides with all other specialized training and is the primary domain of the Seeker. When Agents undergo this type of training, they are taught various techniques for killing their target. These range from utilizing drugs, sharp weapons, or even using the environment.


Drugs are one of the most common tools of an assassin; this is largely because drugs have to be designed for the three distinct races of the Kingdom, although some drugs are compatible with all some others are not. An agent must know what level of a drug to use to create an overdose to kill their target, while at the same time trying to ensure that no one actually figures out that it was an assassination. Using the drugs that a target takes, if they take any, is a major plus - however - if they don't take any drugs then the assassin has to find other means.


Agents are tasked with educating themselves on all currently known types of firearms, including the ballistic, laser, and plasma weaponry and knowing which weapon might be good for a situation. However, out of those, an agents best weapon and one that they are required to be proficient in is Archery. This is because, unlike the other three mentioned weapon types, an arrow can be dipped in poison and used to create a slow death while at the same time the assassin can also possibly recover said arrow to remove possible evidence.

Knowing what weapon to use is paramount, some weapons might be better in one situation than another. A bow being used to assassinate a target in the woods where there isn't much worry of collateral damage, while in a big city there is too much of a risk that a civilian might get hit.


A lot of the plants on Nesha Prime may be edible, but there are also those that are poisonous if not treated properly. Poison is a good alternative to using drugs or weapons because it is very difficult to trace the poison to any one person; plus poison can be placed into a targets food or drink.


Arguably killing a mark through the use of an accident is not only cleaner but also less suspicious. These accidents can come in the form of unsecured items like construction equipment, falls from high places, a vehicle losing it's ability to turn and crashing into walls.

Knowing what might be good for what instance is good, if a target is constantly on the move in a vehicle then breaking into that vehicle and disabling it's computer systems so that it would go offline several seconds before impact can result in investigators feeling that a computer failure caused the incident. In terms of a fall from a high place, such a building, cleft, or bridge, a person can be shoved or pulled off to their deaths.

Bare-hand (Or Tail)

There are times when poison, firearms, and even drugs aren't an option; either because the assassin can't get those items close enough to the target or an area might be to heavily guarded for them to pass through the area. Killing a mark with the bare-hands isn't an easy process, however, this is also difficult to do because all Neshaten's are taught almost from birth on how to defend themselves in close-quarters combat whether it is with a weapon or bare hands. So catching a mark off-guard is one of the only ways to truly kill them, otherwise the assassin might be in for a fight. Various types of martial arts are taught to the agent, those that focus more on a bodies pressure points and those that are designed to disable.

Bomb Making

Bomb making is a field of study that involves not only creating bombs, but also in disarming them. This is mainly used for assassination purposes but it can also apply to demoing enemy structures and preventing escapes from possible threats.

Cyber warfare

Cyber Warfare is similar to hacking except that instead of hacking into an opposing system, they are opposing a hack on their system. Cyber warfare specialists are agents who know how to counter hacking more effectively than someone merely trained in the basics, what this essentially boils down to is recognizing an attack on a system and then not only countering it but also isolating where the hacking is coming from. This also includes possible counter attacks against the hacking, either in the form of blowing the opposing system or by sending an electrical surge to short a system out, there are a number of possibilities that a Cyber warfare specialist can employ in their battle against other hackers.

High Mobility

High Mobility training is a must have for all agents, in fact, it is the only specialized training that is actually mandatory. High Mobility training revolves around improving a person's already physically fit body to overcome obstacles and to scale walls and even the sides of buildings by utilizing anything on the building that can be used as a hand/foot hold. In short, this is parkur taken to a more extreme level. This allows agents to more easily get to a higher elevation depending on their missions.


It should come as no surprise to an agent that sometimes, their missions aren't always so clear cut. Teaching an agent how to investigate scenes allows them to better understand what they might be dealing with, from looking for that elusive stray hair to a possible boot or paw print in wet mud or shallow ground. Being able to investigate also teaches the agent to observe their surroundings more, looking for objects of opportunities such as items that can be used on their mission that those not trained in this skill wouldn't notice.

However, Or'ion agents aren't 'just' tasked with military style missions. Sometimes, they might be called upon to assist in civil investigations as well, when City Guard forces require an extra helping hand.


People are always interacting with objects, both those that appear naturally in the environment and those created by the hands of others. An agents job is to always be mindful of where these objects are at all times, looking for subtle differences in the location of an object when first observed to where they are when their eyes are taken off that object.

This includes environmental objects as mentioned, such as differences in the way the ground appeared minutes or even hours beforehand to how it appears currently in the present.

Friend or Foe

It goes without saying that where are friends, there are also foes. Enemies to the kingdom can be both internal and external, such as foreign entities that might want to harm the Kingdom. It's an agents job to easily recognize the friendlies from the foes, the terrorists who blend in with the crowd, the foreign agents who operate in secrecy.


The environment that surrounds an Agent's area can be both an advantage or a disadvantage depending on what exists in that environment. An unable rock face could be used to assassinate a target, or to create a diversion to draw enemies or suspicion away from the agent. The environment can also give a general idea of what the agent might be dealing with, changes in how the terrain looks could mean that people either moved through the area or had stopped and camped for a brief time. Other changes includes tracks in a road, or even the very small signs of anti-gravity vehicles that leave behind faint gravitic traces in the soil.

Sense Training

Senses such as hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. A Neshaten is always born either lacking one or two completely or at least suffering from degradation in them. Because of this, agents are specifically trained to take advantage of those senses which are not impaired, to make up for the lack in other areas.

Neshaten Or'ion Vessel
one OOC month

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/orion/training_manual.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:48 by wes